Tag: Trumpland

“We regret to inform you” that Donald Trump is cashing in on white America’s death wish | Salon.com

Donald Trump (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

In that sense, Trump and the Republican fascists are not doing anything new. Sinclair Lewis famously warned that fascism would come to America wrapped in a flag and carrying cross. That was prophetic; one can’t expect Lewis to have predicted the MAGA hats. Instead of running away from Trump and what he represents, tens of millions of white Americans are instead cheering him on as their herald, hero, and savior. Such mass delusions are a defining feature of fascism and other such destructive political ideologies and visions.

America is being consumed by a compulsion towards self-destruction. Time is running out. Will the American people choose life or death? They will soon find out.

Source: “We regret to inform you” that Donald Trump is cashing in on white America’s death wish | Salon.com

Why Australia cannot simply move on from Scott Morrison’s many ministries | Malcolm Farr | The Guardian

Despite the former PM’s burden-of-office plea for victimhood, his violation of Westminster conventions raises larger issues to be addressed

Why Australia cannot simply move on from Scott Morrison’s many ministries | Malcolm Farr | The Guardian

Trump’s Claims Of Voter Fraud Undercut By Few Arizona Cases | HuffPost

Former US President Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas on July 11, 2

Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

Source: Trump’s Claims Of Voter Fraud Undercut By Few Arizona Cases | HuffPost

There’s A New Big Lie In Town | Crooks and Liars

There's A New Big Lie In Town

Embarking on a vast propaganda campaign designed to erase one of the deadliest bouts of domestic, political terrorism in this country, Trump media and their GOP acolytes are moving quickly to peddle the next Big Lie, claiming that the January 6 insurrection never happened.At this point, there’s nothing too big for the right-wing noise machine to try to whitewash and gaslight — like the fact that a pro-Trump horde was responsible for breaking into the U.S. Capitol, attempted to disrupt the congressional vote certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory, and then chanted death threats against then-Vice President Mike Pence.Yet leading the charge on Sunday, Trump during a Fox interview called the insurrection “a lovefest between the Capitol police and the people that walked down to the Capitol” that day. He insisted the protesters were “peaceful.”

Source: There’s A New Big Lie In Town | Crooks and Liars

Vaccine Refusal in Trump Country Makes It a Sitting Duck for COVID Delta Variant | The Smirking Chimp

It took four weeks for Delta to become the dominant COVID strain in Great Britain, and at present it has spread to more than 60 countries worldwide.

Source: Vaccine Refusal in Trump Country Makes It a Sitting Duck for COVID Delta Variant | The Smirking Chimp

Don McGahn Is Finally Testifying About Trump’s Obstruction. In Other Words, the Cover-up Worked. – Mother Jones

Remember Don McGahn? On Friday, Donald Trump’s ex-White House counsel will testify before the House Judiciary Committee about the former president’s efforts to obstruct the Russia investigation, an appearance so overdue that its main message will be an ironic reminder. The cover-up McGahn is supposed to shed light on was a smashing success.

Source: Don McGahn Is Finally Testifying About Trump’s Obstruction. In Other Words, the Cover-up Worked. – Mother Jones

Trump’s second most potent weapon – loyalty

The folly of loyalty in Trump's America

The late, great anti-apartheid activist Stephen Biko once said: “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” Thanks to the inane, ego-driven, and now deadly antics of Trump, the second most potent weapon is loyalty.

Trump’s second most potent weapon – loyalty

Americans suffer at Christmas while Trump golfs and sows chaos – CNNPolitics

Frustrated Trump met with Pence before holiday break

Maybe nothing better could be expected in a year that saw denial and delusion, led by President Donald Trump, presage a wave of illness and death coupled with evictions, bankruptcies, hunger and ruined livelihoods. But after enduring so much, Americans can hardly be blamed for feeling outrage at yet another indignity at the hand of their leaders.

