Tag: Criticism

Jewish Groups Decry House Passage of Bill Defining Criticism of Israel as ‘Antisemitism’ | Common Dreams

Protesters with signs including one reading "anti-Zionism does not equal antisemitism."

warnings from Jewish-led groups that the measure speciously conflates legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with bigotry against Jewish people.

Source: Jewish Groups Decry House Passage of Bill Defining Criticism of Israel as ‘Antisemitism’ | Common Dreams

Charities are sick of fighting off attacks by the Morrison government | Andrew Leigh | The Guardian

'Traditionally, conservatives have respected the role of community groups, but that’s changed under the Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison governments'

Since Abbott this government has made every effort to silence those who question what it is they are actually doing. The ABC, The UNHRC, and Independant Charities. But “don’t  look in the rear vision” is Morrison’s  catch cry because history reveals an ugly truth. You see just how downgraded Australia has become these past 8 years on every social metric and began with Abbott and has accelerated with Morrison. The only rapid advance we have made is down and when compared with other countries fast. We have done the LNP bungee jump and any seeming improvement has been from the bottom.

From the moment the Abbott government won office, the Coalition has waged war on charities. One of their first acts upon getting elected in 2013 was to try to demolish the charities commission, a one-stop shop for charities. Australia’s charities haven’t been silent in the face of the onslaught. They’ve written three open letters to successive Liberal prime ministers, complaining about the attempt to undermine the voluntary sector. They’ve held rallies and lobbied crossbenchers – most recently managing to see off a measure that would’ve allowed the commissioner to deregister charities if they held a protest that led to the blocking of a public footpath. Charities are sick to the gills of having to fight off the Morrison government. Through a recession and a pandemic, charities have supported vulnerable people, despite a precipitous decline in the rate of volunteering. When Australia was ranked last in the advanced world for action on climate change, environmental charities and business groups kept up pressure on the government for a meaningful response to the climate crisis.

Source: Charities are sick of fighting off attacks by the Morrison government | Andrew Leigh | The Guardian

Conservatives Are the Ones Attacking Free Speech at Universities

Australian conservatives claim that “woke” students and left-wing lecturers pose a threat to free speech on university campuses. But the real “cancel culture” is coming from the Right.

Source: Conservatives Are the Ones Attacking Free Speech at Universities

ABC and SBS fail in their reporting on Bolivia coup

The notion that Australia’s SBS and ABC are politically “Left” is wildly incorrect.

A far-Right military coup in Bolivia forced a sitting socialist President, Evo Morales, to resign and escape the country, yet they hardly reported on this fact. Instead, they devoted much favourable coverage to Right-wing demonstrators and security forces.

Need I mention the anti-coup mostly indigenous and poor demonstrators were not covered, and more than this were blamed for the violence?

via ABC and SBS fail in their reporting on Bolivia coup

4 cents a day – » The Australian Independent Media Network

it is probable that the current dramas wouldn’t have occurred if the recommendations were followed last time by Communications Minister Fifield.

It was interesting to watch the change in focus over the week when Guthrie and Milne walked the plank. On Monday, Guthrie was claimed to be someone who was completely out of touch with the demands of the job, by Thursday the narrative had changed to Milne apparently instructing Guthrie to sack journalists who were ‘critical’ of the government, an instruction Guthrie refused, demonstrating how ‘in touch’ she was!

It really doesn’t matter who said or didn’t say what to whom. Milne and Guthrie are victims of a process of the current government to eliminate criticism of their actions.

As the owners of the ABC, we need to remind all politicians that media independence is our expectation and criticism comes with the turf.

via 4 cents a day – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif criticises Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Iran’s Foreign Minister has criticised Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers, describing their living conditions as unconscionable.

Source: Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif criticises Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)