Tag: Inflation

Net migration set to hit record high levels in 2023

THE PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE of net migration in calendar 2022 hit a new record of 386,970. In the 12 months to March 2023, another new record was set at 454,400. Media commentary criticising the Albanese Government for allowing this level of net migration is currently focused on the impact on the housing crisis and on a per capita recession.

Source: Net migration set to hit record high levels in 2023

Deconstructed: Price Controls, an Inflation Solution That Doesn’t Screw Workers


Centrist and right-wing economists continue to advocate for laying off workers and engineering a recession to address inflation. But why not set commodity price controls instead?

Source: Deconstructed: Price Controls, an Inflation Solution That Doesn’t Screw Workers

Tired of shrinking pay? The real drain on Australians’ productivity is falling wages

When was the last time you got a pay increase? Was it anywhere near the rate of inflation?

If it feels as if your wage is shrinking and cost of living pressures are growing, you’re in good company. And it might just be harming productivity. Here’s why.

Source: Tired of shrinking pay? The real drain on Australians’ productivity is falling wages

 Is 5.75 per cent pay rise for workers on award wages inflationary? A new report reveals big business leaders received an average 15 per cent base pay rise. – The Fiberal Party of Australia

How much does your big boss get paid? These figures might give you a fair idea

While debate rages as to whether a 5.75 per cent pay rise for workers on award wages will be inflationary, a new report reveals the nation’s big business leaders received an average 15 per cent base pay rise.

Source: While… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook

Class War Is at the Heart of the Bank of Canada’s Incoherent Rate Hikes

What the Reserve Bank in Australia ignores is a failure to recognize the facts

“Their goal is to put a chill on borrowing and spending,” it wrote of the bank, noting that the strategy “will throw people out of jobs and make workers insecure enough to stop asking for raises — even if it plunges the country into a recession.” It argued that the bank was focused on blaming workers. As indeed the bank was. So were pundits, bank economists, and right-wing politicians. According to the yarn they spun, because higher labor costs drive up prices, it is workers’ share of the economic pie that is the problem. And, of course, on this view, government spending was making things worse.

Part of the battle for a better world, then, is to shape the mainstream reality in such a way that recognizes basic facts that are inconvenient for the capitalist class. Those facts include, for instance, the empirically verifiable point that corporate profits and central bank interest rate hikes are sending housing costs up, crushing people and, you guessed it, driving inflation.

Source: Class War Is at the Heart of the Bank of Canada’s Incoherent Rate Hikes

Raising Interest Rates Won’t Stop Inflation

The Reserve Bank of Australia has raised interest rates again, ostensibly to keep inflation in check. But the reality is that the move will only enrich banks and rich property investors — at the expense of renters and struggling mortgage holders.

Source: Raising Interest Rates Won’t Stop Inflation

Big business cries poor on wages even as profits mount – Pearls and Irritations

Businessman figurine looking at the growth of stacked coins. Saving money for finance accounting.

Because they are so low-paid, and mainly part-time, these people account for only about 11 per cent of the nation’s total wage bill. So, as the commission says, the pay rise ‘‘will make only a modest contribution to total wages growth in 2023-24 and will consequently not cause or contribute to any wage-spiral’’.

But that’s not the impression you’d get from all the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the main employer group, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It claims ‘‘an arbitrary increase of this magnitude consigns Australia to high inflation, mounting interest rates and fewer jobs’’.


Source: Big business cries poor on wages even as profits mount – Pearls and Irritations

Americans Are Struggling With Inflation. Corporations Are Not.

Why aren’t priced falling they would if Corporations were socially responsible

Whether eggs, flour, or baby formula, the household goods that have seen some of the steepest price increases and majorly squeezed average Americans have also made their manufacturers incredible amounts of profit.

Source: Americans Are Struggling With Inflation. Corporations Are Not.

Lowe’s secret inflation fear: big companies’ price-setting power – Pearls and Irritations

Small piggy banks and large piggy bank balancing on a seesaw.

Despite the grilling he got in two separate parliamentary hearings last week, Reserve Bank governor Dr Philip Lowe’s explanation of why he was preparing mortgage borrowers for yet further interest rate increases didn’t quite add up. There seemed to be something he wasn’t telling us – and I think I know what it was.

Source: Lowe’s secret inflation fear: big companies’ price-setting power – Pearls and Irritations

Businesses are fuelling inflation with unnecessary price hikes — and struggling Australians are paying for it – ABC News

Escalators at Carindale shopping centre busy with Christmas shoppers

But there’s now evidence companies are raising their prices over and above the increase in those costs.

“There’s no doubt that corporations have taken advantage of the supply chain problems and the desperation of consumers to jack up prices far more than required to cover their own costs, and their record profits have made this inflation far worse,” economist Jim Stanford, from the Centre for Future Work, told The Drum.