Americans suffer at Christmas while Trump golfs and sows chaos – CNNPolitics

Pompeo: “There Will Be a Smooth Transition to a Second Trump Administration” – Mother Jones

Bunkered in the White House Trump is counting heads of departments loyal to him sacking those that might not be SCOTUS, DOJ, DEFENCE. If it looks as if he’s preparing for a coup and his Secretary of State is joking about it why shouldn’t we believe on is taking place in the USA in 2020?

Joe Biden won the presidential election decisively, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seems intent on denying that reality. When asked Tuesday at a press conference about engaging with the Biden transition team, Pompeo assured reporters that “there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”

Pompeo: “There Will Be a Smooth Transition to a Second Trump Administration” – Mother Jones

The Useful Idiot | HuffPost Australia


Trump’s incoherence, his temper, his impulsiveness, his breathtaking ignorance — all of it was well-known among the top tiers of the Republican machinery. … Not once did I ever hear any concern that just maybe they were working to install a useful idiot who truly was an idiot.

The Useful Idiot | HuffPost Australia

Trump administration steps up efforts to turn broadcasters into propaganda outlets | Media | The Guardian

The Voice of America building stands in Washington, US.

Seven senior officials had their security clearances withdrawn this week, making it impossible for them to continue in their roles. They included the chief financial officer and former interim CEO, Grant Turner, and the agency’s general counsel, David Kligerman, who both said they had been fired for their resistance to the politicisation of the organisation under its new chief executive, Michael Pack, a Trump supporter and ally of rightwing ideologue, Steve Bannon.

via Trump administration steps up efforts to turn broadcasters into propaganda outlets | Media | The Guardian

US pushing ties near brink of ‘new Cold War’

He said China was “open” to international scientific cooperation to identify the source of the novel coronavirus, but stressed that the process must be professional, impartial and constructive.

By being “professional,” it means that the process should be based on science, led by the World Health Organization, and conducted on a global scale by scientists and medical experts. The goal should be to enhance the scientific understanding of this type of virus so that people can deal more effectively with major infectious diseases in the future, he said.

By being “impartial,” Wang said source identifying should be free from political interference, respect the sovereign equality of nations, and oppose any presumption of guilt. The research should cover all countries closely related to the virus. The whole process should be open, transparent, objective and rational, he said.

By being “constructive,” it means that the research should not hamper the work of saving lives, which clearly is the top priority at the moment. It should not harm the international cooperation against COVID-19 or undermine the statutory role of the WHO, Wang said.

Instead, it should be conducive to enhancing performances of various UN systems, to strengthening international solidarity and cooperation among countries, and to improving the global public health system and governance capacity, Wang said.

Regarding China’s aid to the global fight against the pandemic, Wang said China has never pursued geopolitical goals and economic gains, or attached any political strings.

“We Chinese are always ready to reciprocate acts of friendship and kindness from others,” Wang said.

via US pushing ties near brink of ‘new Cold War’

Under Trump, American Exceptionalism Means Poverty, Misery and Death | The Smirking Chimp

No other nation has endured as much death from Covid-19 nor nearly as a high a death rate as has the United States.

With 4.25% of the world population, America has the tragic distinction of accounting for about 30% of pandemic deaths so far.

And it is the only advanced nation where the death rate is still climbing. Three thousand deaths per day are anticipated by 1 June.

via Under Trump, American Exceptionalism Means Poverty, Misery and Death | The Smirking Chimp

The Government Employee Who May Have Saved a Million American Lives, by Ron Unz – The Unz Review

Under a decaying and decadent political system, there is often a dangerous tendency to select public officials based upon ideological factionalism or the blandishments of self-interested lobbies. During normal times, this may lead to the sort of inefficiency and corruption that saps the strength of a society, but during a severe crisis, survival itself may be at risk. Until a couple of weeks ago, I had never even heard of Dr. Sarah Cody, but I am greatly relieved that my local officials are still appointed based upon the highest standards of meritocratic competence. The contrast with America’s national government could not be greater.

via The Government Employee Who May Have Saved a Million American Lives, by Ron Unz – The Unz Review

Phony Trump Regime Narco Terrorism Charges Against Venezuelan Officials – Stephen Lendman

US 'Narco-Terrorism' Charges Against Maduro May Be Pretext for ...The Ukraine scandal exposes the Trump crony Mike Pompeo really is ...

