Tag: The Shot

The ABC of craven capitulation – The Shot

Laura Tingle does not need counselling. Laura Tingle needs a boss and an employer prepared to back her unequivocally. She needs an ABC that is fearless and independent and rises above and ignores the continual contemptible attacks on it and its journalists from its rabid rivals at News Corp. As do we all. ABC viewers are sick of the national broadcaster inviting representatives of its chief traducer on to its prestigious platforms and allowing it to set the news agenda in its own warped image. We decry News Corp being taken seriously as a news organisation rather than the legally adjacent, ideologically extreme, dangerously ruthless rogue company that it consistently reveals itself to be.

Source: The ABC of craven capitulation – The Shot

Why buying cocaine and sex workers for Australia’s highest profile rapist wasn’t a brilliant idea – The Shot

It is only through the meeting of detached cruelty and monumental ineptitude that Seven and NewsCorp defied such excellent odds and backed one of the one percent of rapists that didn’t get away with it. 

Source: Why buying cocaine and sex workers for Australia’s highest profile rapist wasn’t a brilliant idea – The Shot

A ‘small target’ government in a big moment – The Shot

Still kicking around in the rumpus room of their collective imagination, the ALP is content to sit like an eclipse over the uninspiring centre-right blob of small ideas hanging around like a miasma since Howard. Like their major party predecessors, neglecting the same urgent problems, Labor no longer serves in a people-facing capacity, callously ignorant to the public interest, arrogantly self-entitled to the power they covet on the two-party see-saw. And that simply won’t cut it anymore. The electoral reality, with minor parties and independents growing from the grassroots, tells a different story. The events of the 2022 election won’t be an isolated case. Australians now have options to help take their democracy back from the ground up.

Source: A ‘small target’ government in a big moment – The Shot

Goodbye to all that – the Coalition’s year of living aimlessly – The Shot

Yes, you can argue Labor remains too rigid, traumatised by their past ordeals and the limp, wet threat of the Murdochracy. But for every shuffle they make dragging Australia into some form of responsible government, however much they stink at climate change management, or understanding genocide in Gaza, they’ll never extinguish the wretched stench of the years Australians spent under the hands of the Enemies Of Woke, the federal Coalition, whose only achievement after over 9 years in power has been an uptick in national corruption commission referrals and Canberra cocaine sales. Roll on 2024.

Source: Goodbye to all that – the Coalition’s year of living aimlessly – The Shot

The era of watching on in horror – The Shot

“What have you been focussing on at work this year?”

Well, recently it’s mostly been: genocide, terrorism, kidnapping, ethnic cleansing, war, racism, systemic racism in settler colonies, sexual assault, billionaires subverting democracy, the climate crisis, the horrors of social media, the horrors of traditional media, Rupert Murdoch, the politicians I don’t like, that discombobulating time Pauline Hanson called me a racist on Twitter, and thousands upon thousand of murdered children.

“I see,” she said, clearly seeing. “And what measures do you have in place at work to deal with all that?”

Source: The era of watching on in horror – The Shot

Labor is parroting One Nation immigration policy now – The Shot

Migrants are not people to this government or, sadly, this population. They’re a tool. A gold mine. A GDP boost. Pauline Hanson was never smart enough to add that level of “nuance” to her politics, but it is what she always meant. Hanson has always been pro-migration if it’s white people from wealthy countries. In other words, Labor has adopted One Nation rhetoric and is building policy that, while One Nation will inevitably claim isn’t enough, is in the direction that they want to see it.

Migrants are not the problem in this country. They’re not the cause of our economic challenges, the cost of living, or the housing crisis. In fact, they’re quite often all that stands between us and things becoming so much worse.

So fuck Anthony Albanese and Clare O’Neil for seeing their fading poll numbers and actually going with “Fuck off, we’re full.” What utterly gutless, dishonest, cruel and worthless politicians they’ve turned out to be.

Source: Labor is parroting One Nation immigration policy now – The Shot

Anatomy of a rape: Brittany Higgins takes the stand – The Shot

Trigger warning: this article contains descriptions of an alleged sexual assault that people, especially victims of sexual assault, might find traumatic. Please exercise caution and care.

