Tag: The Age

Old Dog Thought- Not all Jews are Israelis, Not all Israelis are Ultra-Right-Wing bent on genocide and ethnic cleansing. Can you imagine Israel without American arms?

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 30/12/23, Every Picture tells a Story, Turkeye’s Erdogan Calls Out Israel, The Rich and Bankruptcy, Words Matter, CPAC Intelligence, Former Negotiator, Israeli Numbers, The Age,

New evidence suggests Hamas wanted to go even further on October 7

Palestinians celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the Gaza Strip fence east of Khan Younis on October 7.

1) We know all embedded journalists in Israel are vetted by the IDF and Shira Rubin is living In Tel Aviv.

2) Reading this article is what has been allowed by Israeli Intelligence which has a history of duplicity

3) What is attributed to Hamas is always reported by a third party and often by organizations that are known to support Israel

4) So, if the raid was intended to go deeper why were 240 hostages taken and returned by this small force to Gaza so quickly? It doesn’t seem to have been a suicide raid and according to witnesses houses were blown apart by Israeli tanks. Why has it taken Israeli Intelligence over a month to release this story and reduce the number of civilians killed?

Israel has said their hostages were taken and hidden in underground tunnels. So, why is Israel bombing the very locations where they say the hostages are hidden?

Israel has a history remember when

Australia expels Israeli diplomat over fake passports used in Dubai killing

This article might be more than 13 years old but Netanyahu was still in control and Israeli intelligence was attempting to spin bullshit that they weren’t the assassins. We kicked the Israeli ambassador out of the country why?
Investigators concluded Israel was responsible for the assassination and for forging four Australian passports used in the killing of the Hamas operative. They never bothered to either ask or inform us.


Tel Aviv: The first clues came from the bodies of slain militants: maps, drawings, notes, and the weapons and gear they carried.

Source: New evidence suggests Hamas wanted to go even further on October 7

Voice to parliament: Peter Dutton’s divisive language must not derail Australia’s 1967 moment

Peter Dutton wants a No vote in the 2023 referendum. In 1967, 90 per cent of Australians said yes to Indigenous rights.

Yes, Peter Costello’s The AGE  puts Massola’s by-line  on the front page that the “Yes Vote is Unlikely to win”  as “News”, rather than Opinion, setting the mood for the No Campaign

So, yes; some individual First Nations peoples are against the Voice, and for widely differing reasons, but the vast majority – currently 83 per cent – are for it. Eighty-three per cent that’s a lot of voices. I hope the rest of us can hear them.

Source: Voice to parliament: Peter Dutton’s divisive language must not derail Australia’s 1967 moment

Melbourne house prices: Labor MPs weigh Airbnb crackdown to tackle rental crisis

Short stay accommodation is booming along the Mornington Peninsula.

Costello’s headline in the Age attacks Dan with an “If and could” article on Air BnBs. Nothing, in reality, to be seen other than an opportunity to boost the LNP by useful scaremongering. How did mainland Australia become so ALP when 80%+ of our mainstream media concentration is the world’s most Blue? The answer it’s the least trusted. Long Live Independents and the ABC

Capping the number of nights Victorian landlords can list their properties on Airbnb, imposing a  “tourist tax” and empowering councils to charge owners higher rates are among the options on the table.

Source: Melbourne house prices: Labor MPs weigh Airbnb crackdown to tackle rental crisis

Old Dog Thought- Frank Sinatra was right when he called out Australian media. The Age is Racist blames Obama while whitewashing Growth Faculty the event organizers as the victims made to cancel Aunty Joy

Fighting Fake News with REAL,31/3/23, Truth In Humor, The Real Opposition, Racism the Age, Growth Faculty, Aunty Joy,

Voice to parliament: Dutton walked out of the Apology. Now he’ll walk out on the Voice

Peter Dutton retains his public stance of sceptical agnosticism.