Source: Businesses are fuelling inflation with unnecessary price hikes — and struggling Australians are paying for it – ABC News

Hefty pay rises required to beat inflation

Workers need a $7000 pay packet boost to keep up with the soaring cost of living.

Canstar analysis shows the average worker earning $92,030 would need a $7178 increase in annual income to keep pace with inflation, which rose 7.8 per cent annually in the December quarter.

Source: Hefty pay rises required to beat inflation

It’s pay time for small business workers – Michael West

Matthew Guy claims he’s going to save them when they don’t need saving it would seem.Is he about to take the credit for something he hasn’t done?

The pay packets of employees at small and medium-sized businesses are growing faster than inflation, new data shows.

Source: It’s pay time for small business workers – Michael West

The profit crisis is the inflation-driving pressure we don’t talk about – ABC News

Soaring corporate profits are being blamed for fuelling inflation, as figures show companies in Australia are enjoying sky-rocketing profits despite the pandemic.

Source: The profit crisis is the inflation-driving pressure we don’t talk about – ABC News

Iron Mountain CEO Says He’s Been “Praying for Inflation”

The CEO of Iron Mountain Inc. told Wall Street analysts at a September 20 investor event that the high levels of inflation of the past several years had helped the company increase its margins — and that for that reason he had long been “doing my inflation dance praying for inflation.”

Source: Iron Mountain CEO Says He’s Been “Praying for Inflation”

Ross Gittins: Australia’s hidden inflation problem

Because what he can’t admit is that inflation won’t fall back to the target range of 2 to 3 per cent until the nation’s businesses decide to moderate their price rises. And they’re not likely to do that until those rises reach the point where they’re driving away customers.

Ross Gittins: Australia’s hidden inflation problem

Average income in Australia’s highest-earning postcode cracks $300,000

Inflation isn’t problem for all Australians the widening wealth and income gap is

The average income across the nation’s richest postcode soared beyond $300,000 for the first time as residents of Cottesloe and Peppermint Grove in Perth’s western suburbs enjoyed an 81 per cent increase in earnings – and during a recession.

Average income in Australia’s highest-earning postcode cracks $300,000

The Fed Should Not Punish Working People for Inflation Driven by Big Oil’s Greed | The Smirking Chimp

The current state of inflation is not domestic. It’s not wages, It’s global and driven by energy pricing greed. It’s Capitalist profit taking advantage and it needs to be stopped in it’s tracks. If the fossil fuel companies had been taxed and profits shared via royalties and higher wages inflation wouldn’t seem such a problem. The Reserve Bank raising interest rates won’t stop it. It’s global and Multinational Global Corporations are causing the price tsunami for their benefit alone.

If you own a car, pay energy bills, or buy groceries, then you have probably noticed that prices are soaring. The cost of food is up 10% and the cost of a gallon of gas is up 50% from a year ago. And in May this year, median monthly rent hit a record high at $2,002. We’re experiencing the highest levels of inflation in 40 years, which is taking a particularly harsh toll on low-income households.

The Fed Should Not Punish Working People for Inflation Driven by Big Oil’s Greed | The Smirking Chimp

Inflation! Or is somebody having a lend of us? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

I’m no economist but neither am I a fool. When somebody tells me that inflation has taken off in Australia and that the cause is largely due to an escalation in the prices of goods and services driven by wage and salary increases and the costs of production I start to take interest.

For a start it can’t be spiralling wages as they have been stuck in the doldrums for years while corporate profits have surged and executive bonuses have ballooned. So we need to look elsewhere.

Inflation! Or is somebody having a lend of us? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

What is inflation? Why is the CPI so high? And how is the RBA planning to bring it back down? – ABC News

Gough Whitlam inflation wave cartoon

How high is inflation at the moment? The last inflation figure, calculated during the first three months of the year, was 2.1 per cent.

Source: What is inflation? Why is the CPI so high? And how is the RBA planning to bring it back down? – ABC News

Old Dog Thought- Amazing how much has been saved on advertising alone by Albanese working and not simply promoting himself.

Fighting Fake News with REAL 20/6/22; Julian Assange Australia’s Gift to America; Economic Reality was never Morrison’s; Wage Stagnation; Inflation; World Comparison and Morrison/Frydenberg; Blackmail and Ransom;

History Says Democracy Will Die if Democrats Don’t Try “Going Big”

Franklin D. Roosevelt at desk working ca. 1932 or 1933. (Photo by: Hum Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Roosevelt would have relished the fight and going big. But Biden and the Democrats now seem intent on going small — so “smol” and petite and inoffensive that no one notices or gets mad at them. One especially dispiriting example of this that Kuttner does not address in the book, but has elsewhere, is inflation. The Biden administration could have gone on the offensive and made the case that inflation is being driven by supply chain issues, corporate price-gouging, and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince — as opposed to rising wages and government spending — but instead has largely settled into a silent defensive crouch. Now Jerome Powell, the chair of the Federal Reserve reappointed by Biden, is saying that the Fed’s policy is to “get wages down,” something Americans will enjoy even less than inflation.

