Tag: The Voice

Under the facade of journalism – Pearls and Irritations

The News Corporation logo.

How News Corp used fear, manipulation and division to campaign against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.


The defeat of the Voice to Parliament was a dark moment in Australian politics.

This loss cannot, of course, be attributed to the actions of News Corp alone. However, given the findings of this report, it also cannot be denied that Australia’s most powerful media company effectively functioned as part of the ‘No’ campaign, playing a significant and singular role.

The loss was not through this alone. News Corp used fear, manipulation and division to campaign against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Source: Under the facade of journalism – Pearls and Irritations

#6 TOP IA STORY OF 2023: Indigenous arguments against the Voice did exist — but the media hid them

While many Indigenous figures support the proposed Voice to Parliament, there are still some who oppose it, but the mainstream media won’t tell you why, writes Tom Tanuki.

Source: #6 TOP IA STORY OF 2023: Indigenous arguments against the Voice did exist — but the media hid them

Scam of the Year 2023: nine of the niftiest scams in Australian business and politics – Michael West

Michael West Media, scam of the year

Announcing the Scam of the Year awards in Australian business and politics. What an embarrassment of rorting riches it is. Michael West with the countdown of elite scams, the creme de la creme, unvarnished, what you will not read in fossil media.

Source: Scam of the Year 2023: nine of the niftiest scams in Australian business and politics – Michael West

Voice Referendum doomed by Coalition’s digital manipulation

No doubt some of you will think we made a mistake in that first sentence. The Uluru page was created in 2017, during the Coalition Government’s tenure. The now resigned Coalition Minister, Ken Wyatt, as Indigenous Affairs Minister, submitted a final report in July 2021 to the Morrison Government, which designed and funded the Voice with $7.3 million.

The Morrison Government, under former Treasurer Josh Frydenberg‘s direction, subsequently included $160 million in the 2019 Budget for the Voice Referendum, assuring Australia a referendum within three years.

Frydenberg openly supported the Voice and expressed confidence that it would succeed:


Source: Voice Referendum doomed by Coalition’s digital manipulation

Our mainstream media failed this country during the Voice referendum – Pearls and Irritations

Negative Space Cut letter set, double fused together font. Modern high alphabet, contemporary narrow type for logo, monogram and headline. Vector typography design Image:iStock/ Anhelina Lisna

The APC is a self regulating  toothless tiger,

As the former managing director and editor in chief of The Age newspaper (and founder of the Australian Press Council), this is a hard piece to write. In my view the mainstream media – journalists and commentators – have failed this country during the debate on the Voice.

Source: Our mainstream media failed this country during the Voice referendum – Pearls and Irritations

Dutton’s Pyrrhic victory – Pearls and Irritations


The White Australian Majority trampled on an Indigenous request 5 years in the making. ” Oh, I didn’t know” is simply a Racist cover”

Certainly, Dutton has demonstrated that disinformation, division and some outright lies can confuse and motivate large sections of the community.

“The giant Gulliver of Australian goodwill allowed itself to be immobilised by a hundred petty Lilliputian doubts and fears, turning five years of Yes into a decisive No.

“John Howard for instance, urged people to vote NO because of the need to ‘maintain the rage’. What in earth does the former prime minister have to be so angry about? What is about a disadvantaged minority comprising 3% of the population that demands a sustained national rage?”

Moreover, there is the question of trust. Before the last Federal election Scott Morrison topped the list of most distrusted Australian politicians. Peter Dutton came second. The rest of the top 10 were also Liberals.

Dutton looks as if he is set to take over the top place – much to the advantage of the Teals and Anthony Albanese.

Source: Dutton’s Pyrrhic victory – Pearls and Irritations

Australia Voice referendum results show Indigenous people supported it | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site

Senator Jacinta Price. Picture: Keryn Stevens

Jacinta Price is the self-elected, Dutton-appointed spokesperson for the Indigenous Nations of Australia. Did you listen to their question Bruce? What about you Sheila? Jacinta didn’t!

While every state and territory apart from the ACT rejected the proposed Voice to parliament in Saturday’s referendum, Indigenous communities resoundingly supported it.