Hartcher in typical Conservative fashion takes us down the descriptive road of what should never have happened in the first place. His apparent neutrality is in fact the opposite. History shows Australia to be the only British settler colony that never bothered about a treaty with the first owners of this land. Treating what has happened as if was normal,not wrong and that the past is way too difficult to change.

Surely if the history of the damage done was rewritten and taught in schools as has been done in Germany post WW2 any changes to our Constitution would be easy and seen as a necessary conclusion rather than the “fait a accompli” Hartcher describes. But the Conservative’s primary goal is to not change Australian or even British history as we know it because with it comes guilt, shame and an Inglorious past.

It’s a brave prime minister who tries to change the constitution without the support of the opposition. No constitutional referendum in Australia’s history has succeeded without agreement of both major parties.

Source: Voice to parliament: Dutton walked out of the Apology. Now he’ll walk out on the Voice

Australian War-Monger Fantasies are set loose on Peter Costello’s media front pages. In reality it might well be called LNP Propaganda married to Fairfax’s advertorial ratings chase.Yes, they are and “Doing the Murdoch”.

Scenarios Peter Jennings, a former deputy secretary for strategy in the Defence Department, says the nation needs to prepare for. It’s what made us the aggressor and took us to Vietnam

Labor tax reform: If voters bless his superannuation reforms, is Albanese’s next stop negative gearing?

Illustration: Simon Letch

Why is it that  The Age once a Newspaper has segued into being a model of what Murdoch Media is? A valueless corporate profit system. It too now presents fiction as fact and competes for attention and money from the wealthy only! It’s not begging for the money of ordinary Australians but only the self-interested wealthy among us. That Murdochian change has become noticeable since Peter Costello took over.

Sneaky? It’s one way to claim the ALP are being sneaky and keep Robodebt in the background. Forward Estimates have never been right and The Age is doing little more than presenting fiction as fact

Albanese and Chalmers have found a way to propose change without a breach of faith: announce it early, legislate it this term but make sure it takes effect after the next election. They are attempting reform with the permission of the Australian people.

And they have a chance to ask permission to go further.

Source: Labor tax reform: If voters bless his superannuation reforms, is Albanese’s next stop negative gearing?

Jacinda Ardern resigns: New Zealand housing crisis

This article entitled the “Housing Crisis” is in Costello’s and the CH9 Age yesterday. The Statistic above is what Ardern achieved  for NZ in housing and if you note an all-time high.  Amazing how Ch9 is so intent on preferring bullshit to the facts in order to run  Jacinda Ardern down. If this had been  the past 5 years of an Australian or NZ Conservative government The Age opinionators would be all praises.

Here’s another statistic that The Age “OPINIONISTS” seemed to have missed or avoided telling Australia and why they are more Murdoch today than they are news and information..

Despite her celebrity status, outgoing New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern failed to resolve the country’s housing crisis.

Source: Jacinda Ardern resigns: New Zealand housing crisis

IBAC investigation: Dan Andrews rebuffs questions on probe as corruption watchdog calls for tough laws against media

Premier Daniel Andrews at the construction site of Arden train station on Saturday.

The Age’s attempt to make out that Dan Andrews is pushing to make public reporting of IBAC leaks illegal, and that Matthew Guy, is a crusader for press freedom is actually propaganda built on a house of cards. Buried yet again in the Age’s biased report is the hidden fact. It’s IBAC and QC Redlich who is appealing for stronger laws against the leaks in their investigations. Leaks well before any formal report is even released and leaks before any conclusions have been reached. The new Age is in the full conspiracy swing of an American a PR agency modelled on Fox News, News Max and OAN in competition with Murdoch’s Herald Sun for number one spot.

IBAC now wants to go a step further and is pushing the government for “urgent” legislation that would make it an offence for any person to report the contents of draft IBAC reports.

In a strongly worded statement, IBAC said it was a “critical” part of the natural justice process to give people the chance to respond to preliminary findings.