Source: Anatomy of a rape: Brittany Higgins takes the stand – The Shot

Lies exposed in Bruce Lehrmann’s case against Lisa Wilkinson – The Shot

Watching Bruce Lehrmann’s terrible, horrible, no good very bad days in the witness box at the start of his defamation case against Channel 10 and Lisa Wilkinson last week, one wonders if he was fully prepared for the difference between a cross-examination by Dr Matt Collins KC and a chequebook chat on Spotlight?

Source: Lies exposed in Bruce Lehrmann’s case against Lisa Wilkinson – The Shot

The lying game: Australia’s political landscape to come – The Shot

The news will no longer inform you, it will simply be a tool that politicians like Dutton utilise to amplify their latest lie or their latest culture war head-on-a-stick, so our hearts and minds and our neighbourhoods become divided every moment of every day.

Source: The lying game: Australia’s political landscape to come – The Shot

Whatever happens tomorrow, that truly fucking sucked – The Shot

Yes or No on Saturday, the Uluru Statement from the Heart was a staggeringly generous offer from Indigenous Australians, the easiest of olive branches to clasp, moral and justifiable legally, economically, philosophically; a course of action with precisely fuck all negative consequences for anyone except mining companies and the sick fucks that still get a kick out of Indigenous subjugation. I sincerely hope we accept this opportunity in good faith, with open hearts and minds. I am worried we will not.

Source: Whatever happens tomorrow, that truly fucking sucked – The Shot

What is happening to ‘our’ ABC? | The Shot

The biggest public announcement of war with the ABC has been announced with Tony Abbott being appointed to the board of News Corp by Lachlan (Rupert) Murdoch. Abbott took the LNP to war with the ABC with his promise to Murdoch that he would eliminate it in a quid pro quo arrangement for his support. Every effort was made from the moment Abbott came to power. His No Cuts promise broken Abbott went directly for the heart of Australia’s Democracy. Our access to News and Information is the very reason why the ABC exists in the first place. A Statutory Independent Body was created to ensure governments were held to account. Abbott began neutering the ABC with budgets and banned his government Cabinet ministers from appearing on the ABC. He cozied up to Murdoch as we saw in their faux photoshoot in Atlanta even after having lost the leadership of his own party in order to show he was still relevant. Now he’s been appointed a general on the board of Australia’s worst Democratic enemy News Corp. For how long can News Corp and the Murdochs provoke us before we retaliate?

Why Australians would be concerned with the ramblings of an unknown conservative politician halfway around the world whose main obsessions are pot-holes and fighting the “woke disease” is anybody’s guess, but don’t discount the desperate research moles at the ABC, ably assisted by their research assistants at the right-wing IPA, who helpfully and regularly plant stories and suggest suitable guests to the ABC like dogs laying down beloved bones.

Because a few weeks after the obscure radio interview with Nick Fletcher-Who? where he raised the subject of a UK Minister For Men, Nick’s little issue had remarkably travelled across the world and become a major talking point on the ABC’s alleged premier panel show, QandA. Never mind that QandA has morphed into that 1990’s white trash Jerry Springer Show; the bigger question is why and how this became an issue for Australians at all?

The problem is, by shifting to that model, the ABC just wallows down in the gutter with the rest of them. Murdoch is already doing gutter journalism; his worldwide media outlets do ugly well. Why compete with them? If the ABC’s audience, and by that I mean their audience everywhere on all platforms, if they wanted to observe fabricated culture war bullshit, if they wanted to have relevant facts obscured from them, if they wanted an obvious lack of research or care, if they wanted the endless lies of the Vote No campaign re-framed as some sort of credible truth – if they wanted all of that, they’d simply consume Murdoch 24 hours a day. 

Murdoch already does that better than anybody else on the planet – why not choose the higher ground where quality and facts exist instead?

Source: What is happening to ‘our’ ABC? | The Shot

Fuck Rupert Murdoch – The Shot

Across a 70-year career as the head of News Corporation – a non-state political actor and conservative social engineering project disguised as a news media company – Murdoch has innovated, refined and perfected methods of inflicting misery and dulling minds all across the Western world, at great distance from his physical, shrivelled shell. If the world’s information flows like a stream, Rupert Murdoch has for seven decades been a strain of E. Coli tainting the waters.

