Tag: information

Lies, damn lies and politics – » The Australian Independent Media Network

As for the financial disclosure, if a multitude of on-line shopping websites can tell you within minutes that Anthony A of Marrickville purchased a “Comfy” camping chair – complete with image and price for your fear or missing out to trigger and get the identical product – the software exists for the $20,000 donation to any political party to be given similar publicity. It can’t be that hard.

A ban on lies in political advertising is popular according to a survey by The Australia Institute. All we need is the Parliament to work together and make it happen.

Source: Lies, damn lies and politics – » The Australian Independent Media Network

 Could truth in political advertising laws have saved the Voice debate from lies?

Could truth in political advertising laws have saved the Voice debate from lies?

We once had an ABC that monitored things just like that. Abbott banned his Ministers for being on any ABC program. Immediately he began cutting the public broadcasters’ budget, appointing his choices to the board, and making sure the ABC was biased rather than critical by questioning the government in order that the public was aware of what was happening as opposed to what they were told was happening. No ALP government has ever done that to the degree Abbott did. Abbott has now been appointed to the board of News Corp almost suggesting that the leader of the opposition isn’t really Peter Dutton.

“Misleading political advertising marred the Voice referendum and led to confusion, fear and mistaken beliefs about what the Voice to Parliament represented and what its powers would be. Without truth in political advertising laws, there is a risk the next federal election will be a fake news free-for-all.”

Source: “Amid the… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

Videos that explain The Voice in simple terms to help you decide how to vote at the 2023 Referendum on the 14-10-23Kangaroo Court of Australia

The Voice referendum

Videos that explain The Voice in simple terms to help you decide how to vote at the 2023 Referendum on the 14-10-23

Source: Videos that explain The Voice in simple terms to help you decide how to vote at the 2023 Referendum on the 14-10-23Kangaroo Court of Australia

“Soundbite Economics” Obscures Who’s Causing and Profiting From the Crisis

Capitalism’s apologists are throwing around economic concepts like inflation, recession, labor shortages, and supply chain shortages to justify ripping off consumers, raising rents, and depressing wages. Don’t ask them to define their terms.

Source: “Soundbite Economics” Obscures Who’s Causing and Profiting From the Crisis

Brian Houston charged by police for allegedly concealing father’s child sexual abuse

Hillsong pastor Brian Houston has been charged by NSW Police.

Hillsong pastor Brian Houston has been charged for allegedly concealing child sexual abuse by his late father Frank Houston.Mr Houston, who has been living in the US and recently travelled to preach in Mexico, was charged following a two-year investigation into allegations he failed to report the alleged abuse of a boy in the 1970s.

Source: Brian Houston charged by police for allegedly concealing father’s child sexual abuse

2020: It Doesn’t Exist And I Have Entered A Parallel Universe! – » The Australian Independent Media Network

In the recent few days, there’s the Cartier watches; the ABC paying Foxtel so that they can cover women’s soccer after Foxtel was given government money to cover women’s sport; the disappearance of all documents relating to the “grants” in NSW; the realisation that even if Trump is voted out, some people still think that Donald Trump is a reasonable pick for President; the confusion that, four years after Trump’s surprise win, the best the Democrats could come up with was Joe Biden; the media’s presentation of the Melbourne lockdown protests and the fact that many people are tipping Richmond to win the AFL flag by more points than they’re likely to kick for the whole game… Strangely that last one is the least of my concerns! Ok, let me take them one at a time:

2020: It Doesn’t Exist And I Have Entered A Parallel Universe! – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The Afghan Files: Defence leak exposes deadly secrets of Australia’s special forces – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


It’s what the LNP did with the history of this nation they went to war the ALP took them out of Vietnam and the LNP kept helping in more Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, all losing ones. They needed a winning war and decided on calling Asylum seekers “illegals” saying ‘Nope to the Malaysian Solution and telling Australia that they were winning a just war against “deplorables”. A Democracy is diminished when it’s government has too many secrets and buys and lies their way into power without any reasoned policies just scare mongering on the undeclared donations of Palmer and Murdoch. (ODT)

via The Afghan Files: Defence leak exposes deadly secrets of Australia’s special forces – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Julian Assange leaves the Ecuadorian embassy: His epic story


The Americans let loose the Dogs Of Law but not on the those who published thesecrets in the Paradise Papers (ODT)

Julian Assange leaves the Ecuadorian embassy: His epic story



Julian Assange arrested at Ecuadorian embassy by British police


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by British police on Thursday after they were invited into the Ecuadorian embassy where he has been holed up since 2012.

