Category: Racism USA

Regardless of seditious conspiracy charges’ outcome, groups like Proud Boys seek to build a white nation

Central to Jan 6th the Proud Boys admit to the Call of Donald Trump on Jan 6th to Stop the Steal by preventing the certification of the new Government. The Proud Boy’s support for Trump was full aligned with their mutual interest even though Trump’s was more pragmatic self-interest than Nationalistic

Source: Regardless of seditious conspiracy charges’ outcome, groups like Proud Boys seek to build a white nation

Buffalo shooting: how white replacement theory keeps inspiring mass murder | Jason Stanley | The Guardian

People march to the scene of a shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, on Sunday.

In Australia, Andrew Bolt, convicted racial vilifier, has been preaching that the BLM  is a “racist movement”. Racial against whites and intent on their replacement. Straight from the bible of America’s white racist ultr-right

The LNP has adopted and politicized it to such an extent that its policies have turned to the restriction of historical facts that can be taught in our schools and the creation of degrees taught in universities. Any demand for structural inclusion by showing up the level of exclusion of people of color is now deemed revolutionary and divisive and called Cultural Replacement Theory or the  (CRT) conspiracy. It’s deemed as dangerous as Marxism once was by the far right-wing media along with the demands of other like-minded groups that threaten power, privilege and the current order of things. By demanding equality, and justice and spotlighting the facts of and methods adopted to exclude people of color from opportunities afforded whites .

Eleven of the people he shot were Black, and two were white. As the manifesto he left behind makes clear, this was fully intentional. The first listed goal in his manifesto was to “kill as many blacks as possible”.

Source: Buffalo shooting: how white replacement theory keeps inspiring mass murder | Jason Stanley | The Guardian

10 People Killed in “Racially Motivated” Buffalo Shooting – Mother Jones

Buffalo shooting

In Australia, we have Institutionalised racially motivated death principally in our police stations, jail and health systems having killed over 500 Indigenous Australians in and asylum seekers in custody all one by one.

According to police, the suspect—an 18-year-old white male—drove from “hours away” to carry out the attack, which he livestreamed on the internet. Police said the suspect was heavily armed and was wearing tactical gear. The shooter was taken into custody and was expected to be arraigned as early as Saturday evening.

Source: 10 People Killed in “Racially Motivated” Buffalo Shooting – Mother Jones

White Trumper Gets Slap On Wrist After Voting As His Dead Mother | Crooks and Liars

White Trumper Gets Slap On Wrist After Voting As His Dead Mother

As Black Crystal Mason faces a five-year sentence for voting by mistake, white Bruce Bartman got only probation after voting as his dead mother and registering as his dead mother-in-law.

Source: White Trumper Gets Slap On Wrist After Voting As His Dead Mother | Crooks and Liars

“Exterminate All the Brutes” Was 500 Years of Genocide in the Making


That is 100 percent true. Before this moment in history, it would have been impossible to imagine that one of the world’s largest corporations — AT&T, owner of HBO, with a current market cap of $220 billion — would have funded and broadcast a film like this. The fact that it somehow squeezed through the cracks and onto our TVs and laptop screens demonstrates that something profound about the world is changing. Decades, centuries of people fighting and dying were required both to widen the cracks and mold someone like Peck, the right human at the right time, to step through. “Exterminate All the Brutes” is a sprawling disquisition — four episodes, each an hour long — into the invention and consequences of 500 years of “white” supremacy, presented via a high-gloss pastiche of old footage, newly filmed dramatizations, and clips from Hollywood movies. “White” needs scare quotes because the film makes clear that whiteness is not something that exists in reality — like, say, the moon — that is right there whether we believe in it or not. Instead, it’s something imaginary that we’ve somehow all agreed on, like pieces of paper having value.

Source: “Exterminate All the Brutes” Was 500 Years of Genocide in the Making

Why Black Lives REALLY Matter: Corporate America is fueling race war to deflect attention from massive wealth inequality — RT Op-ed

Why Black Lives REALLY Matter: Corporate America is fueling race war to deflect attention from massive wealth inequality
We all live in a Material World surrounded by narraetives

Ask the average person on Main Street to describe the biggest news story of 2020 and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests will probably take a close second place just behind the Covid-19 pandemic. That answer, however, is more of a reflection of the US media’s unmatched power for shaping the public narrative than an honest assessment of the real problems confronting Americans. Indeed, far more worrisome than racial tensions, and a virus with a 99.75 percent survival rate, is the colossal transfer of wealth to the golden 0.01 percent.