Source: Fuck Rupert Murdoch – The Shot

Voiceless – The Shot

The fullest acknowledgment of humanity is to say, I see you and I hear you.

Contrary to the constant refrain of the No campaign, this referendum has not divided us. We were already divided. What it has done is exaggerate gaps and fissures that already existed.

If we vote No on October 14, it will not suddenly reveal Australia as a deeply racist nation – all it will do is prove it.

Source: Voiceless – The Shot

The ‘No’ campaign’s argument isn’t based on fear – it IS fear – The Shot


 Before we begin I’d like to acknowledge how painfully Australian it is that the Prime Minister announced the date of the referendum – ostensibly about whether we should listen to Indigenous people – almost immediately after photo-oping in a personalised Rio Tinto shirt, a mining company that was recently urged not to blow up a 46,000-year-old Indigenous heritage site but did so anyway because this is Australia and we don’t listen to Indigenous people.

Source: The ‘No’ campaign’s argument isn’t based on fear – it IS fear – The Shot

Bullshit and spin – The Shot

During his rise to power in 1930’s Germany, Adolf Hitler’s inner circle had a major problem – their leader was an unpalatable weirdo. A peculiar, solitary figure who lived alone, had manic temper outbursts and scowled at cameras, Hitler was quite the spin doctor’s challenge.

Source: Bullshit and spin – The Shot

I willingly watched Channel 7 and didn’t even regret it – The Shot

Australia can change, and for the better. It happened this month on the back of the mighty Matildas and it can happen again in October.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t involve watching any more fucking Channel Seven.

Source: I willingly watched Channel 7 and didn’t even regret it – The Shot

Dudded: Peter Dutton in No-man’s land – The Shot

Don’t wait for Peter Dutton to tell you what Peter Dutton thinks, he’s still waiting on his “Advisors”, they’re feeding him the bullets. Meanwhile the real history of the Dutton years in Australian politics will be that new lows can always be found and regardless of the question, No is always the answer.

Source: Dudded: Peter Dutton in No-man’s land – The Shot

Whoever wins, we lose – The Shot

A world drowning in misinformation, depression, existential isolation, conspiracy cults, wellness circuses, creeping fascism, resurgent white supremacy, and the degradation of humanity’s collective attention span isn’t exactly crying out for more social media. That’s like turning to booze to deal with a drinking problem. Or capitalism to fix the climate crisis. You see this thing ruining all this important stuff? Perhaps we need more of it? It’s a fucking wonder we get our pants on each morning.

Today, the world’s actually powerful – read: the obscenely wealthy – do not need to do this (fight over bodies) because they instead own the levers to our scattered, atomised minds. 

Source: Whoever wins, we lose – The Shot

The toilet police are here and they want you to know they are very serious – The Shot

If your whole life is devoted to policing toilets, you’d spend a lot of time trying to convince everyone that toilets need police, and it’s an important and serious thing to do, rather than something obsessive and creepy and weird.

Source: The toilet police are here and they want you to know they are very serious – The Shot

The disappointing failure of the non-existent ‘Yes’ campaign – The Shot


On the 30th of August 2022, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese held a press conference with Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney and gambling ad spokesperson Dr Shaquile O’Neal to announce a referendum on the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament, an advisory body of First Nations people who talk to Indigenous groups on a state and local level to try represent the diverse opinions of Indigenous people.

Eleven months later, the referendum bill passed, leaving many to wonder whether the ‘Yes’ campaign will ever start?

Source: The disappointing failure of the non-existent ‘Yes’ campaign – The Shot

“The poison in Australia’s bloodstream” – The Shot

I carry with me the fuzzy cognitive dissonance of a white man educated in a settler colony, an old land with new rulers, an Imperial outpost trying to be better, more inclusive and kinder but refusing to go to therapy, refusing to listen, refusing to admit there might indeed be some unreconciled structural hurt surrounding a certain genocide-and-dispossession situation – Australia’s “wHaT rAcIsM?!” brigade only ever a dog-whistle away from the Culture War’s frontlines.