“Julian Assange, 47, has today, Thursday 11 April, been arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) at the Embassy of Ecuador,” police said.

Police said they arrested Assange after being “invited into the embassy by the Ambassador, following the Ecuadorian government’s withdrawal of asylum.”

via Julian Assange arrested at Ecuadorian embassy by British police

WATCH: What do Israelis think of the violence in Gaza? | +972 Magazine

The Citizens of Israel don’t have the ABC and it shows. The Israeli government relies on an uninformed nation. They even complain about an informed Australia and the ABC (ODT)

In the midst of the Great Return March protests in Gaza, during which Israeli snipers killed well over 100 protesters inside the besieged territory, Social TV asked regular Israelis on the street what they think of the Israeli army’s actions.

via WATCH: What do Israelis think of the violence in Gaza? | +972 Magazine

Buried, altered, silenced: 4 ways government climate information has changed since Trump took office | Informed Comment

Meanwhile, Columbia University’s Silencing Science Tracker documents news stories about climate scientists who have been discouraged from conducting, publishing or otherwise communicating scientific research. These groups have documented four ways that climate-related information has become less accessible since Trump took office.

Source: Buried, altered, silenced: 4 ways government climate information has changed since Trump took office | Informed Comment

Victoria Is Not The Victim: Historic Queensland Defence Contract Showcases Australian Military-Industrial Propaganda – New Matilda

In Yemen, 8.4 million people are on the brink of famine and 11 million children require humanitarian assistance, in a population of 29 million. Those children are not receiving the assistance they need because of a Saudi-led, US, UK and Australia-backed, military blockade, using hunger and disease as a weapon of war, which is a war crime.

While they starve, Yemenis are being bombed from the air, and attacked on the ground in collaboration with Al-Qaeda and Al Qaeda-linked militants. Half of the country’s medical facilities have been destroyed, as a Cholera epidemic sweeps the nation. All this is being perpetrated using US, British and Australian weapons.

Why? Because it’s what Saudi Arabia, keeper of the petro-dollar, wants.

Although the UN’s Humanitarian Chief said on January 6th that the situation in Yemen “looks like apocalypse”, on January 16th, the US Army boasted on its Twitter feed that it would continue to boost the Saudi Military’s “powerful capability”.

“Capability” was a buzzword surrounding Australia’s new fleet of tanks on Wednesday as well. Capability for what? Inflicting apocalypse? Capability to starve and bomb millions of impoverished Yemeni people to death?

via Victoria Is Not The Victim: Historic Queensland Defence Contract Showcases Australian Military-Industrial Propaganda – New Matilda

Australia’s Big Media Set to Get Bigger, With Help From Lawmakers – The New York Times


Most of Australia’s newspapers, radio stations and television broadcasters are controlled by only a handful of owners, like Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, making it one of the most concentrated media markets in the developed world.Soon, even more Australian media properties could be in fewer hands.

Trump, fake news, and shrinking newsrooms: does journalism still matter in 2017? | Margaret Simons | Media | The Guardian

Discussions about the future of journalism have broken out of the newsroom and into Australia’s public debate. How will society adjust its information needs?

Source: Trump, fake news, and shrinking newsrooms: does journalism still matter in 2017? | Margaret Simons | Media | The Guardian

Why we need to listen to the real experts in science If we want to use scientific thinking to solve problems, we need people to appreciate evidence and heed expert advice. But the Australian suspicion of authority extends to experts, and this public cynicism…Murdoch’s commentators are neither experts nor ethicists but merely corporate and rightwing idealogues. idealogues

If we want to use scientific thinking to solve problems, we need people to appreciate evidence and heed expert advice.

But the Australian suspicion of authority extends to experts, and this public cynicism can be manipulated to shift the tone and direction of debates. We have seen this happen in arguments about climate change.

This goes beyond the tall poppy syndrome. Disregard for experts who have spent years studying critical issues is a dangerous default position. The ability of our society to make decisions in the public interest is handicapped when evidence and thoughtfully presented arguments are ignored.

