Tag: foreign policy

How to break free from slavish adherence to U.S. foreign policy –

American and Australian Cooperation between two states

Current Australian defence policy involves close integration with the United States military in all areas, making an independent foreign policy impossible and ensuring Australia’s automatic involvement in US-instigated wars such as a war with China, our major trading partner. A policy of neutrality would free Australia from involvement in such disastrous military adventures and enable the pursuit of peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with all countries. Recent polls have shown that neutrality has considerable support in the Australian community.

Source: How to break free from slavish adherence to U.S. foreign policy –

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption – ScheerPost

It is the urgent task of the American people to overhaul a foreign policy that is so broken, corrupted, and deceitful that it is burying the government in debt while pushing the world closer to nuclear Armageddon. This overhaul should start in 2024 by rejecting any more funding for the disastrous Ukraine War and Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. Peacemaking, and diplomacy, not military spending, is the path to a US foreign policy in the public interest.

Source: US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption – ScheerPost

Hypocrisy as Australian Foreign Policy: oppose Russia, ignore Israel – Pearls and Irritations

Flags-of Palestine and Israel painted on the concrete wall with soldier shadow. Gaza and Israel conflict.

In the International Court of Justice in The Hague, South Africa has filed suit against Israel for committing genocide in Gaza in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention. Charges of genocide by South Africa include documentation of Israel’s killing of thousands of women and children, destruction of homes, denial to a population of water, food, power and medical supplies, the expulsion and displacement of citizens of Gaza.

Source: Hypocrisy as Australian Foreign Policy: oppose Russia, ignore Israel – Pearls and Irritations

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption – Pearls and Irritations

Biden's Two-Year Foreign-Policy Report Card

Biden is a practicing Catholic

It is the urgent task of the American people to overhaul a foreign policy that is so broken, corrupted, and deceitful that it is burying the government in debt while pushing the world closer to nuclear Armageddon. This overhaul should start in 2024 by rejecting any more funding for the disastrous Ukraine War and Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. Peacemaking, and diplomacy, not military spending, is the path to a US foreign policy in the public interest.

 US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption – Pearls and Irritations


Pope Decries Arms Industry Profits for Pulling ‘Puppet Strings of War’


The courage to end the Alliance – Pearls and Irritations

Broken handshake

In sum, resolution of the contradiction between foreign and defence policy can only come by exiting the alliance now by withdrawing from the AUKUS arrangements. However, many Australians would feel vulnerable and exposed following an alliance break-up. It would take a courageous government indeed to do that. But it is in Australia’s national interest.

Source: The courage to end the Alliance – Pearls and Irritations

Albo is in denial. He seeks protection and reassurance – Pearls and Irritations

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

Instead of thinking through and independently acting in Australia’s best interests, Prime Minister Albanese has followed in the footsteps of his discredited predecessors and outsourced defence and foreign policy to the US.

Source: Albo is in denial. He seeks protection and reassurance – Pearls and Irritations

Australia Helped Indonesia Cover Up Atrocities in East Timor

Australia also supported the slaughter of a Million Indonesians in the overthrow of Soekarno in  the 60s and swept it under the carpet.

A key ally of Suharto at the time, the Australian government helped do Indonesia’s bidding. Among other things, this meant criticizing Australian activists who relayed stories of starvation, cruelty, and murder following East Timor’s annexation. One of these activists, Peter Job, has since pored over declassified documents proving that Australian politicians and civil servants lied to the public while helping to facilitate some of the worst atrocities of the Suharto regime. He spoke to Jacobin about his research, and his recent book, A Narrative of Denial: Australia and the Indonesian Violation of East Timor.

Source: Australia Helped Indonesia Cover Up Atrocities in East Timor

‘America First’ is no more, but can president-elect Biden fix the US reputation abroad?

Throughout the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, Joe Biden spent significant time reassuring American allies around the world that Trump’s America is not “who we are” and pledging “we’ll be back”.

‘America First’ is no more, but can president-elect Biden fix the US reputation abroad?

US election 2020: What has Trump said about your country? – BBC News

Promo image showing Donald Trump and other world leaders

We’ve taken a look at the countries he’s mentioned most on Twitter to pick out his most notable statements and give an overview of where US relations stand as we approach the election on 3 November.

US election 2020: What has Trump said about your country? – BBC News

Security agencies assume greater role in Australian policymaking

The question taxing many is why are our security services and not the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) running our relationship with China? The answer is complex and begins with the onset of the Howard era in 1996 and continues to this day.

Security agencies assume greater role in Australian policymaking

China: Loose lips have cost Australia dearly

With the help of News Corp we have become idiots aboad unlike other nations (ODT)

What should have been a cool-headed speech became an entirely unnecessary taunting of a country which we have a valuable relationship.

