Category: Political Tactics

Community Independents, who helped destroy the Liberal Party, are a movement that is here to stay and how they weaponised Barnaby Joyce to win seats – Kangaroo Court of Australia

Federal ICAC – The perfect storm for 2025 Anthony Albanese only has to do one thing to guarantee winning the 2025 election and that is to do what he promised and legislate a Federal ICAC that has teeth. It will take 12 months to become operational and another 12 months to finish its first investigations that will likely recommend criminal charges against several federal coalition MP’s which will be just before the 2025 federal election and fresh on voters’ minds.

Source: Community Independents, who helped destroy the Liberal Party, are a movement that is here to stay and how they weaponised Barnaby Joyce to win seats – Kangaroo Court of Australia

Let evidence not fear drive policies on trans athletes

University of Pennsylvania transgender athlete Lia Thomas competes in the 500-yard freestyle finals at the NCAA Championships.

Morrison says “screw the evidence” take the bigot’s side on transgender children in sport  “its commonsense”. No. it’s his faith! Research on children shows his claim to be “bullshit”  and that saying his kids are “blessed” is little more than religious orthodoxy. There is nothing common about it and evidence proves it makes no sense.

The Police, and the AFP have found no evidence that his “Captain’s Pick” Katherine Deve’s family have been physically threatened. Morrison’s insincere apology about disabled kids not being “blessed” mirrors Deve’s equally insincere “I’m sorry I’ll just tone it down”. Neither are sorry. Morrison hasn’t reversed his NDIS cuts and Deves hasn’t stopped advocating transgirls are a massive to girls sports. They need to be judged on their beliefs not just their style of argument. They have been and loudly by a bipartisan majority that have declared them wrong, that children should be allowed to be children.

Morrison’s history in politics has known him to be as devious as a Golum and as cunning as a sewer rat when it comes to dividing and fragmenting communities for a handful of votes. It’s how he won preselection in the first place. Others have sworn stat decs which Morrison calls lies but won’t sue for defamation. He claimed he’d sign a dec countering their claims but then backed down for fear he might be prosecuted fo a false claim.

 All of us have implicit stereotypes that guide the way we view the world. Many people will look at a transgender woman’s face or height and think “it’s unfair” if she wants to play in a women’s sport. That is an assumption.

Source: Let evidence not fear drive policies on trans athletes

Why the Neoliberals Won’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste

Many observers expected that the 2008 financial crisis would mark the end of neoliberalism. Instead, we saw a wave of privatization and sharp cuts in public services. Today, the forces best placed to exploit the coronavirus pandemic are still those who already have power: the neoliberals who’ve been shaping the economic policy agenda for decades.

via Why the Neoliberals Won’t Let This Crisis Go to Waste

The alt-right has been under the media spotlight — but should we be concerned about the ‘alt-left’? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Riot police restrain counter-protesters with bandanas across their faces in Boston.

Key points:

The term alt-left was popularised by Donald Trump after the 2017 rally in Charlottesville
Militant far-left groups have gained traction in the US since Mr Trump was elected
Experts say far-right movements are more likely to use violence to achieve their aims

Mr Stuart added that while the far left and the far right are both political extremes, their similarities don’t extend beyond that.

He said the beliefs of the far left tended to be tied to class and social mobility, which usually doesn’t require violence to achieve their goals.

“Whereas on the right, it’s about race, it’s about sexual orientation,” he said.

“For the right, it’s about essential characteristics that cannot be changed, and when you’re faced with the situation, the only obvious answer is violence or deportation.”

via The alt-right has been under the media spotlight — but should we be concerned about the ‘alt-left’? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Donald Trump wants a border wall. The El Chapo verdict shows why it won’t work – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A man in tracksuit pants and a polo shirt is held by soldiers who have bound his hands.

The ‘”illegals ” Morrison clamour’s about come through legal point’s of entry. Australia’s migrant criminals came here legally (ODT)

One witness described how Guzman filled cans of jalapenos with cocaine, stacked them on the back of commercial tractor-trailers and drove through legal points of entry, no questions asked.

The cartel took larger loads, though less frequently, by rail and sea. Sometimes operatives transported millions in cash.

In other words, the Sinaloa’s narcotics were not snuck through the so-called “soft spots” that Mr Trump describes. They weren’t taking advantage of a lack of concrete wall or steel-slat fence. They were going through legal points of entry.

via Donald Trump wants a border wall. The El Chapo verdict shows why it won’t work – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Cops in Melbourne’s west who are both bloodhounds and sheepdogs

John Sylvester’s response on behalf of the Victorian Police to idiots like Andrew Bolt, Peter Dutton, Matthew Guy et al (ODT)

Rarely have middle-ranked police in Melbourne suburbs been the subject of such ill-informed, politically-driven bilge generated from the mouths of people who should know better but consistently put self-interest in front of common sense.

Source: Cops in Melbourne’s west who are both bloodhounds and sheepdogs

Are there hidden costs to high immigration?

migrants tend to be younger than the existing population, and so they are more likely to work. They tend to be more skilled, and so more productive. Inherently they tend to have a lot of “get up and go” – because by definition they have already got up and gone. And they contribute to Australia’s cultural diversity and resilience.

The benefits of migration have increased over the past 15 years. The Howard government shifted Australia’s migration intake towards younger and more-skilled migrants. There are now fewer family reunion migrants, and most of them today are partners rather than parents. Many of the extra temporary migrants are students who both contribute to Australia’s exports, and then contribute to the economy as relatively well-trained workers.

via Are there hidden costs to high immigration?

GetUp vs the IPA – » The Australian Independent Media Network

As with all things associated with disclosure and transparency in Australia, the ‘process’ is as clear as mud. It does seem, however, that the AEC is being used by politicians to pursue an agenda. This is now a common theme in Australia, the politicization of government agencies.And, right on cue, the Australian Federal Police have conducted raids on Australian Workers Union offices in Melbourne and Sydney. The investigation relates to whether donations made to activist group GetUp were authorised under union rules. The AFP issued a statement confirming they were carrying out the raids on behalf of the Registered Organisations Commission (ROC), the independent regulator of unions and employer associations. Instead they’ve gone for the circus of involving the AFP — who are just doing their jobs — and executing a search warrant for documents that had they asked for, requested, or served the notice to produce, we would have willingly provided them.

Source: GetUp vs the IPA – » The Australian Independent Media Network

AGL fined $124,000 for failing to declare political donations | Australia news | The Guardian

Energy giant failed to declare donations it made to NSW major parties at a time when it was seeking development approvals for projects on state’s mid-north coast

Source: AGL fined $124,000 for failing to declare political donations | Australia news | The Guardian

Australian Border Force: Operation Fortitude part of agenda to spark fear into public, Tony Windsor says – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Tony Windsor

Yesterday’s Border Force announcement was an attempt by the Government to engender fear in the community for political advantage, a former independent says.

Source: Australian Border Force: Operation Fortitude part of agenda to spark fear into public, Tony Windsor says – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)