Why Black Lives REALLY Matter: Corporate America is fueling race war to deflect attention from massive wealth inequality — RT Op-ed

“White privilege Trumps everything”: Jokey meme, or symbol of America’s disease? |

main article image

Last week, prosecutors announced charges against a California man who was arrested on Jan. 15 for possession of pipe bombs and other weapons. Ian Rogers was apparently intent on attacking Democrats and other “enemies” of Donald Trump and his movement. Law enforcement also seized as evidence a card from Rogers that read “White Privilege Trumps Everything” and had the number “0045” (Trump was the 45th president) repeatedly listed as its account number.

“White privilege Trumps everything”: Jokey meme, or symbol of America’s disease? |

Viewing Covington Teens as Victims Continues Native Erasure

Concern from both liberal and conservative media outlets shifted from confronting the issue of Indigenous erasure — why were Native people marching in D.C. in the first place? — to defending the innocence of white youth.

By now, millions around the world have seen the viral video of dozens of Catholic schoolboys sporting “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, hats tomahawk-chopping and mocking a Native elder, who was drumming and singing at the feet of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Nathan Phillips, the military veteran and water protector from the Omaha Nation, waded into the crowd of high school students, as he tried to defuse a tense situation between the students and a group of black Israelites who were taunting Natives and passers-by with racist and homophobic comments. It was an iconic moment loaded with history. And what should have been a time of soul-searching for a nation founded on Indigenous genocide has instead morphed into an attack on Indigenous people.

The fault, however, is not with the individual acts of one white kid; it lies with how this story was told and how it has obfuscated a movement and history. That was the greatest loss in this tale: This episode being twisted in order to reverse and then ignore the larger narrative.

Journalists are often the first to write history — and they are also the first to rewrite it. We’ve seen how cops killing Black kids is made to look like self-defense, how children crossing borders become “illegals,” or how Native elders singing songs become violent aggressors.

It’s the founding myth of this country: The cowboy will always be surrounded by hostile natives to make colonial invasion look like self-defense. That narrative won’t end unless we stop telling that story.

via Viewing Covington Teens as Victims Continues Native Erasure

A Lesson on Slavery for White America

From the nation’s colonial origins through the present, the Machiavellian, ruling-class-imposed color line (see Edmund Morgan’s classic 1976 study “American Slavery, American Freedom ” has hurt ordinary whites as well as people of color. Elite-crafted racism has undermined working-class and poor whites’ willingness and ability to join with blacks and other nonwhites in forming the powerful grass-roots alliances and solidarities required to wrest a durably decent living and a democratic society from the wealthy few.

Source: A Lesson on Slavery for White America

No racism until Obama, says an Ohio Trump campaign chair – video | I think she rang Andrew Bolt and his view on Australian History

Donald Trump’s campaign chair in a prominent Ohio county claims there was ‘no racism’ until Barack Obama was elected

Source: No racism until Obama, says an Ohio Trump campaign chair – video | US news | The Guardian

White supremacist stabs interracial couple after seeing them kiss at bar, police say | Americas | News | The Independent

Daniel Rowe was apparently enraged at the sight of a black man and a white woman kissing on the streets of Olympia, Wash., Tuesday night. But police say he hid his violent intent behind a stony face until he was close enough to strike. The attack happened about 8:30 p.m. in the state’s capital city on Fourth Avenue,  a classic downtown street busy with people going to a local movie theater or visiting bars and restaurants.

Source: White supremacist stabs interracial couple after seeing them kiss at bar, police say | Americas | News | The Independent

Watch Jesse Williams give a powerful speech on racism in America at the BET Awards | People | News | The Independent


Jesse Williams left audience members in tears while giving a moving acceptance speech at the 2016 BET Awards. Williams, who’s best known for his role as Dr. Jackson Avery in Grey’s Anatomy and for his outspoken activism, received the Humanitarian Award on Sunday and slammed the unfair treatment of black folks across the United States.