No another US ally – not Japan or any of the Europeans- has thought it necessary to abandon diplomatic practice in the conduct of its China relationship. Nor have US partners like India or Singapore.

via China: Loose lips have cost Australia dearly

People-smuggler cash scandal: Indonesian MP calls for Australia to abandon push-back policy

A member of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s ruling party has called on the Indonesian government to “send a strong protest” after a report found Australian officials paid people smugglers to return to Indonesia.

Source: People-smuggler cash scandal: Indonesian MP calls for Australia to abandon push-back policy

Noam Chomsky: Exceptionalism Is a Concept Held by Every Great Power and It’s Always Wrong

In a conversation with theoretical physicist and cosmologist Lawrence Krauss, Noam Chomsky explains why American exceptionalism is neither unique nor founded on truth. The renowned linguist goes on to discuss how, despite the fact that many are under the illusion that United States interventionist attitudes abroad are altruistic, the country’s foreign policy only benefits the most powerful Americans, among other important topics.

Watch the two-part dialogue, which forms part of Arizona State University’s Origins Project, below.

Tony Abbott’s foreign affair disaster September. Bridget Bardot wishes she’d done more……..Andrew Bolt Exclusive Incite!!! Care of Newscorp

Personally this man decided to put himself on the front page months ago by sounding off like the leader of the war pac-t. He wanted to be noticed for other than his home-grown stupidity. It worked he is noticed for his International stupidity. However this man has a history of stupidity and viciousness since a student he’s left a trail of blood behind. However as a student he wasn’t noticed in Australia he wasn’t noticed until Murdoch took control of our media. The world however noticed and it’s not all Left wing.  Let’s hear some opinions from other than Newscorp and Fox.

 Number 40 The Slate in the USA headlined its piece:

‘The Saudi Arabia of the South Pacific: How Australia became the dirtiest polluter in the developed world.’

Its critique was blunt:

‘In the year since they took office, Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his Liberal-led coalition have already dismantled the country’s key environmental policies. Now they’ve begun systematically ransacking its natural resources. In the process, they’ve transformed Australia from an international innovator on environmental issues into quite possibly the dirtiest country in the developed world.’

The judgment is based on three visible reversals: logging Tasmania’s forests, recalcitrance at the recent UN climate summit in New York and the carbon tax/price repeal.

Number 39 was the decision to follow the US into Iraq in yet another attempt to meet violence with violence — and, incidentally, boost the popularity of warmongering ‘leaders’.

The threat this poses to Australia was widely highlighted:

In the UK, The Guardian headlined its report:

‘Isis instructs followers to kill Australians and other disbelievers’

In the U.S.:

‘ISIS threatens to attack the US, France & Australia’

In Russia:

‘High alert: Australia ups terror threat level as intelligence warns of ISIS-related attack’

Number 38 was the deal with Cambodia to ‘sell’ some of the world’s most desperate refugees to one of the world’s poorest countries.

France’s prestigious Le Monde headed its report:

‘L’Australie souhaite 1000 réfugiés vendre au Cambodge’ [Australia wants to ‘sell’ 1,000 refugees to Cambodia]

CNN in the US:

‘Australian deal to settle refugees in Cambodia slammed as new low’

In the UK:

‘Cambodians protest Australia using country as refugee dumping ground’

In Indonesia:

‘Activists outraged over Cambodia-Australia refugee deal’

Number 37 was Australia’s appallingly cruel treatment of refugees.

France’s Le Monde ran a story titled,

‘En Australie, une fillette de 6 ans contre l’enfer des camps de migrants’ [In Australia, a 6 year old girl protests the ‘hell’ of migrant camps]

It recounts the case of an incarcerated child suffering untreated toothache, allergies, bed-wetting, stuttering and other symptoms of depression due to separation from her mother.

The New York Times ran an outraged editorial:

‘Australia is pursuing draconian measures to deter people without visas from entering the country by boat. In doing so, it is failing in its obligation under international accords to protect refugees fleeing persecution.’

Number 36 was the Budget decision to slash overseas aid from the miserable level promised before the 2013 election – already a reduction of $4.5 billion – by a further $3.1 billion.

The UK’s Daily Mail quoted aid advocate and rock legend Sir Bob Geldof, saying he was dismayed Australia had reduced overseas direct aid (ODA) when it was one of the richest nations in the world.

Said Geldorf:

“The Australian government promised to increase ODA to 0.5 per cent [of GDP]. The Australian people gave their word to the poorest people on this planet. You can’t mess with a sovereign promise to the poor, they’re too weak, they’re too vulnerable. You can’t f*** around with them.”

So let’s briefly recap the earlier 35: