Tag: Woke

Inspection- Of “Woke,” Anti-Woke and the Anti-Culture War | The Smirking Chimp

Interesting how people who claim to be against government interference are all for it when it serves their preference. “I’m tired of ‘woke'” is meant to stop conversation. There’s no engagement, like “That’s not exactly how that happened.” It’s anti-engagement, like so much of today’s rhetoric.
Why so afraid to engage? Afraid you might LOSE?
Maybe because when people try engage in absurd talking points it becomes so damn obvious those talking points are not only wrong, but the wrong headed. Talking point: “Blacks had slaves too!” Response: “So? And your point is…?” Citing African “history” makes nothing right, defends nothing. It’s like saying, “Hey, that guy over there murdered someone too,” hoping to get another discussion of murder off the table. Intentional distraction. A classic case of “Look over THERE instead!”
If slavery is wrong it’s wrong: another example doesn’t make it right.

Source: Inspection- Of “Woke,” Anti-Woke and the Anti-Culture War | The Smirking Chimp

Buffalo shooting: how white replacement theory keeps inspiring mass murder | Jason Stanley | The Guardian

People march to the scene of a shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, on Sunday.

In Australia, Andrew Bolt, convicted racial vilifier, has been preaching that the BLM  is a “racist movement”. Racial against whites and intent on their replacement. Straight from the bible of America’s white racist ultr-right

The LNP has adopted and politicized it to such an extent that its policies have turned to the restriction of historical facts that can be taught in our schools and the creation of degrees taught in universities. Any demand for structural inclusion by showing up the level of exclusion of people of color is now deemed revolutionary and divisive and called Cultural Replacement Theory or the  (CRT) conspiracy. It’s deemed as dangerous as Marxism once was by the far right-wing media along with the demands of other like-minded groups that threaten power, privilege and the current order of things. By demanding equality, and justice and spotlighting the facts of and methods adopted to exclude people of color from opportunities afforded whites .

Eleven of the people he shot were Black, and two were white. As the manifesto he left behind makes clear, this was fully intentional. The first listed goal in his manifesto was to “kill as many blacks as possible”.

Source: Buffalo shooting: how white replacement theory keeps inspiring mass murder | Jason Stanley | The Guardian

Old Dog Thought- Scott Morrison the Salesman destroyed trade with China & France did a sucker deal with the US opening up the country to American Nuclear bases making us pay & the target while giving our lost trade to the US. While they store our strategic oil half way across the world before we get anything…. Genius

Pentagon to expand military presence in Australia against China

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 4/12/21; Scott from Marketing is no salesman ; WOKE GO BROKE; Democracy

Republicans Call Decency “Woke” Because They’re Indecent

“Woke” is Republican-speak. Murdoch Media-speak. Conservative political speak

“Woke” is versatile Conservative catch-all epithet: A form of abuse thrown at us who cry change

And the bigots and the hate-preachers and the supremacists are right to be afraid of us because we in our “wokeness” are going to make sure that they do not have the final word here. To Republicans, to be woke is to be deeply human, and that humanity will remain the foe they cannot defeat.

It’s woke to want fair elections.
It’s woke to be anti-racist.
It’s woke to be anti-fascist.
It’s woke to trust Science.
It’s woke to wear a mask in a pandemic.
It’s woke to be the parent of a bullied child.
It’s woke to want to be addressed with the gender you identify with.
It’s woke to want a less-polluted community.

Source: Republicans Call Decency “Woke” Because They’re Indecent

Conservatives Are the Ones Attacking Free Speech at Universities

Australian conservatives claim that “woke” students and left-wing lecturers pose a threat to free speech on university campuses. But the real “cancel culture” is coming from the Right.

Source: Conservatives Are the Ones Attacking Free Speech at Universities

‘War on woke’ pits corporate elites against conservative politicians

Culture war warriors don’t need to look at data. Their problem they aren’t just ‘alternative facts’

It was a remarkable day in politics when assistant attorney general Amanda Stoker, personally intervened to have ‘anti-racism’ removed from an Australian Human Rights Commission tender. She worried the term was associated with Critical Race Theory. Stoker had no beef with the idea that racism is something Australians should be against. So why oppose a theory that seeks to understand and address racism at a systemic level? The problem appeared to be that this theory is beholden to the bogeyman of the ‘woke revolution’. This incident reflects a growing political engagement in a ‘war on woke’ in Australia. The call to arms is issued from the bastions of right-wing conservatism. Sky News leads the way in claiming that every progressive cause, from climate action to anti-racism to feminism, signals a capitulation to woke ‘lefty lunacy’. Scott Morrison was not far behind when he attacked identity politics. All of this malarkey about gender, race and sexuality undermines morality, freedom and the Australian way, he proselytized.

Source: ‘War on woke’ pits corporate elites against conservative politicians

Old Dog Thought- The Morrison & Murdoch are ducks stamping out bush fires. To be Woke is to be stamping out burning ducks

(Image: Gorkie/Private Media)

Fighting Fake News with REAL 7’3/21; Morrison ain’t WOKE he’s Unconscious. Higgins and Tamale are simply demanding their generational right to cancel a dysfuncional culture the same as first nations peoples have been doing for over 200 years