Source: Watch Jesse Williams give a powerful speech on racism in America at the BET Awards | People | News | The Independent

Woman Says She Endured 8 Days In Psych Ward Because Cops Didn’t Believe BMW Was Hers

NEW YORK — Kamilah Brock says the New York City police sent her to a mental hospital for a hellish eight days, where she was forcefully injected with powerful drugs, essentially because they couldn’t

Source: Woman Says She Endured 8 Days In Psych Ward Because Cops Didn’t Believe BMW Was Hers

Ice Cube: Nothing much has changed since police beating of Rodney King, says NWA rapper – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Rapper Ice Cube speaks to 7.30 about racial tensions in the US and controversial new NWA biopic Straight Outta Compton.

Source: Ice Cube: Nothing much has changed since police beating of Rodney King, says NWA rapper – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Is “White Skin Privilege” the Key to Understanding Racism?

Source: Is “White Skin Privilege” the Key to Understanding Racism?

We are up against a powerful class of people that we do not stand a chance against if we allow “the narcissism of small differences” (Freud) to continue dividing us. In our own interests, to protect ourselves from further suffering, we must recognize people who are basically in the same boat as we are, but who have endured even greater exploitation and injustice. Given this latter fact, people of color can also offer the most experienced leadership in fighting back against our corporate rulers. It will not be easy, but we need to work towards forging a multi-racial working class unity that can confront the power of big business. It’s an uphill fight but I believe we have to begin by being clear about what is and what is not going to be a workable strategy against racism.

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn’t exist

All sizes | Awa summer | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The state of race relations in the U.S., a country where people seem to be under the mistaken belief that we are “post-racial,” is dire. This week saw a young, unarmed black man killed by the NYPD in a stairwell, and a refusal to indict from a Ferguson grand jury. Responses to these events from those concerned about systemic discrimination against people of color also saw the revival of a familiar battle cry among my fellow honkies: “Reverse racism!”

Accusations of “reverse racism” are dragged out in many cases when people of color and nonwhite people speak out, sometimes passionately, about racial issues. In Texas, for example, a teacher was recently forced out of her job after a profanity-laced tweet from her private account, in which she referred to white people as “crackers.” Make no mistake: The district’s pressure wasn’t about the use of some four letter words. It was about “crackers,” and the belief that some people think it’s a racial slur. Yes, really. Recently, in another example, the “tanning tax” was called “racist against white people.”

#Breaking: Reverse racism doesn’t exist. Here’s why.

1) Racism = privilege + power

In order to be racist, you need to possess two traits. The first is privilege: A structural, institutional, and social advantage. White people occupy positions of racial privilege, even when they are disadvantaged in other ways. White women, for example, consistently make more than black women, because they benefit from racial attitudes. Furthermore, you also have to have power: the ability, backed up by society, to be a strong social influencer, with greater leeway when it comes to what you do, where, and how.

For instance, white people benefit from privilege and power when they aren’t arrested for drug crimes at disproportionate rates, while black people experience racism when they’re arrested, and sentenced, for the same crimes. This reflects a racialized power imbalance in the justice system. It’s about the privilege and power of white offenders (less likely to be racially profiled, more likely to have strong legal representation, more likely to be able to talk police officers out of an arrest) and the lack of social status for black offenders.

People of color talking about white people don’t occupy positions of privilege or power. Therefore, they cannot be racist. Racism is structural, not personal.

2) Anger is a legitimate response to oppression.

When “reverse racism” is flung around, it’s often in response to angry language, to protests, to fights for equality. People of color have been pushing back on privilege and power for a long time. Many of them are understandably pretty tired of it. Unsurprisingly, some aren’t interested in moderating their tone for a white audience. That means that sometimes they use strong language, out of frustration, rage, or to make a heavy impact on observers. Still not reverse racism.

More importantly, insisting that people of color need to be nice about the way they talk about racism is, in fact, racist: It suggests that, for example, “angry black women” don’t merit social attention, because they’re being unreasonable.

3) Attempts to rectify systemic injustices are not examples of reverse racism.

One of the most common pieces of evidence used as “proof” of reverse racism is that of affirmative action and minority admissions at colleges, universities, and some companies. The argument goes that people of color are stealing positions and jobs away from better or equally qualified white people.