A nation asking itself whether it wants to start listening to its First Nations Peoples on matters that concern them is not at risk of losing its non-existent egalitarian nature, the purity of its constitution, of its democracy – it is simply at risk of understanding itself for the first time, and when you exist in denial nothing is more terrifying.

Source: “The poison in Australia’s bloodstream” – The Shot

If this is the best we can hope for, why do we even bother? – The Shot

So a minister squirming and feeling uncomfortable about doing the unconscionable does send a mildly better message out into the universe, an improvement over ceding the airwaves and their mesmerising quality to parliament’s remaining Neanderthals – bought husks waving lumps of coal around Parliament House as a proxy for being able to waggle their tiny Neanderthal dicks in their hairy Neanderthal hands, something parliamentarians have needed to recently be discouraged from doing any more. No arguments from me there.

But that’s not the only worthwhile measure, though, is it? In reality – a place that needs to contend with the laws of physics and not the laws of political messaging – a place that billions of future humans will be dropped into head-first, drowning and burning – the upset feelings of any single minister consigning more carbon into the atmosphere matters not one single fucking iota.

Source: If this is the best we can hope for, why do we even bother? – The Shot

The AUKUS truth: bipartisan defence policy sells short Australian sovereignty – The Shot

It seems clear that Morrison doublecrossed the French for AUKUS and the long-term promise of his new appointment on the board of a military think tank funded by the arms industry. A move that couldn’t be seen to happen immediately after his election loss.

The government seems under equipped to deal with this situation, lacking a backbone to challenge the legacy of the last decade of Coalition malaise, and with no ability to articulate how things could be if we thought independently as a nation state. After being roped into this position by a duplicitous Morrison government and barred from the AUKUS negotiations while in opposition, the government has passed on the opportunity to challenge the trajectory and tripled down, scared to take any position that dare challenge this new and dangerous status quo. Through a lack of inspiration, a callous detachment, and political cowardice, they continue to cede our sovereignty because its politically expedient for them to do so.

Source: The AUKUS truth: bipartisan defence policy sells short Australian sovereignty – The Shot

What is the point of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese? – The Shot

I ordered a delicious but bog-standard pizza last night and it cost me thirty fucking dollars. JobSeekers are expected to live on forty fucking dollars a day. I do not keep meticulous financial records but I am fucking certain my shelter and nourishment, bills and bullshit, for the rest of the day cost more than the ten fucking dollars difference.

Source: What is the point of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese? – The Shot

Australian housing is a cartel, and it’s time to break it up | The Shot

if we’re being honest, is that not what the housing market has become – little more than a racket to grift money out of those unlucky schmucks not already in on the game? Or more accurately, a cartel.

Source: Australian housing is a cartel, and it’s time to break it up | The Shot

How transphobes held the door open for literal fucking Nazis | The Shot

The Reality is they reflect the true nature of the current LNP

Australia recently saw the public return of desperate and dangerous bigots we once naively thought gone for good. I do not mean Kyle Sandilands on Australian Idol. I am referring to the Nazis saluting and salivating outside Victoria’s Parliament.

Source: How transphobes held the door open for literal fucking Nazis | The Shot

The importance of unclear communication at work | The Shot

Clear and effective communication is a key concept in any workplace culture. Unless you can identify clear, effective communication and get rid of it, your colleagues will quickly see you for the fraud you are.

Source: The importance of unclear communication at work | The Shot

The rise of the Right-eous | The Shot

 The right’s agenda is no longer about manipulating the media, it’s about manipulating reality. And it is not a conspiracy – it is business.

It’s the business of pushing right-wing agendas, the business of creating chaos, the business of maintaining power. If progressives don’t start understanding and accepting that this is now part of how you maintain political power, if they don’t accept that this is happening, if they don’t start pushing and spinning the ball of manipulation back, they will ultimately lose.

Source: The rise of the Right-eous | The Shot

How to sell out your species while pretending to be the adults in the room | The Shot

Nothing normal.

Whenever a narrative is detached from observable, tangible, bona-fide, actual real reality but widely believed anyway, staggeringly shitty things always happen. As the gulf between what is and what is believed grows larger, trauma, misery, oppression, and, in the worst cases, piles of gooey, smelly, otherwise-avoidable death inevitably follow. 