The US is the world’s leading narco-terrorist state — an indisputable fact!

Venezuela under Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro is the hemisphere’s main enemy of illicit drugs trafficking.

The CIA and DEA are actively involved in facilitating the proliferation of heroin, cocaine, and perhaps other illicit drugs.

Major Wall Street banks profit hugely by laundering billions of dollars of dirty money from the trade — supported by Washington’s bipartisan criminal class by failing to stop it.

Close US ally Colombia is a narco-terrorist state. Other Latin American countries allied with the US are involved in drugs trafficking.

In 2018, the Trump regime falsely accused Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro of “profiting from illegal narcotics shipments” — a bald-faced Big Lie.

The Big Lie that won’t die reared its ugly head again on Thursday. The Trump regime falsely accused Maduro and other Venezuelan officials of narco-terrorism — a longstanding US specialty, notably by the CIA since the 1950s, not how the Bolivarian Republic operates.

When repeated ad nauseam, Big Lies take on a life of their own, especially when establishment media suppress truth-telling by supporting the official narrative no matter how distorted, untrue and harmful to ordinary people.

As Trump regime’s CIA director from January 2017 to April 2018, Pompeo notoriously said: “We lied. We cheated. We stole.”

At State he operates much the same way, the latest example on March 26.

He falsely called democratically elected and reelected Venezuelan President Maduro “the previous president of Venezuela” —a bald-faced Big Lie.

via Phony Trump Regime Narco Terrorism Charges Against Venezuelan Officials – Stephen Lendman

Banks Pressure Health Care Firms to Raise Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Capitalism and the Pandemic, (ODT)

In recent weeks, investment bankers have pressed health care companies on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus, including drug firms developing experimental treatments and medical supply firms, to consider ways that they can profit from the crisis.

The media has mostly focused on individuals who have taken advantage of the market for now-scarce medical and hygiene supplies to hoard masks and hand sanitizer and resell them at higher prices. But the largest voices in the health care industry stand to gain from billions of dollars in emergency spending on the pandemic, as do the bankers and investors who invest in health care companies.

via Banks Pressure Health Care Firms to Raise Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Coronavirus: Peter Dutton tests positive to Covid-19 after returning to Australia from TRUMPLAND | Australia news | The Guardian

Peter Dutton

Trump has declared it’s not his fault and is now considering bans on Australians from entering the country and embarrassing him.(ODT)

via Coronavirus: Peter Dutton tests positive to Covid-19 after returning to Australia from US | Australia news | The Guardian

Trump Administration ‘Woefully Unprepared’ For What’s About To Happen In Iran | Crooks and Liars


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Above are the “wonderful people of IRAN that Trump says he respects so much. Far greater numbers than Trump’s inauguration. (ODT)

“Over the past few days, I’ve spoken extensively with career U.S. government officials as they’ve worked around the clock to try and mitigate the damage from Trump’s ineptitude on Iran. With their permission, I’m sharing a small taste from our lengthy conversations. Enjoy.


  • “One of Trump’s top Iran advisors got suckered into a honey trap, had their laptop/iPhone stolen and hacked before they woke up, and the White House refused to take precautionary measures regarding their security clearance. Ladies and gents, I give you the Trump administration.”

Trump Administration ‘Woefully Unprepared’ For What’s About To Happen In Iran | Crooks and Liars

New Poll Shows ‘Deep and Boiling Anger’ Towards Political Establishment Still Widespread | Common Dreams News

President Donald Trump hugs the U.S. flag during CPAC 2019 on March 02, 2019, in Washington, D.C.