It said this natural justice process had forced it to seek the injunction to prevent The Age from publishing information from the draft report. (The Age)

Source: IBAC investigation: Dan Andrews rebuffs questions on probe as corruption watchdog calls for tough laws against media

Old Dog Thought- The Election has truly started with Costello’s donation to the Vic LNP

He’s taken the words out of Murdochs mouth and applied them to Ch9 and what was once the Fairfax press

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 5/11/22, Peter Costello has walked in the room; “IBAC Uncovers” “but we don’t know what” Hanso down $250K The Mad Hatters Tea Party;

Political parties must stop spending taxpayer money on campaign advertising

The Big Build advertising campaign was strongly criticised by the Auditor-General.

This seems more like an advertorial. A complaint on behalf of LNP’s Vic Branch’s attempt to excuse their up-and-coming loss at the election next month. Given that Ch9 didn’t complain or make an issue of this when the LNP were in power it seems rather calculated to headline it now. The Naphine government spent money and even signed unwanted infrastructure contracts when they knew they were going to lose. Contracts that cost this state more to cancel than any “overspend” on ads that failed to stop the ALP from winning government.

I could be wrong as the ABC has jumped on the current Grattan Institute’s report as well. The Grattan Institute has simply validated what the whole of Australia has known and experienced for years. Most of which were LNP-controlled. The research however, doesn’t address Victoria, or next month’s election as the data isn’t out. Is Dan meant to not advertise “closed roads” due to infrastructure works going on?

No analysis, costings or accusations can realistically be made before this election. The timing of this research’s past, released now, isn’t the point either. But, mainstream media headlining it is. Because, it does sound like a whine, and the voice of sour grapes on behalf of the LNP before the poll as their current ads show they aren’t cutting through. Has the State LNP run out of funds again or are they about to do a Trump and claim the election is in the process of being stolen?

Ch9 gives “Matt” Matthew Guy more air-time than they gave Dan Andrews when he was in opposition and running against Napthine. No research has been done on that. But memory serves us well doesn’t it? However, there has been a significant difference witnessed since Peter Costello was made head of Ch 9 and took over Fairfax and The Age in Victoria. Stokes is in charge of ch7, and Murdoch dominates Sky News and the regions. Any case of unfair obvious has been obvious as far back as Bolte. Even in opposition LNP ads might not look directly gov subsidised but more like undeclared donations to me. Murdoch’s always been a standout and Ch9 has become the new stronger player on the block. While the ABC has been whipped into line this past decade with the Federal government slashing and bashing them into submission.

Can Guy’s regular appearance on Costello’s CH9 News be regarded as an undeclared “donation”? How much would that be worth? How much is this article’s placement worth if costed as a donation?

The opposition, as well as minor parties and independents, are unfairly disadvantaged when governments exploit their incumbency and use public money to boost their image. Victoria has stronger rules than most jurisdictions. They prohibit politicisation of taxpayer-funded advertising – but there are no consequences for flouting these laws.

Source: Political parties must stop spending taxpayer money on campaign advertising

Indigenous Voice to parliament: First Nations Voice will meet Peter Dutton’s demand

The incoming Indigenous affairs minister Linda Burney has urged the opposition to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Linda Burney urges Peter Dutton to support Indigenous Voice

Dutton’s response still seems more a case of “victim-blaming” which has gone on for over 230 years. His claim might get onside if they clean up their act is simply that. In what world does The Age editorial see that as change? The Age clearly stands with the same colonist attitude that has always blamed indigenous Australians for their own historical demise and it not being in any way the effect or result of the racist colonial system forcefully implanted on them for over two centuries.

Dutton needs to be more Burney, Dodgson, and all of us Australians more Indigenous. That’s why a voice to parliament is a necessity and not just a promised gift or slight adjustment to our current system.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has indicated he may be open to supporting a referendum on a First Nations Voice to parliament, but he wants “the symbolic … to be accompanied by practical responses”. He wants a Voice to “reduce the incidence of child abuse within those communities” and to improve education, employment and “many other indicators”.