So why is science not used more effectively to address critical questions? We think there are several contributing factors including the rise of Google experts and the limited skills set of scientists themselves. We think we need non-scientists to help us communicate with and serve the public better.

At a public meeting recently, when a well-informed and feisty elderly participant asked a question that referred to some research, a senior public servant replied: “Oh, everyone has a scientific study to justify their position, there is no end to the studies you could cite, I am sure, to support your point of view.”

This is a cynical statement, where there are no absolute truths and everyone’s opinion must be treated as equally valid. In this intellectual framework, the findings of science can be easily dismissed as one of many conflicting views of reality.

Such a viewpoint is dangerous from our point of view.

When scientists disagree with one another, as they must to ensure progress in their field, it is easy to argue that it is not possible to distinguish between conflicting hypotheses. But scientists always agree that critical thinking done well eventually leads to a better understanding and superior solutions. All opinions are not equal.

If you are flying in an airplane at 30,000 feet, you will not be content with just any scientific study about whether the wing will stay on the plane. Most people will want to put their trust in the calculations of an expert aeronautical engineer who understands the physics of stresses on the wing.

So why do we not want to trust experts in bushfire management, or climate change? Because most people are happier with experts whose conclusions fit their own ideas.

This encourages people to express their opinions, and the internet allows those opinions to get a wide viewing. This makes for interesting times, but not always effective solutions.

Google experts

The internet is filled with information and ideas. Everyone can quickly find “answers”, and this means that everyone is an “expert”.

But using Google to find the answer to Trivial Pursuit questions is not the same as researching a complex question. Experts do have skills and one of those is the ability to use high quality sources, up to date theoretical frameworks, and critical thinking based on their experience in a particular field. This is why an expert’s answers are going to be more accurate and more nuanced than a novice.

For example, people who use Dr Google to diagnose their symptoms before visiting an actual doctor, sometimes ask to be tested for diseases they do not have, or waste time seeking a second opinion because they are convinced that their “research” has led them to a correct diagnosis. If it were really that easy, would doctors have to spend all those years in medical school?

There is another problem called the Dunning-Kruger effect, which states that “people who lack the knowledge or wisdom to perform well are often unaware of this fact”.

In other words, people who think all answers can be found on Google are likely to be unaware of the effort involved in solving complex problems, or why years of specialist training might help.

This is almost more dangerous than complete ignorance, because unlike Donald Rumsfeld, they don’t even know what they don’t know.

Easy access to huge volumes of confusing information sits very comfortably in a post-modern world. Unfortunately, the outcome is that most people are reluctant to do the intellectual hard work of sifting through competing hypotheses. So how are we to engage in robust scientific debates in such a public arena?

Science is not enough

It has been said many times that scientists need to communicate their research more broadly. The challenges are well known – peer reviewed scientific publications are necessary for our careers and time spent engaging with the public is time away from the field, our computers and laboratory benches.

Nevertheless, if we hope to influence government policy we cannot assume that the implications of our research will be understood by those who most need to know what we are doing.

Reaching out to busy bureaucrats and politicians is not something that comes naturally to scientists. To turn science into policy we need a diverse team of people with different but complementary skills who share a commitment to the task.

Skills that are not commonly found in scientists may be found in political scientists, lawyers, sociologists, public relations companies, the arts community and the media.

Forming relationships with people who can translate our findings into something that cannot be ignored may be critical to success.

Consider what we are up against, lobby groups with deep pockets have come up with brilliant assaults on the thoughtful management of our environment.

“Cutting Green Tape” or “No fuels, no fire” – these clever bits of spin threaten decades of rigorous research and policy development. This is not a failure of science, but a triumph of imagination. We have been dramatically out-manoeuvred, shown to be amateurs, in the world of presenting competing ideas.

At a recent fire forum we learned that current policy is: “Based on science, but driven by values.” This means that despite the best evidence, the values of our current society will decide when to act. This introduces another definition of truth seeking, based on who made the best argument in a political or legal process.

Science is meant to be done dispassionately and objectively, so scientists are not well equipped to participate in debates about values. This is the realm of ethicists, philosophers, artists and theologians.

But if we are passionate about applying the lessons learned from our research, we will need marketers, lobbyists, communication experts, accountants and economists. A multi-disciplinary team is required to convince society to change.

Perhaps the people with these complementary skills will be able to help break down the anti-intellectualism we face, for the benefit of all.