Tag: The Pacific

AUKUS and B-52’s stand in the way of a treaty with Indonesia – Michael West

Two plus two meeting in Indonesia

A recent meeting of ministers generated a swag of the usual cliched statements, but also some hope of strengthening our relationship with our closest neighbour. But there are obstacles on both sides of the Timor Sea, reports Duncan Graham from Indonesia.

Source: AUKUS and B-52’s stand in the way of a treaty with Indonesia – Michael West

Australia Must Confront Its Past as a Colonial Power in the Pacific

Anthony Albanese’s Labor government claims that it views Australia’s neighbors in the Pacific as “partners.” For this to be more than hollow rhetoric, Australia must face up to the injustices it has committed as a colonial power in the region.

Source: Australia Must Confront Its Past as a Colonial Power in the Pacific

The corral sea: Australia adrift in the Pacific as China builds a friendship circle – Michael West

Manasseh Sogavare

In 2013 Abbott killed Radio Australia. He Cut Foreign Aid and commercialized it, turning it into a Q uid pro Quo program. Fiji warned us that LNP policies were alienating our Pacific relationships. Since then  Morrison has shown little interest and has had a tin ear. We even saw the lack of regard with which he treated the French a Pacific neighbor. Basically treating them like mushrooms. in the dark and feeding them bullshit.

The sun may have set on Australian leadership in the Pacific. In 2019 I passed through French Polynesia, the Cook Islands and Tonga. Much of the experience was beautiful, although living conditions, including shipping crates as accommodation, spoke of the poverty that is just below the surface. But what struck home was the sight of the two wharves in Nuku’alofa, Tonga: the old crumbling one built by Australia, and the impressive new structure built by China.

Australia and India struggle to break through ‘’curry, cricket and the Commonwealth’’. In the Pacific it seems to be climate, China and condescension. The week’s events show that Australia and Pacific nations live in separate worlds. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. – Cool Hand Luke

Source: The corral sea: Australia adrift in the Pacific as China builds a friendship circle – Michael West

China does not want war, at least not yet. It’s playing the long game

Rather than rely solely on the US, Australia should bolster its own defence capabilities. At the same time, it should collaborate more with regional partners across Southeast Asia and beyond, particularly Indonesia, Japan, India and South Korea, to deter further belligerence and mitigate the risk of tensions escalating into open war.

Source: China does not want war, at least not yet. It’s playing the long game

Official: Australia Committed to U.S. Partnership as Relationship with Beijing Grows More Complex – USNI News

Has anyone noted there is no mention of Vietnam in this speech in which we blindly followed the US into to fight the good war against “Communism”? China wasn’t involved in that war which we lost and drafted our young men to fight. Did we ever hear the LNP Government say sorry? They took us to Aghanistan, Iraq and Syria all at the behest of the USA. Australia has never been a committed member of our region. (ODT)

The alliance between the United States and Australia is a “mateship,” a relationship that began on the battlefields of France a century ago and continued into Afghanistan, Reynolds said. “But it is a bond that much be renewed with every generation.” in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow.

via Official: Australia Committed to U.S. Partnership as Relationship with Beijing Grows More Complex – USNI News

Australia courts Vanuatu to tackle China’s influence | Vanuatu News | Al Jazeera

Image result for Images of Tony Abbott

After Abbott turned his back on the Pacific by defunding the ABC and The Australian network in the region. By removing the funding from DFAT to the tune of approx $250 mill and  andreducing the ABC’s budget by some 30% since the 1980s. Abbott had promised “No Cut”. Now the current PM is trying to retrieve what has been determined an election error during this term without restoring the damage done to the ABC andRadio Australia (ODT)

To counter China’s growing influence in the South Pacific, Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he wants to step up his country’s engagement in the region.

via Australia courts Vanuatu to tackle China’s influence | Vanuatu News | Al Jazeera

Vanuatu digs in on Chinese presence – Foreign Minister says it’s “great”

All thanks to Tony Abbott’s disinterest

The Vanuatu Foreign Minister, Ralph Regenvanu, has welcomed the intensified Chinese investment and aid efforts in his country while conceding it does come with some extra diplomatic pressure. In an extended interview with Independent Australia’s Lee Duffield at his Foreign Ministry office, Mr Regenvanu took stock of incidents upsetting the Australian Government and many Australians, like the story of China wanting a naval base in Vanuatu, which his government has denied.

via Vanuatu digs in on Chinese presence – Foreign Minister says it’s “great”

SHUSH Abbott too much crowing about National Security…..It’s a secret Mother…..r

How many of these certificates will be signed Tony Abbott after his poll status has gone up

How original is Tony Abbott and his merry men on their recruitment drive?

Why splash National Security action all over the media is Abbott hoping for a home grown event. We have government ministers lining up to tell us that Australia is ready to join the US in Iraq; a very broad statement that tells us nothing specific, but does succeed in mobilizing the minds of the ‘gung-ho’ brigade.”

It’s been year full of gaffes, embarrassment and a budget disaster the government needs a deflection to draw attention away from it’s failings and the rumblings in it’s ranks. What better than an illusion of a threat. How original how bright. Margret Thatcher always said if in crisis governments create a crisis to hide their crisis.

 “A terror suspect has been arrested by a new anti-terror squad attempting to leave Melbourne Airport with at least one other person, and is suspected of going to fight in a conflict abroad.” David Irvine

“new Australian Customs and Border Protection counter-terrorism units were now operating in Sydney and Melbourne international airports.” Tony Abbott

 “This government will do everything that is necessary to keep this country safe.”  Tony Abbott

Abbott’s announcement came after ASIO Director General David Irvine’s  assisting Abbott to draw our attention elsewhere. While the media lapped it up for a second nothing more has been said why? Abbott is sabre rattling  a show  for us but big brother US of A isn’t racing to action. But Bolt and the Murdoch Press are on board trying to lift this leaner telling us how well he operates on this international level. Are we to believe our Tony is a major adviser to the all big players?

If the government wanted to be truly effective in its efforts to protect us from any terrorist threat, would it not be more prudent to do it without a megaphone? After all, that is what they are doing with border security.”

Why are they making such a noise about combating terrorism? Ram ping up a perceived threat, as has been happening recently, is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to win back votes. It achieves no other purpose, except to alert possible terrorists to be more vigilant and to be on their game.

 [The prime minister] is just using this as a shield

Our pivot of the pacific draws our attention to the Ukraine and the Middle East. Abbott believes he has a winner; with National Security. Will anybody raise  the fact that Abbott has just given up 40 years of goodwill created by the ABC within the Pacific Region  to China because of his  $230 mill cut to it’s budget. A cut promised not to be made.  China’s news broadcaster Xinhua  is in Fiji and this week has signed a contract to supply the regional news in English, French and Chinese to Vanuatu and it’s neighbours. That’s National Security that Tony Abbott or Andrew Bolt aren’t talking about.

Has Tony Abbott just done the same for Melanesia?