Source: Australia Voice referendum results show Indigenous people supported it | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site

The Voice reveals the urgent need for truth reforms – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Image of the Australian Indigenous Flag overlaid with the words truth lies.

Robert Reich recently posted this message: “The forces undermining our democracy, polluting our planet, and stoking hatred are counting on you to give up.

“They have money.

“They have megaphones.

“And they have an even more powerful weapon – one that’s harder to spot but incredibly effective: Cynicism.

“Don’t give up.”

The Albanese government has the power to ensure that Australian political speech is as truthful as possible in a world where reliable information is both difficult to determine and utterly crucial.


Source: The Voice reveals the urgent need for truth reforms – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Videos that explain The Voice in simple terms to help you decide how to vote at the 2023 Referendum on the 14-10-23Kangaroo Court of Australia

The Voice referendum

Videos that explain The Voice in simple terms to help you decide how to vote at the 2023 Referendum on the 14-10-23

Source: Videos that explain The Voice in simple terms to help you decide how to vote at the 2023 Referendum on the 14-10-23Kangaroo Court of Australia

No time to waste – the Disability Royal Commission calls for action now – Michael West

Disability Royal Commission

The Disabled want a Voice too as do Indigenous Australians as they too are abused and exploited at the hands of the current system

Michaella Cash ” Don’t Know Vote No” oops !!

After more than four years and many traumatic stories, the disability royal commission’s final report was released last week, containing 222 recommendations. Di Winkler reports on the urgency of action.

Source: No time to waste – the Disability Royal Commission calls for action now – Michael West

The Voice reveals the urgent need for truth reforms – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Image of the Australian Indigenous Flag overlaid with the words truth lies.

The ABC needs the many recommendations to strengthen its independence from political interference implemented.

The Greens and independent candidates are correct: there should be no exemption for “professional news content” in the attempt to crackdown on social media misinformation.

This domestic program ought to be more straightforward than the daunting challenge of dealing with international mis- and disinformation fomented on the internet. That ‘X’ is so much worse for bigotry and disinformation than Twitter illustrates two key points. The settings implemented by management can work to limit disinformation. It also illustrates the damage of leaving massive platforms in private hands.

Robert Reich recently posted this message: “The forces undermining our democracy, polluting our planet, and stoking hatred are counting on you to give up.

“They have money.

“They have megaphones.

“And they have an even more powerful weapon – one that’s harder to spot but incredibly effective: Cynicism.

“Don’t give up.”

The Albanese government has the power to ensure that Australian political speech is as truthful as possible in a world where reliable information is both difficult to determine and utterly crucial.


Source: The Voice reveals the urgent need for truth reforms – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Dutton reminds us of Abbott, but not in a good way – » The Australian Independent Media Network

BOOMGATE Australia’s Shame

Tony Abbott and his road to irrelevance

As many have noted the Voice is an advisory body only and placing it within the Constitution merely stops it from being abolished, like ATSIC was, by John Howard.

The Voice, whether enshrined within the Constitution or not, can be ignored. That is the salient point of the whole issue. The fact of Constitutional recognition is nice, but it does not help ‘close the gap’.

That objective lies with us, as to whether we demand that governments listen, and having listened, act to redress wrongs, and build a reasonable future for our fellow citizens. It is the least we can do.


Source: Dutton reminds us of Abbott, but not in a good way – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Yes rallies issue calls to cut through Voice falsehoods

Warren Mundine Voice

Warren Mudine says he represents Indigenous Australians but doesn’t name any of them nor do you ever see him with an Indigenous crowd standing behind him when speaking. Then he goes on to say if Yes wins he will jump ship and “try” to be elected to represent Indigenous Australians while also trying to get preelected by the No Voter’s LNP Senate ticket. Meanwhile, Mundine is a foundation member and the spokesperson for Advance otherwise known as Fair Australia funded by non-other than the American, ultra Right-wing, anti- Climate Change group, the  Heritage Foundation who make the KKK, neo-Nazis and Christian Nationalists look like political amateurs when it comes to influencing global politics.

Warren Mundine is the ex-president of the ALP we know only too well that he’s an ambitious self-interested operator cut from the same cloth as Scott Morrison who currently supports his preselection for that Senate seat. Mundine worked for Murdoch’s Sky News for heaven’s sake with a $300K+ grant from the LNP.  The man chases money and power and has the political integrity of a yo-yo. He’s currently advocating anything and everything in order not to entirely destroy his opportunities post-October 14th.. The man is a Golem and in my view that only represents himself. He’s a “Coconut” to many indigenous Australians who it’s said divorced his wife because she was too black.

Mass marches have taken place across the nation, with Indigenous leaders calling for those who support a constitutionally enshrined advisory body to cut through disinformation they say is being spread by the ‘no’ side.

Source: Yes rallies issue calls to cut through Voice falsehoods

Warren Mundine would ‘consider seeking’ spot on Voice amid Peter Dutton’s Marcia Langton claims | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site

Warren Mundine is a leading No campaigner but would consider seeking a spot on the Voice. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says Marcia Langton would have ‘all the power’ under the Voice. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Martin Ollman

Listen to words out of the mouths of these two “No” advocates if you listen are the same sounds, declared as logic, we hear from Donald Trump. Mundine ignores history and any notion that there’s a difference between what’s right and wrong. He simply declares there is an “equivalence”, and “good and bad are on both sides” of Yes and No campaigns when they’re not. Trump said that after Charlottesville when his supporter drove his car into a crowd injured people and killed a woman.

The word “listen” has no place when Mundine says “We will fix Aboriginal community problems trust us and simply say “No” to their request for a Voice. Words, heard over and over again for more than 10 generations by Governors, Churches, and bureaucrats. Promises made and more often than not broken without any beneficial outcomes by successive governments. Einstein’s definition of insanity takes pride of place in his proposal. History has shown a trail of failed outcomes time and time again leaving Indigenous Australians at the bottom of every social metric. It’s with shame that any concept of a universal human right in Australia is ignored.

Peter Dutton is simply worse at fear-mongering with his simplistic claim of “it’s reverse racism” Racism against the kin of those kind-hearted white colonists now being terrorized. Invaded by Activists, Academics, Unionists, and Commies. Any Woke argument that the colonizers never had the best interests of Australian Aborigines at heart only their own is simply fake. He’s recruited Jacinta Price to hide behind and say that “Colonisation was the best thing that ever happened to Indigenous Australians.” Again this is the very argument Trump runs when African Americans cry Black Lives Matter he cries White Lives Matter.  When any attempt at examining the statistical truth of that reality is made both Trump and Abbott bounce back it’s “lifestyle choices” and blame them

Dutton’s argument that any systemic racism in Australia is Fake, only driven by ” left-wing activists” who want to tear Australia apart is supported he maintains by listening to  Price and Mundine” who like Dutton supposedly speak for a crowd of unnamed First Nations peoples who are never seen to stand behind them. On the other hand, the Yes advocates have listened to a Voice. One that Australia saw develop over 6 years of discussion by hundreds of Indigenous Australians who were elected to come together and provide us with their humble request in the form of the Uluru Statement which was then instantly rejected by the LNP. Now that’s “listening” like British Colonizers have always done. Whenever Human Rights are raised in Australia the LNP tells the UNAHRC they’re “not needed” along with the chorus of Murdoch’s choir making us seem we stand shoulder to shoulder with Russia China and Nth Korea.

Leading No campaigner Warren Mundine says he would consider vying for a spot on the Voice should the referendum succeed on October 14.

On Thursday, Mr Dutton returned serve, branding Ms Langton’s language as “vitriolic” and “bitter”, and claiming Yes campaign members would be appointed to the Voice advisory body.

“Well, I think they’re just providing, you know, a sort of a look through the window of what the Voice might be as a body – if it’s successful on October 14, it will be divisive,” he told Nine Radio host Ray Hadley.

“You hear it in the language of Marcia Langton, but some of the others as well … members on the (Yes) committee who have got union affiliations or Labor Party backgrounds or sympathisers to the communist cause.

“These people are the ones who would have all of the power under the Voice that the Prime Minister is proposing,” Mr Dutton said.