This is not the case. The problem is that generations of injustice have resulted in underrepresentation of people of color in these settings, and the goal of affirmative action and related initiatives is to ensure that they aren’t harmed by racial bias in admissions and hiring decisions. People of color aren’t admitted or hired “over white people.” They’re considered equally, with an eye to the fact that subconscious bias may be influencing decisions made by people in power, who are, you guessed it, often white.

“White folks will tell me time and time again that Affirmative Action is ‘unfair,’” writes Jamie Utt, a diversity and inclusion consultant and sexual violence prevention educator, “because it discriminates against White people. What the term ‘fair’ assumes here, though, is that we live in a society where there’s an equal playing field for all students, regardless of race or wealth.” Addressing these injustices is intended to give people of color more opportunities, and to ensure that future generations won’t face the same imbalances current generations do.

4) Having spaces set aside for people of color is not racist.

Whites are often resentful of clubs, organizations, and groups focused on people of a specific race, with membership closed to people who are not members of that racial community. The claim goes that such groups segregate and discriminate; after all, if members of those minorities cared so much about racism, they’d open their membership to all, right?

Josh Odam writes in the Daily Collegian, “One of my favorite examples of such a mentality is this: It’s unfair that black students have a Black Student Union when white students do not. To put it simply, the University of Massachusetts is a White Student Union.”

But it’s about more than that. It’s not just that every public space is open to white people, but that white people have an expectation that every private space should be open to them, too. Some conversations and community events need to take place behind closed doors. People of color may need to have sensitive conversations about discrimination, racism, and their lived experiences that are difficult to have when they are surrounded by white observers or people who talk over them. Such spaces provide a medium for doing so, just as members of the LGBTQ community use retreat spaces, and women join women-only organizations and groups for mutual support.

5) White people are not oppressed.

The history of the oppression of people of color by the West, and, by extension, white people, spans centuries. Africans were enslaved and brought to the New World, where European colonialists stole land from Indigenous people. Colonies across the Global South brought untold wealth into the coffers of Europe, with the low, low cost of suffering for native populations.

Today, we’re still living with the legacies of colonialism: In the United States, the black community is dealing with the aftermath of slavery and the poverty and systemic prejudice it left behind. In many African nations, the collapse of former colonies left governments in shambles and unable to support themselves. In Australia, indigenous people struggle with a high poverty rate and low access to health care.

White people, in contrast with people of color, do not experience systemic discrimination that makes it difficult to find and hold jobs, access housing, get health care, receive a fair treatment in the justice system, and more. When it comes to social disparities, they’re the ones consuming and receiving the bulk of the resources; in just one example, black women in the U.S. are more likely to die from breast cancer due to delayed diagnosis. That’s the result of racism within the medical system.

Despite the belief stated by some white people that they are more oppressed than people of color, their claims don’t bear out when looking at social metrics like statistical representation in the justice system, poverty, educational achievement, and unemployment rates.

6) Prejudice and racism are not the same thing.

Some people of color may view whites prejudicially; no wonder, given the interactions of racism in society. Anyone can believe in stereotypes or hold ideas about members of other groups that are not entirely accurate.

However, being, and behaving, prejudicially isn’t the same thing as racism, especially when such prejudice punches up, not down. As Justin Simien of Dear White People puts it, “Prejudice and racism are different. A joke about white people dancing has no impact on the lives of average white people, whereas jokes about black people and reinforcing stereotypes about black people do have an impact on the lives of everyday black people.”

7) Hard truths aren’t racist—they’re just hard to hear.

Making a racist statement is a manifestation of racist culture; being “mean” isn’t. For whites, it can be difficult to be confronted with the reality of racism, and with comments from people of color about how privilege and power operate. It’s tempting to take such comments personally and to insist that people of color are being “mean,” which is often a hop, skip, and a jump away from an accusation of reverse racism.

In this case, the goal is often to invalidate the points made. If someone is being racist, surely her comments can be dismissed instead of taken seriously. Thus, a white person uncomfortable with a racialized conversation may claim that it’s reverse racist in order to escape the conversation, or escape her own role in racist power dynamics.

On the Internet, where such conversations fly by at lightning speed and often get heated, accusations of reverse racism often come in hot and heavy. It’s worth taking a moment to back up and hit those commenters with a healthy dose of truth serum.