Tag: BDS

Apple Matches Donations to IDF and Illegal Settlements, Employees Allege

Apple Pay-New Features

Apple employees and shareholders demands the tech giant stop matching employee donations to organizations with ties to the Israeli military assault on the Gaza Strip and ongoing illegal settlement development in the West Bank. The letter, building on a previous demand by Apple employees for a ceasefire in the conflict, calls on the company to “promptly investigate and cease matching donations to all organizations that further illegal settlements in occupied territories and support the IDF.”

organizations on Apple’s matching contribution list appear to include support for religious extremism or back activity in the West Bank deemed illegal under international law. The One Israel Fund, for example, includes on its website a talk titled “The Arab Takeover of Judea and Samaria: Who Is Behind It; What Can Be Done?” — invoking the religious name of the territory that is deemed to be part of a future Palestinian state under international law. HaYovel, a Christian Zionist organization, states on its website that its goal is to help further the “prophetic restoration” of a region that “many incorrectly refer to as the West Bank.” The charitable status of the Jewish National Fund has come under criticism in both the U.S. and European Union due its historic involvement in the “systematic discrimination” against Palestinians since the founding of the state of Israel, as well as ongoing support for dispossession of Palestinians in the West Bank. 

Source: Apple Matches Donations to IDF and Illegal Settlements, Employees Allege

Britain Wants to Ban Boycotts of Israel. Does That Mean They’re Working? – ScheerPost


It is tough to measure the effect of BDS on company ledgers or Israel’s economy: the movement is largely decentralised, with activities happening locally and nationally run by different groups and individuals.

But companies are cutting ties with Israel – most recently the German sportswear brand Puma, a BDS target since 2018, which announced in December that it would not renew its contract with the Israel Football Association (IFA).

Source: Britain Wants to Ban Boycotts of Israel. Does That Mean They’re Working? – ScheerPost

The Economic Incentive: Blocking Israel’s Supply Chain – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Malaysia also announced, in addition to barring ships using the Israeli flag from docking in the country, the banning of “any ship on its way to Israel from loading cargo in Malaysian ports.”

Blockade, barring, embargo, constriction – all these measures are familiar to the Israeli security establishment as it seeks to strangle and pulverize the Gaza Strip. While closing ports to Israeli shipping is modest in comparison to starving and strafing an entire population, it is fittingly reciprocal and warranted. The Israel campaign against Gaza, and Palestinians more generally, is no longer a local, contained affair.

Source: The Economic Incentive: Blocking Israel’s Supply Chain – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Investors, Business Execs on “Tech Mission” Solidarity Trip to Israel

Israel Stock Exchange and Market as Shekel Recoups Most War Losses

Also listed as an attendee is Adam Goldstein, managing director at Harvard Management Company, which helps oversee Harvard University’s over $50 billion endowment — the largest on Earth. The endowment investment fund has been accused in the past of investing nearly $200 million in companies that profit off Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. (The Harvard Management Company did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

Source: Investors, Business Execs on “Tech Mission” Solidarity Trip to Israel

This is genocide – The Shot

But if you are going to cheer on the slaughter – and people will – at least don’t be a coward about it. Don’t mentally deny the humanity of those you are wishing and sanctioning genocide upon. That’s the easy way out, and it should be beneath every educated, loved, healthy mind. Palestinian children are just as real as yours, just as real as mine. Powerful forces are working diligently to strip the Palestinian people of their humanity – do not let them take yours as well. If you find yourself cheering on the massacre of thousands of children, you’ve already lost.

Source: This is genocide – The Shot

Barcelona, Liège, Oslo: The Movement to Boycott Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine moves to Municipalities

A succession of events starting in Barcelona, Spain, in February, and followed in Liège, Belgium, and Oslo, Norway, in April sent a strong message to Israel: The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) is alive and well.

Source: Barcelona, Liège, Oslo: The Movement to Boycott Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine moves to Municipalities

Seeking justice in the name of hate: In Defence of BDS – Pearls and Irritations

BDS protest in Melbourne, Australia against Israel's 2007–present Gaza blockade and 2010 attack on a humanitarian flotilla, June 2010.