Mr Mundine said no matter the result on October 14, Australia would be “polarised”, but pleaded for both sides of the campaign to end the “vitriolic arguments and fights”.

“My concern is that we don’t wake up on Sunday (October 15) and the whole place is on fire. We really want people to know, no matter what the decision is, that it’s a democracy,” he said.

“People will make that choice and we must all accept it. And we must then work together to deal with the issues that are happening in Indigenous communities.”

Source: Warren Mundine would ‘consider seeking’ spot on Voice amid Peter Dutton’s Marcia Langton claims | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site

Nothing has changed (Dutton’s preferred outcome) – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Dutton has ensured his Legacy

And my guess is that he’ll be blamed for any political unrest that a failed Recognition and Voice referendum will engender. And there’ll be plenty of that! He’s a goner, but his vitriol and spitefulness will never be forgotten. Being publicly dismissive of respectful requests by a 65,000-year civilisation is glaring, unmitigated arrogance.

Source: Nothing has changed (Dutton’s preferred outcome) – » The Australian Independent Media Network

LNP The Cyclops- Labor True Believers, Political Analysis and Satire | Facebook

May be an image of 1 person

When did the LNP broad church turn into a Cyclops”?

Liberal Party politicians who support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament are facing pressure to stay quiet or lose their preselection, according to the head of the group spearheading the “Yes” campaign among conservatives, Kate Carnell.

Source: Labor True Believers, Political Analysis and Satire | Facebook

Conservative think tank IPA accused of indoctrinating school children with Voice to Parliament lesson plan – ABC News

An illustration of a person's hand placing a ballot paper into a ballot box held by someone else's outstretched hands.

The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) has been accused of trying to indoctrinate school children by distributing a classroom lesson plan that teaches students how to mount arguments against the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

Source: Conservative think tank IPA accused of indoctrinating school children with Voice to Parliament lesson plan – ABC News

To Hell in a Hand Basket – » The Australian Independent Media Network

If you’re trying to understand what it means “to go to hell in a handbasket” simply take a glance at recent history and government ruled by the LNP, particularly in the past decade. Then listen to Peter Dutton try to tell you that a deficit of a trillion dollars is really nothing when it was 3rd of that under the ALP. Who saved the country from the GFC. Listen to Peter Dutton tell you the ‘working poor” are better off today because unemployment is down and casualized labor up. That the “pink bats” scandal was the worst and bigger than any ever seen under the LNP. How many more fingers do you need to count the 5 deaths than those because of offshore detention, Covid, and Robocop? Listen to him Ley and Cash tell you the ALP was never as united as the LNP are today and why Fraser, Hewson, and Turnbull all jumped ship and left the party. Then evaluate what it means to go “to hell in a handbasket” with a media-driven Trump-like PM called Scomo who is still sitting on the back bench smelling like rotting fish

The Voice may not be perfect, it may not answer all the questions but it’s a start and just like most other changes we have seen in our lifetimes, won’t lead us to hell in a hand basket.

Source: To Hell in a Hand Basket – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Martin McDonagh calls out No campaign after film’s scene used in Voice ad | SBS News

A man in a blue suit and tie.

Along with the right-wing swine sits Peter Costello’s media that printed the fake news that the Wheatlys and John Farnham “sold” the rights to the Voice to the Yes campaign. Will Costello’s editorial staff print a retraction?

McDonagh told Guardian Australia he wasn’t aware the clip was used in the ‘no’ campaign and the posts appeared to be “deliberate copyright infringement by a bunch of rightwing swine”.

Source: Martin McDonagh calls out No campaign after film’s scene used in Voice ad | SBS News

Why I am voting ‘Yes’ – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The federal legislative and administrative history regarding the treatment of First Nations in Australia has still been unsatisfactory since 1967. That is why we have an average life expectancy for non-First Nations exceeding the life expectancy of First Nations in the case of males by 8.6 years and females by 7.8 years. #TheVoice is a positive step forward to cure the CC and socioeconomic disadvantages First Nations face. A legislative voice alone can be easily torn down by the vicissitudes of either opportunistic or knee jerk politics. The former Howard Government Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone has admitted it was a mistake to have abolished the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (‘ATSIC’) in its entirety (source The Australian). Notwithstanding any internal administrative problems with ATSIC, it was delivering regional solutions for First Nations disadvantage. The tearing down of ATSIC sufficiently illustrates the inadequacy of there being only a legislative voice.

When I read the data about life expectancy alone, I know there is a federal legislative and administrative problem

#TheVoice is a positive step forward for Australia, and #TheVoice unifies us a nation. #TheVoice is a small step for non-First Nations Australians, but it is a major step for the hearts of First Nations.

8.6. That is why I am voting #Yes.


Source: Why I am voting ‘Yes’ – » The Australian Independent Media Network

“I have to Voice – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies and Misdemeanours | Facebook

If you 'don’t know' about the Voice, how about you actually listen?

“Yes” Lidia but It begins with a “Yes”  and not “No”

Senator Lidia Thorpe was at the National Press Club outlining many of the arguments the Indigenous “progressive No” have been making, and highlighting what she believes is the way forward:

– Truth-telling about Australia’s history,

– Implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,

– Implementation of recommendations from the Bringing Them Home Report,

– Writing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into Australian law, – Treaty.

Source: “I have to… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

“This week Stan Grant , The Media… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies and Misdemeanours | Facebook

The media will play a profound role in the Voice referendum, but are they up to it?

He went on: “I want to find a place of grace, far from the stench of the media. I want to go where I am not reminded of the social media sewer.” Stan Grant

The statement is a generous invitation to walk together into a better future, and the Voice is the first step.”

Source: “This week… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

The Voice: walking with the Australian people for a better future – Pearls and Irritations

Uluru Statement from the Heart from the First Nations National Constitutional Convention.

“For me, indigenous recognition won’t be changing our constitution so much as completing it.” – Tony Abbot, 2015.

Source: The Voice: walking with the Australian people for a better future – Pearls and Irritations

Australia’s Voice Referendum Is Losing Thanks to the “Radical Centrism” of Its Architects

When a Historian takes aim at writing the History of the referendum and is from the left what chance has the voice two months from now. Grace Brooks is neither a supporter of the voice nor an advisor. In fact, she’s less active than those she criticizes.

Later this year, Australia will vote in a referendum on creating an Aboriginal Voice to advise parliament. The Yes campaign is flagging, hobbled by a technocratic strategy and language borrowed from corporate social responsibility values statements.

No campaign’s messaging is designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters. While the Yes campaign sticks to unconvincing, technocratic rhetoric about community consultation and “listening,” the No campaign is arguing that the Voice will interfere with everything from national defense to school curriculum. It’s a scattergun approach, and it is working.

If the Voice had emerged as a result of an organic movement — like the campaigns against Australia Day or those for a treaty, which regularly mobilize tens of thousands of people — then it might have been in a position to counter the No campaign. But this is far from the case.

In fact, among the highest-profile supporters of the Yes campaign are peak corporate bodies like the Business Council of Australia and mining giants like BHP, which has donated $2 million. It’s a far cry from the strikes that spearheaded the Aboriginal land rights movement of the twentieth century, which were aided by solidarity from unions and the Communist Party of Australia.

Source: Australia’s Voice Referendum Is Losing Thanks to the “Radical Centrism” of Its Architects

I willingly watched Channel 7 and didn’t even regret it – The Shot

Australia can change, and for the better. It happened this month on the back of the mighty Matildas and it can happen again in October.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t involve watching any more fucking Channel Seven.

Source: I willingly watched Channel 7 and didn’t even regret it – The Shot

“It is Australia’s Chance – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

Fighting for a Voice

A lot is made of the comparison between this referendum and the 1999 referendum on a republic, which took that question off the table for at least a generation. There is one fundamental difference, however: the Liberal–National Coalition is a spent force in Australian politics and, with its track record on climate change, women’s rights, integrity in politics and marriage equality, its opposition to the Voice may well relegate it to an irretrievable status, a place of opprobrium and irrelevance from which it may never recapture an electorate weary of hateful culture wars.”

Source: “It is… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

Peter Dutton Is Not A Monster! (Monsters threaten to sue!) – » The Australian Independent Media Network

There’s something quite terrible about what’s happening in Australia. If I can sum it up it goes something like this:

There’s a suggestion that the Indigenous population will be given a Voice to Parliament but unless I know what they’re going to say I don’t think that they should be allowed to speak.

Source: Peter Dutton Is Not A Monster! (Monsters threaten to sue!) – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Kindergarten mentality: a higher standard required from those who govern us – Pearls and Irritations

Politician male and female speakers behind rostrum

Some politicians have decided to do what is better for them and their re-election and position rather than what’s good for Australia. They think the smart thing to do is trash the whole idea the Voice. Ego, power, position and privilege have nothing to do with the Voice. It has to do with Australian citizens and how best we can be inclusive and move forward.

Source: Kindergarten mentality: a higher standard required from those who govern us – Pearls and Irritations

It’s legal to tell lies in the Voice campaign. Here’s how to spot them

Several media outlets including RMIT ABC Fact Check, and AAP Fact Check and AFP Fact Check are publishing articles fact-checking claims about the Voice.

But why is it legal for politicians and other campaigners to lie to you?

Telling lies is legal

Source: It’s legal to tell lies in the Voice campaign. Here’s how to spot them

The reasons why for you to vote Yes – » The Australian Independent Media Network

#TheVoice means so much to First Nations. They cannot control legislative powers of Parliament or the administrative powers of the Executive, but they may make representations which Parliament may consider, just like the Executive may consider and those representations will enlighten our federal system of government and help close the gap. #VoteYesAustralia

Source: The reasons why for you to vote Yes – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Voice to parliament: Health, education, jobs and housing to be priorities from day one, Linda Burney says

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney says she wants the Voice to have a full in-tray from day one, and will ask it prioritise health, education, jobs, and housing.

To Peter Dutton and the nay sayers

when I meet with the Voice for the first time, I will say: “bring me your ideas on how to stop our people from taking their own lives, bring me your ideas on how to help our kids go to school and thrive, bring me your ideas on how we make sure our mob live strong and healthy lives, how we ensure more people have jobs, how we support families better.” and I will LISTEN

Source: Voice to parliament: Health, education, jobs and housing to be priorities from day one, Linda Burney says

The similarity between Peter Dutton and pizza oven smoke – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The question Dutton won’t answer is who is better placed to recommend effective action to improve the lives of indigenous communities than a group of people representing the communities? If he has a different answer to recognition, a ‘Voice to Parliament’ and treaty, perhaps he could tell the rest of us how it would work. Because the Coalition’s famed ‘interventions’ in recent history certainly haven’t.

Source: The similarity between Peter Dutton and pizza oven smoke – » The Australian Independent Media Network

How The Voice Will Force Us All To Become Vegans! – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The recent proposal for legislation to require social media companies to crack down on misinformation and disinformation has some positives but it’s also something that needs careful consideration. For a start there’s a big difference between misinformation where a person is just repeating incorrect information because they believe it to be true and disinformation….

So leaving aside the areas of dispute, it does seem strange when Sussan Ley gets up in Parliament and asks if the Voice will be able to advise the Reserve Bank… I mean, leaving aside the whole idea that the Reserve Bank is independent and doesn’t even have to listen to the government and the Voice is a voice to Parliament and the Executive and it doesn’t mention the Reserve Bank anywhere in the Referendum so you might as well ask, “Will the Voice be able to give advice on what shows I should watch on Netflix?” or “Will the Voice be able to give me advice on whether I should add any extra letters to my name in the hope that it gives me extra ssuccesss?”

But apart from Sussssann’ss absurdity, there does seem an underlying element of the Voice being just a bit too uppity. You know, stepping outside their area. You know, giving advice to more than just, well, things that should concern them… You know… like well, I’m not racist but we know that some of those people, you know… And, you know, if they were to express an opinion, you know… I mean, as if they’d know, you know… As if it’d be worth listening too…

Well, I’m not racist but…

And as for Peter Dutton, well, he’s a swell guy who just wants what’s best for everybody and the idea that foreigners could come here on boats and disrupt the whole way of life for those living here is something that only convicts from a couple of centuries ago should be able to do. As for African gangs, that wasn’t racist because we all know that African gangs are scarier than Caucasian gangs… Don’t believe that leftie stuff about Dutton! He’s a swell guy with a great sense of humour… Don’t you remember his great joke about Pacific Island people having no sense of time with water lapping at their door? Not racist at all.