Source: Indigenous Voice to parliament: First Nations Voice will meet Peter Dutton’s demand

Sikh Volunteers Australia Drove 34 Hours To Assist Flood-Affected Victims In NSW

Sikh Volunteers Australia preparing food deliveries

Peter Costello’s AGE spent yesterday attempting to smear Dan Andrews for his relationship with the Sikh Community in Victoria. They seemingly tried to suggest that a positive and progressive relationship  was nefarious and suspicious in nature the equivalent of what we have seen done in LNP’s rorts scandals. The Age was acting more as a PR agent in an effort of damage control for the shambles Matthew Guy and the Liberals had found themselves in. However, even Pr agents can be idiots and chose the wrong community and the wrong relationship to focus on even one one dating back to 2018.

But it’s during difficult times like these that Australians bond together to help each other out — and that can be seen by the efforts of Sikh Volunteers Australia, an organisation that aims to reduce distress in the community by providing free food to people in need. Sikh Volunteers Australia preparing food deliveries

Source: Sikh Volunteers Australia Drove 34 Hours To Assist Flood-Affected Victims In NSW

Scott Morrison’s mate, political advisor and Nine Chairman Peter Costello sacks John Hewson at the SMH – The Age. Is an election close? – Kangaroo Court of Australia

One of Scott Morrison’s closest political advisors is Nine Entertainment Chairman and former federal Treasurer Peter Costello and one of Scott Morrison’s biggest critics is former federal Liberal Party leader John Hewson who was sacked this week as a columnist by the Nine Entertainment owned papers The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. John Hewson’s criticism of Scott Morrison is a lot more damaging to Morrison’s reputation and credibility with voters than most critics because Hewson is a former Liberal Party leader. And with Hewson having a national platform such as The SMH and The Age papers and their websites would have made Hewson one of the top targets for Morrison’s hit squad who work behind the scenes daily trying to manipulate the media.

Source: Scott Morrison’s mate, political advisor and Nine Chairman Peter Costello sacks John Hewson at the SMH – The Age. Is an election close? – Kangaroo Court of Australia

How can every single one of our journalists have got it so terribly wrong? The Melbourne’s Age was the only paper in the country to back Labor.

Thanks for nothing. To the wordsmiths that just take the money.

I remember when the United States Congress gave our Prime Minister a standing ovation.

I remember when men and women around the world were touched by her passion in championing the rights of women.

I remember when our Treasurer was hailed as the best in the world for saving our country from the collapse felt around the globe.

I remember when the world was praising our leadership in action on climate change by introducing carbon pricing.

I remember when we reached agreement with the states to implement education funding reform.

I remember when we looked forward to every home being connected to world class NBN.

It wasn’t that long ago.

So how did we end up in our current position, represented by fools and vilified globally?

The people who are paid to inform us, whose job it is to hold politicians to account, failed us, that’s how.

On the eve of the election, every major newspaper in the country, with the exception of Melbourne’s Age, endorsed Tony Abbott to be Australia’s 28th prime minister.

Queensland’s Courier Mail ran a front page picture of a clown’s hat, emblazoned with the ALP logo, toppled in the centre of a circus ring under a headline ”The circus is over.”

”We believe Tony Abbott stands ready to seize the day,” read Melbourne’s Herald Sun editorial, beside a front page headline ”Tony’s Time”.

The Adelaide Advertiser told Australians that ”tomorrow [they] finally have an opportunity to set our nation on a new path”.

The Canberra Times also came out in favour of the Coalition telling us it was “Abbott’s time”.

On the first day of the election campaign the Daily Telegraph ran a front page photograph of a distressed-looking Kevin Rudd accompanied by the headline: ”Finally, you now have the chance to . . . Kick this mob out.”

And the Sunday Telegraph published a front page picture of a statesman-like Tony Abbott standing in front of a billowing national flag, with the headline: ”Australia needs Tony.”