Whenever mass delusions like Australia’s climate debate occur, it is meant to be journalism’s mission to peel back the layers of crud, these conditioned false truisms, and drag democracies closer to a state of informed decision making. But here’s the fucking thing: as the dust settles on this age, what emerges is the largest media voices – particularly Murdoch, but on this topic almost everyone in Australia, from the ABC to Channel 7 – helped spread and proliferate mass delusion more effectively than any other force, bar the Church, on the fucking planet. 

These same voices now and forever tell us The Greens, the only party with a position conducive with humanity’s continued tenancy on Earth, are the unreasonable ones? 

Inhumanely wealthy individuals in mining have purchased the support of both major parties. And the extreme propaganda end of the “news” spectrum has enabled this by claiming the climate crisis is nonsense, for decades, while the more “reasonable” press allows that stupidity to survive by telling us to consider both sides as the fires and floods keep getting worse

Source: How to sell out your species while pretending to be the adults in the room | The Shot

The Robodebt Royal Commission has exposed the depth of Canberra’s rot | The Shot

With the multitude of interlinking fuck-ups strewn among this pockmarked road – the ministerial opportunism, the abrogation of duty of care on behalf of the senior public servants, the omissions of contracted lawyers, the pay-outs and the human toll – all of it seems to have been avoidable if there were anyone along this chain of command who truly cared about the horrible consequences. The Robodebt scheme has left a permanent mark on the nation, it is etched into the memory of so many and into the legacy of those who unleashed it, and it signals an urgent need for change that can no longer be ignored.

Source: The Robodebt Royal Commission has exposed the depth of Canberra’s rot | The Shot

What a stupid year | The Shot

Nothing normal.

2022, an exceptionally dumb year, began with former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison advocating for the rights of disadvantaged children everywhere to be able to drive forklifts at Woolies; the pandemic had exacerbated global supply chain issues and, of all the imaginable remedies to this situation, minimum-wage kids operating heavy machinery appealed to Scott’s mindhole the most. The year ended, just as appropriately, with former American President Donald Trump dropping a collection of $99 NFTs, artificially scarce internet pictures that depict him dressed up as a superhero or a cowboy or a football player.

Source: What a stupid year | The Shot

Labor really, really needs to break some different promises | The Shot

The narrative needs to be that Australia is now aiming so much higher than the previous government ever imagined, that being locked into their mediocre, just-enough, low-tax policies is neither virtuous nor honourable, and in fact, a betrayal of the next generation.

And he needs to do it sooner rather than later, because an ineffective damp lettuce leaf is not going to be the Opposition Leader forever.

Source: Labor really, really needs to break some different promises | The Shot

The verdict on “Albo’s” first 100 Days | The Shot

Some described it as a great sigh of relief – the national exhalation of a breath we’d grown accustomed to holding. Others spoke of a weight lifted from our collective shoulders: we could walk freely again, stretching out carefully as the stoop straightened.

The wave of euphoria that flowed across the country on election night and its immediate aftermath was reflected in the enthusiasm even Labor doubters had for the incoming Government and its authentic workaday leader.

Source: The verdict on “Albo’s” first 100 Days | The Shot

Mess Minister | The Shot

To add insult to high farce, Scott Morrison also came out at his own press conference where, apart from bleating for almost an hour about tempests and ships at sea and how he’d been up there on the cross for us thanks very much you thankless bastards, he offered a singular apology to his fellow government colleagues. Yes, his mea-not-really-culpa was just to them.

Mess Minister | The Shot

Old Dog Thought-Why didn’t GG Hurley make an official diary record of Morrison’s swearing-in of 5 Ministries


“No” = No or Yes

“Yes” = Yes or No

“Not to my knowledge” = Yes, it happened

“I am unaware” = Yes, it happened

“That’s not my job” = It is my job

“Jenny has a way of …” = I have no idea what is happening

“People tell me every day” = No one talks to me

Scroto’s Train Wreck “explanation” for his secret coup of five ministries here:

Fighting Fake News with REAL; Memes; The Shot; Eroding Democracy

It’s not a game anymore | The Shot

Rather than be bogged down by the games in Canberra, we need to roll up our sleeves and squeeze the last drops of hope out of our souls. In every walk of life, every profession, every community, there are discussions and decisions and organising we must start doing now that will pay enormous dividends in three years time. We need to put in the hard work so that in the next parliament the political calculations around climate targets are radically different.