Sixty-seven percent said they do not feel confident that our children’s generation will face a better life than ours; that’s up from the 61 percent who felt that way in 2017.

Respondents’ views of race relations were grim as well.

The poll finds that 60 percent believe race relations are bad in the nation. That view was expressed by 56 percent of whites, 81 percent of African Americans, and 61 percent of Hispanics.

Since President Donald Trump took office, 56 percent said race relations have gotten worse. While 47 percent of whites felt that way, 86 percent of African Americans and 74 percent of Hispanics said race relations worsened under Trump.

Views on the issue were markedly different under Trump’s predecessor.

via New Poll Shows ‘Deep and Boiling Anger’ Towards Political Establishment Still Widespread | Common Dreams News

Is America Crazy? | The Smirking Chimp

People with psychosis don’t realize that they’re in a psychological crisis. America has similarly lost touch with reality. Much of the country doesn’t even realize that there’s a problem.

The election of Donald Trump was a stark reminder of all that is going wrong in the United States. Perhaps his defeat in the 2020 election, if the majority can once again make its voice heard, will be the first step in acknowledging the problem and beginning a much-delayed recovery.

via Is America Crazy? | The Smirking Chimp

The NRA Has Long Urged Americans To Arm Themselves Against An Immigrant Invasion | HuffPost Australia

NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre uses racist fearmongering to convince people to buy guns and oppose...

The Trumpster handbook is the NRA Trump isn’t original he is a reflection of his voters (ODT)

In the aftermath of Saturday’s mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, President Donald Trump has been widely criticized for spreading hateful anti-immigrant hysteria. The blame is well earned, but Trump is not alone. For years, the National Rifle Association has pushed the false narrative that law-abiding Americans are in danger from an invasion of violent foreigners crossing into the country from Mexico. The only way to protect yourself and your family, the gun lobby warns, is to stock up on weapons and take responsibility for your own safety.

via The NRA Has Long Urged Americans To Arm Themselves Against An Immigrant Invasion | HuffPost Australia

Old Dog Thoughts- Trump’s denial, white Racists are the victims in Trumpland. Victims of video playing kids. More guns needed.

US President Donald Trump speaks about the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

Trump has only got a two word slogan that that’s meant to explain his whole Presidency it’s become his brand FAKE NEWS. The shootings didn’t happen and he didn’t incite anyone bad parenting and videos are making white supremecists victims in Trumpland. (ODT)

Fighting Fake News with Real; 6/8/19; Trump’s lies sound like lies “videp games to blame” In the NRA’s pocket;

2020 Democrats Link Trump’s Racism To El Paso Shooting: ‘He Is Responsible’ | HuffPost Australia

Embedded video

Democratic presidential candidates spoke out Sunday against President Donald Trump’s racist and xenophobic rhetoric, linking it to the El Paso shooting as police are investigating whether the suspected gunman, a 21-year-old white man, was motivated by a hatred of Hispanic people.

For former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas), Saturday’s violence that killed at least 20 people and injured dozens more struck the city he calls home.

“We’ve got to acknowledge the hatred, the open racism that we’re seeing,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “There is an environment of it in the United States. We see it on Fox News, we see it on the internet, but we also see it from our commander in chief. He is encouraging this. He doesn’t just tolerate it, he encourages it.”

via 2020 Democrats Link Trump’s Racism To El Paso Shooting: ‘He Is Responsible’ | HuffPost Australia

Old Dog Thoughts- Mass Shootings in the USA 2019 – 250 an increase of 277% 0n 2018 MAGA in Trumpland and Foxland

Fox News Embraces Lies About The Roots Of Mass Shootings

Fighting Fake News with Real;5/8/19; Shooters Manifesto mirrors Trump, Fox News blames Videos; Republicans in Hiding; Ohio Does the same it’s as if it were Trump Day in America;

Trump’s Big, Wet Fourth of July Picnic | The Smirking Chimp

On March 12, 1938, the vaunted German army was to make its triumphant entry into Austria—the infamous Anschluss by which a compliant Austrian government surrendered to the Nazis without a shot.