The Sydney Morning Herald said ”Abbott does not so much deserve the chance to do what Labor could not do in the past six years. But the party he leads is untainted by scandal and infighting, and therefore has the best chance to unite a tired and despondent electorate.”

The AFR judged that ”Australia’s prosperity would be better served by a Coalition government”.

The Australian pushed for the Coalition to be given a majority government and for Mr Abbott to seek a ”mandate for reform”.

The newspaper praised the Opposition Leader, saying: ”Rarely in the modern era has there been a more grounded prime ministerial candidate than this volunteer firefighter, surf lifesaver, endurance athlete and charity cyclist.”

The Northern Territory News compared Labor’s reign to natural disasters afflicting the NT.

”Territorians cope with a lot compared to the rest of Australia. Searing heat, torrential downpours, cyclones and the tyranny of distance,” the NT News editorial read.

”One thing we cannot, and should not, have to cope with is when a government . . . goes troppo. The Labor Federal Government has gone troppo. And that’s being kind. It has lost the ability – and the right – to lead.”

But ”fortunately”, the newspaper concluded, “there is a candidate to bring the country to its senses”.

Melbourne’s Age was the only paper in the country to back Labor.

The Age judged that Labor’s policies – especially the national broadband network, better schools plan and commitment to a price of carbon – meant the government deserved to be returned, but they had already cruelled any chance of that when, in June their headline read “For the sake of the nation, Ms Gillard should stand aside.”

How can every single one of our journalists have got it so terribly wrong? These people are trained and paid to do a job.  They have access to the inner workings of Parliament and they are fed briefs, press releases and leaks.  Perhaps, rather than slavishly believing and printing what they are told, they would do better to stay in their jammies and do a little research for themselves.

We are owed an apology.

Press Laziness Press Propoganda The AGE pages 1-5 some excerpts show a very lopsided story


ASIO officers raided homes across Sydney and Brisbane arresting 15 people some as young as 17 or 19 who were later released…..The AGE

The raids were conducted on kids however the papers really made it sound as if it was a very organized gang if so why were all released and no charges laid?

Azari 22 was charged was charged Thursday with conspiracy to prepare for a terrorist attack. A second Sydneyman 24 from Merrylands was charged late on Thursday on fire-arms and ammunition charges. He was released on bail….The AGE

Azari has legal Aid and doesn’t have the funds to be bailed he has been arrested on the basis of one phone call.

‘It is understood Barylei knew one of the men arrested from school’….The AGE

If knowing Barylei in school is an indictable offense why hasn’t the school been arrested the reporter has nothing to write about and is throwing things in for the sake of the story

“They would use things like public phone boxes. They would avoid talking in cars all that sort of stuff”….The AGE

“while beheading was not specifically mentioned in the alleged phone call on Tuesday- one of several believed to have taken place between Baryalei and Azari- it is assumed that this would have been the method of killing” The…AGE

This is the most salient piece of news why is beheading playing such a large role in the reporting when it was never specifically mentioned. It has been the central feature of the police and media reports and has never had a place.

“the Commonwealth Prosecutor said the charges were very very serious and involved an unusual level of fanaticism”…one intercepted phone call between May8 and September 18 to which Mr Azari was party”

The only thing the Prosecutor is saying is the charges he’s drawn up are very serious the evidence however seems very very weak


“There has been immediate reaction to a clear and imperative danger”

“Mr Boland hired by Legal Aid NSW for Mr Azari did not apply for bail …. the allegation is based on one phone call of very limited compass the federal police have put foward”

One phone call and he is the only sucker who isn’t rich enough to apply for bail

Australians will have absorbed the news of planned beheadings of random citizens with many feelings. All will be grateful ASIO with state and Federal Police appears to have prevented an attack……even in Australia fanatical sectarianism poses a clear and present danger”

There was no news of beheadings but Mark Kenny is not going tell you that it would spoil an otherwise good story.