Source: How The Voice Will Force Us All To Become Vegans! – » The Australian Independent Media Network

LNP- Punching Down – The Fiberal Party of Australia –

Peter Dutton and Sussan Ley walk past each other, both smiling, in the House of Representatives

Murdoch and The LNP come flying in punching down

But for the Coalition, the strategy is clear. It wants to reduce the tone of debate around constitutional reform down to the level of an undergraduate culture-war exercise. This is where Sky After Dark comes in. The AFR reported yesterday that plans are underway for a 24-hour news channel entirely dedicated to the voice. Imagine being unable to sleep – you’re restless just thinking about whether you can pay the next electricity bill and nervous about the Reserve Bank’s decision on interest rates – so you get up at 3am to make yourself a warm drink and flick on the television, only to find Rita Panahi shouting at you because a Lions Club somewhere has come out in support of the voice. It’s the stuff of nightmares – but sadly there is a market for it.

Source: “In case… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

“Fearmonger… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

Fearmongering making voice debate difficult: Pocock
Like Trump confusion is the LNP’s weapon of choice when it comes to politics. Progress is rarely on their agenda while cementing or reinforcing the status quo is. Resisting anything that might interfere with the vested interests of their financial donors is the priority with fearmongering their foremost tactic of choice. Individually, LNP politicians can be found, after retirement, still tied to the strings of those same vested interests making it seem more than a coincidence but rather the sweetener promised, behind closed doors, for past works done. Gone are the days of cash bribes and payola while still in office. Stuart Robert the seeming exception.
“I agree that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, but we need to face up to the fact that it is broken,” he said.
“Decades of governments on both sides have grappled as best as they knew how to try and deal with entrenched disadvantage in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and we still see the gap reported every year.”
Earlier, Liberal senator Andrew Bragg said the debate surrounding the voice should not be treated as a political issue.
He rejected claims by other senators the voice would add the element of race to the constitution.
“We have race-based laws at the national level,” he said.
“We have a country that has had race at its heart for 250 years.
“To argue that (the voice) is the introduction of race today is fundamentally untrue.”

Source: “Fearmonger… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

Are you listening to the Voice and what it’s really saying? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

My thought for the day

We dislike and resist change in the foolish assumption that we can make permanent that which makes us feel secure. Yet change is part of the very fabric of our existence. ( John Lord )

Source: Are you listening to the Voice and what it’s really saying? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Promoting the Indigenous Voice: From Empire to Legitimate Recognition of 60,000 Years of History – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The Voice referendum is an opportunity to commence rewriting Australia’s future with a new perspective that has been undervalued in the past 253 years of history.

Source: Promoting the Indigenous Voice: From Empire to Legitimate Recognition of 60,000 Years of History – » The Australian Independent Media Network

“If The Voice Loses It Will Be Albanese’s Fault!” – » The Australian Independent Media Network

“If The Voice Loses It Will Be Albanese’s Fault!”

Yep, I saw that on the front page of “The Australian” a few days ago and I was tempted to steal the paper but then I remembered that theft is one of those Ten Commandment things that still gets enforced by law and, more frightening than any jail term is the fear that I could go down in history as someone who thought that one of Murdoch’s papers was worse stealing.

Source: “If The Voice Loses It Will Be Albanese’s Fault!” – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Old Dog Thought- Rowan Dean has the ratings appeal of medical waste

May be an image of text that says 'sky news .COM.AU Liberal Party needs to 'oppose the left and move to the right' 22 hours ago sky news .COM.AU If the Libera Party did what they're meant to do and "oppose the left and move to the right", they would win elections, says Sky News host Rowan Dean.'

“just be more right wing bro I swear bro one more push to the right bro and we’ll finally win an election bro I swear this is what we need to do bro just one more push bro”

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 10/5/23, Satire, Truth in Humor, The Voice , Dutton, News Corp