A grand parade of the Third Reich’s might was scheduled for the Austrian capital Vienna but the army’s tanks were not as invincible as the generals bragged. They quickly broke down, clogging the roads, stalling the advance, and infuriating Adolph Hitler. And so, French author and filmmaker Eric Vuillard writes in his eloquent essay, The Order of the Day, “the German troops loaded as many tanks as they could onto railroad cars… the trains hauled away the armor the way you’d transport circus equipment.” The tanks arrived in Vienna and the parade went on as planned.

via Trump’s Big, Wet Fourth of July Picnic | The Smirking Chimp

Official’s Climate Warning Blocked Because It Didn’t ‘Jibe’ With Trump’s View: Report | HuffPost Australia

Screenshot_2019-06-09 HuffPost - Breaking News, U S and World News.jpg

White House officials blocked written testimony from a State Department senior analyst about “potentially catastrophic” climate change because it didn’t “jibe” with the Trump administration’s view, a source told The Washington Post.

Trump has called climate change a “Chinese hoax.” Asked in an Axios interview late last year about his attitude toward global warming, Trump said he believed there has been climate change. “Will it change back?” he asked, making a waving motion through the air with his hand. “Probably. That’s what I think.” He said many scientists “very much dispute” that humans are the primary cause of global warming. He reiterated those attitudes in an interview Wednesday with Piers Morgan.

via Official’s Climate Warning Blocked Because It Didn’t ‘Jibe’ With Trump’s View: Report | HuffPost Australia

“There Are Innocent People on Death Row”

A corrections officer removes handcuff from an inmate in his cell at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California, U.S., on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2016. San Quentin, home to the state's only death row, houses 725 condemned inmates. On the November 8th California ballot voters have the chance to abolish the death penalty or speed up the process. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

In remarks that emphasized racial disparities and the risk of executing innocent people, Newsom described his decision as the culmination of “a 40-year journey” that began when he was just a child. His grandfather introduced him to Pete Pianezzi, who came close to receiving the death penalty in 1940 after being set up by the mob. Pianezzi was eventually pardoned in 1981, at the age of 79. But wrongful convictions remain a profound danger. “You had someone just last year that was released from death row after serving 26 years in San Quentin,” he said, referring to the case of Vicente Benavides, exonerated in April 2018.

via “There Are Innocent People on Death Row”

Donald Trump tells a fake American story. We must tell the real one | Robert Reich | Opinion | The Guardian


Trump wants us to believe he’s the Triumphant Individual. But in fact he’s a conman who inherited his wealth

The second tale is the Benevolent Community – neighbors and friends who pitch in for the common good.

The third tale is the Mob at the Gates – threatening forces beyond our borders. Daniel Boone fought Indians, described then in racist terms as savages. Davy Crockett battled Mexicans.

The fourth and final tale is The Rot at the Top. It’s about the malevolence of powerful elites – their corruption and irresponsibility, and tendency to conspire against the rest of us.

But the real Rot at the Top consists of concentrated wealth and power to a degree this nation hasn’t witnessed since the late 19th century. Billionaires, powerful corporations, and Wall Street have gained control over much of our economy and political system, padding their nests with special tax breaks and corporate welfare while holding down the wages of average workers.

In this, the rich have been helped by Republicans in Congress and the White House whose guiding ideology seems less capitalism than cronyism, as shown time and again through legislative and regulatory gifts to big pharma, Wall Street, big oil and coal, big agriculture and giant military contractors.

via Donald Trump tells a fake American story. We must tell the real one | Robert Reich | Opinion | The Guardian