The Australian Defense League ” Let’s make our presence known and get there (Lakemba) in force against these bastard terrorists

The Australian KKK is itching to come out an play. Jesus want’s them to nail a Muslim to a cross

A woman was man handled and beaten to the face her 14 year old son saw this tried to help. He was pushe into the wall he all most passed out

Nothing but this about police violence on a 14 year old they just recruited to ISIS

The whole saga is disgusting and has put a target on the back of Australians traveling through Muslim countries. Indonesia is our nearest neighbor thank you TEAM ABBOTT

“Tell The Leaners My Cigars and Whiskey Are Good For The Economy” Jolly Joe


Hockey in his eagerness to do something right for a change tripped  and found himself licking Palmer arse. He’s delayed the increase in compulsory super   from 9.5% to 12% for another 7 years. Of course Joe magnanimously said the workers will see that extra money in their pay packets. A straight out lie because employers are not obligated to pass it on.

Tell me an employer that will pass on a 2.5% wage increase when they are not obliged to. His man will go down in history as little more than a waste of space. Please explain Mr Treasurer

If it stays with employers the best way to grow superannuation in Australia is to have a stronger economy because ultimately because superannuation is invested back into the economy’

If the employer keeps the money Joe it’s not my super Joe it’s his new Merc or his overseas trip. It’s the Christmas present my wife or kid just might miss out on. Maybe the school excursion. What utter horse shit is the man saying the improvement in my employer’s life style is good for the economy. That’s as Liberal as you can get and Abbott is running the same line on this.



Amanda Vanstone Speaks Bolt’s Mind in Fairfax News

Imagine if Abbott had been accused of rape …

Amanda Vanstone dinkus. AMANDA VANSTONE 7:34am The media response seems to be rather different for Bill Shorten.


Once an idiot always an idiot. Amanda Vanstone’s article on Bill Shorten is proof positive of Vanstone’s disregard for truth. She begins with not knowing Shorten’s age. He was born in 1967 Amanda you either failed math or you just make it up as you go along. He is not 44!!!

Shorten was far from kidding himself and very wise raising the issue before your mob could savage it like the mongrels you are. Unlike you kidding yourself that that you can bring any new incite to the story other than keep it running. Get a life your a lazy commentator Amanda Vanstone.  Shorten was fully aware what you media trolls could do with it. Particularly those of the Newscorp and the 2GB variety. He came out first and removed the pounce you would all have done banging heads in the hope to run with it.

What saints you all were running your personal little jihads of restraint

 ‘there has been a good deal of restraint excercised by both the media and members of parliament in the lead up to and since.’

There is no comparison with Tony Abbott as there were witnesses to the fact that he scared the shit out of Barbara Ramjan. If you deny that you might just be asked to make a court enforced public apology as did Andrew Bolt,Michael Kroger and Alan Jones when they tried to deny that it was truth. So go ahead Amanda deny it publicly please.

If a similar complaint were made against Abbott with his track record of abuse and violence maybe it wouldn’t be held back. There is a clear history of misogynist behaviour by Abbott not by Shorten. However we know for sure if it was Tony you,Newscorp  or 2GB would not have said a peep. Would the ABC and Fairfax  the leftist media  you work for break the news? Do they have your over blown sense of integrity?

What a load of speculative lazy codswallop you write. You have  plagiarised idea from Andrew Bolt’s self aggrandisement on the Bolt Report That was his excuse for not breaking it. You are the Australian journalist that Frank Sinatra once failed to compliment. I’ll say no more and show restraint b***h.

You all weren’t fast enough nor were politicians. Why don’t you name and shame those investigative journalists those trolls with no morals you allude to in your commentary? Wouldn’t it be sweet revenge  for catching you out for taking $$$$ to change a known Mafia persons immigration status and allowing him to remain in this country on compassionate grounds. Another moment of personal jihad was it Amanda Vanstone?