Source: History Says Democracy Will Die if Democrats Don’t Try “Going Big”

To Fight Inflation, the Fed Is Declaring a War on Workers

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell plans to address sky-high inflation by hiking interest rates — acknowledging that doing so will suppress wages and worker power. It’s a response that will force workers to bear the brunt of the inflation crisis.

Source: To Fight Inflation, the Fed Is Declaring a War on Workers

British inflation puts economy on road to oblivion

The UK is grappling with soaring inflation.

Inflation is now at a 40-year high after the consumer prices index rose to 9 per cent in April, according to the latest ONS figures. That’s the sharpest jump since 1982, which, as Torsten Bell of the Resolution Foundation pointed out, means much of the country has never experienced an inflationary shock of this ferocity “in their working lives”.

Source: British inflation puts economy on road to oblivion

No, Raising the Minimum Wage Won’t Spur Inflation

With inflation on the rise, Australian unions are calling for a modest pay increase for minimum-wage workers. The government, backed by bosses and bankers, says such a move will increase inflation, but the truth is they just don’t want to pay.

Source: No, Raising the Minimum Wage Won’t Spur Inflation

Wage Justice can be delivered while also containing inflation – » The Australian Independent Media Network

In the final analysis the economy makes so much wealth; and the question is one of distribution, as well as higher productivity; and industry policy encouraging high wage industries. Increasing the size of the cake is good – but does not solve all problems. At some point we need to confront the question of who gets what share of the cake; and this will require redistribution. Sometimes it’s possible to have ‘win-win’ – but not always. We cannot become a US style economy where workers are disciplined by fear of destitution; and where the living standards of a so-called ‘middle-class’ depend on the exploitation of the working poor.

Source: Wage Justice can be delivered while also containing inflation – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Inflation rises at twice the rate of real wages – Michael West


Inflation has risen to 5.1%, according to the latest figures from the ABS. The 5.1% annual consumer price index (CPI) figure for the last quarter was above market expectations of 4.6%. According to economist Richard Dennis, this is roughly twice the rate of real wage growth across the economy leading to the worst real pay cut for workers this century. According to Michele O’Neil the president of the ACTU this represents a pay cut of nearly $2000 in the first half of this year. Trimmed mean inflation used by the central bank to set rates, which ignores volatile changes, rose to 3.7% which is above the RBA’s target range.

Source: Inflation rises at twice the rate of real wages – Michael West

How to Put Guardrails on Twitter, How to Stop Inflation Without a Recession, and How to Win a War. | The Smirking Chimp

When the history of this horror is written, NATO and Joe Biden will get enormous credit as well. Their steady hands and steadfast strategy appear to be working. Patience, tenacity, and careful use of every tool available to them — short of putting NATO or American troops into Ukraine — is turning the tide. We have no way of knowing how this will turn out (and I continue to fear what a cornered Putin may resort to), but the courage and intelligence of Ukraine, NATO, and Biden deserve our commendation and thanks.

Source: How to Put Guardrails on Twitter, How to Stop Inflation Without a Recession, and How to Win a War. | The Smirking Chimp

Inflation Isn’t the Problem! The Real Problem Is Employers Are Shafting Workers | The Smirking Chimp

More inflation buzz today. The U.S. consumer price index for January is expected to have risen 0.5% — culminating in an annual rise of 7.3%, which would be the largest such increase since 1982. Yes, prices are increasing. But would you prefer a recession? As a practical matter, that’s the choice the Fed gives us. When the Fed puts on the brakes, it often pushes the economy into a ditch. A recession will cause far more hardship for many more Americans than inflation is now causing.

Source: Inflation Isn’t the Problem! The Real Problem Is Employers Are Shafting Workers | The Smirking Chimp

Oil Is Killing the Planet — And Driving Inflation

Today’s inflation isn’t just caused by a post-pandemic rebound in fuel prices, but a long-term exhaustion of oil production. We need to end our dependency on fossil fuels without it becoming the pretext for another wave of austerity.

Source: Oil Is Killing the Planet — And Driving Inflation

Inflation worse under Coalition than Labor, contrary to Morrison’s claims

Scott Morrison’s latest scare campaign claims interest rates and inflation will be worse under Labor than the Coalition, but the historical data refutes that, writes Alan Austin.

Source: Inflation worse under Coalition than Labor, contrary to Morrison’s claims