It’s not a game anymore | The Shot

It’s not a game anymore | The Shot

It’s a big task. A lot of work. But it’s got to happen. Saving the planet is not a game anymore.

I watched all of Sky After Dark’s election coverage and have some fucking concerns | The Shot

By cruel editors, I was tasked with watching Sky After Dark’s election coverage. All of it. As if this election wasn’t painful enough on its own. After a four-week long mental breakdown we decided I had seen more than enough horror.

From Rita Panahi’s ‘exclusives’ that are just her ripping stories from Qanon websites in America, to Chris Kenny’s crying about ‘ABC virtue signallers’, to Andrew Bolt’s ramblings about ‘the woke brigade’, to Paul Murray yelling about the ‘mad left’, to Peta Credlin’s constant name dropping of Tony Abbott, to Cory Bernardi’s hosting with all the sense and charisma of a wet Klan hood, to Piers Morgan’s nightly rants about Meghan Markle, to Joe Hildebrand existing; I suffered through it all.


Source: I watched all of Sky After Dark’s election coverage and have some fucking concerns | The Shot

The war in Ukraine has nothing to do with “wokeness”, you’re just a right-wing nutjob | The Shot

Andrew Bolt actually posted on his blog that Wokeness just might win the war against the conservative Russian army. What he’s unable to say however, is that Putin, in who he actually believes, is on Bolt’s side of righteousness in the current culture wars. Putin, like Bolt, is anti- LGBTQIs, anti-multiculturalism, anti- critical theory, anti- feminist , is a racist, a religious discriminator, and an ultra-white Christian Nationalist. You see Bolt is totally anti-Woke and so pro-Putin. So are Tim Smith, Tony Abbott, the LNP, IPA and News Corp

Wokeness is just the newest boogie man hiding under the bed of every conservative commentator. But like all boogie men, if you shine a light on them, you quickly find out there’s nothing there. All you’re left with is a frightened child with an overactive imagination who’s too scared to go to sleep.

Source: The war in Ukraine has nothing to do with “wokeness”, you’re just a right-wing nutjob | The Shot

Australian politics is unequivocally fucked | The Shot

This occurs through Murdoch media’s relentless ramming of Liberal Party propaganda into our eyeholes. Through the ABC’s enthusiastic embrace of the false balance doctrine – “tonight on Q&A, a climate scientist and a psychopath from the IPA!” – and sucking Sydney off whenever it can. Through NineFax’s desperate and overwhelmingly successful race to be worse than it used to be. All of this adds up to a horseshoe to the part of the skull containing our grasp on reality, an intravenous drip of dickhead. For next year to be better than this year, everything needs to change. The collision of a once in a 100-year global pandemic, historic levels of wealth inequality, climate collapse, rampant misogyny, and the corrupt, uninterested political leadership that inevitably emerged at the ass-end of neoliberalism’s upwards wealth redistribution project has been a fucking nightmare to behold. The hope we must cling onto is the fact real, objective reality has become so obviously discordant with the version of reality spun out of Canberra people are starting to notice.

Source: Australian politics is unequivocally fucked | The Shot

Scott Morrison: not with a bang, but a whimper | The Shot

Australians had some world-class news coverage this month when Scott Morrison slumped in a barber’s chair before thrusting a limp sausage at unsuspecting RSL veterans, all in the name of political journalism. Unlike other times in his career, however, this time Morrison knew where the sharp blade was coming from.I’m no expert in newsroom ratings, but I’m pretty sure watching a Prime Minister’s haircut is right up there with televised earwax moulding and people who post script-font quotes on Instagram. But, lols, it’s theatre guys, colour and movement for all those reality-telly-Facebook comment votes, designed to drown out that feeling of dread you get when you realise the Australian government went to the world climate change conference to save the planet with some Year 12 PowerPoint graphs and a gas company paying for the coffee stand.

Source: Scott Morrison: not with a bang, but a whimper | The Shot