“As long as Germany declares the Jews to be an inferior race, poisoning and persecuting them, decent, self-respecting Jews cannot deal with Germany in any way, buy or sell or maintain any manner of commerce with Germany or travel on German Boats.”

With this clarion call born of principle and necessity, a respected Rabbi and leader of the American Jewish community of the early 1930’s called for an absolute boycott of German goods as the “duty of all self-respecting Jews.”

Source: Seeking justice in the name of hate: In Defence of BDS – Pearls and Irritations

Chomsky on Israeli Apartheid, Celebrity Activists, BDS and the One-State Solution

Chomsky on Israeli apartheid Chomsky believes that calling Israeli policies towards the Palestinians “apartheid” is actually a “gift to Israel”; at least, if by apartheid one refers to South African-style apartheid.

Source: Chomsky on Israeli Apartheid, Celebrity Activists, BDS and the One-State Solution

Sally Rooney Is Right to Boycott Israel

Rooney’s statement, published today, made that absolutely clear: The Hebrew-language translation rights to my new novel are still available, and if I can find a way to sell these rights that is compliant with the BDS movement’s institutional boycott guidelines, I will be very pleased and proud to do so. In the meantime I would like to express once again my solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice, and equality. Modan publishes books in partnership with the Israeli Ministry of Defense. It’s exactly the kind of firm that the BDS campaign had in mind when it called for a boycott of Israeli cultural institutions that are “complicit in maintaining the Israeli occupation and denial of basic Palestinian rights.” Rooney previously gave her support to the Pakistani-British novelist Kamila Shamsie when she rejected an offer to have her work published in Israel. The 2019 open letter in support of Shamsie, signed by Rooney and other writers including Arundhati Roy and J. M. Coetzee, came after the German city of Dortmund had stripped her of a literary prize because she endorsed the BDS campaign.

Source: Sally Rooney Is Right to Boycott Israel

Israel lovers Pompeo and Trump are burying Palestine as they know Joe Biden won’t have the power to dig the nation up again — RT Op-ed

Israel lovers Pompeo and Trump are burying Palestine as they know Joe Biden won’t have the power to dig the nation up again

Donald Trump’s loyal lieutenant Mike Pompeo brandished his claws on a visit to Israel. Standing side-by-side with another member of the Trump VIP Club, Benjamin Netanyahu, he branded BDS “a cancer” and professed that the USA is “committed to countering the Global BDS Campaign as a manifestation of anti-Semitism.” A giddy Netanyahu applauded and called it all “wonderful.”

Israel lovers Pompeo and Trump are burying Palestine as they know Joe Biden won’t have the power to dig the nation up again — RT Op-ed

Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad makes War on Boycott-of-Israel Movement (BDS)


Despite clearly having a free pass to act with impunity, Israel — the occupying, nuclear-armed, apartheid state — still wants to eliminate the right to free speech and expression, as well as the right of justice-loving people to reject its military occupation and oppose it by all means. Western and European governments and institutions are weak and hypocritical and have basically surrendered their sovereignty under pressure from the pro-Israel Lobby funded by the extreme right-wing government in Israel. The Palestinians and their supporters, meanwhile, continue to exercise their legitimate right to oppose occupation and racism, and resist the Israeli oppressors.

Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad makes War on Boycott-of-Israel Movement (BDS)

God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel

The decision to blacklist Airbnb had immediate impact. The University of Texas said no employee could use state funds to rent on Airbnb. Abbott similarly ordered that no public worker use Airbnb. Then, in April, Airbnb reversed the decision to remove its listings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, and in May was taken off the Texas comptroller’s list.

“The decision to stand up for human rights should have been applauded by state lawmakers,” said Meera Shah, a senior staff attorney at Palestine Legal, a group that defends the speech rights of Palestinian rights advocates. “Instead, they elected to punish the company and force its hand and force it to walk back that decision.”

via God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel

Congress must reject Israel Anti-Boycott Act

Today the US Congress is weighing draft legislation based on problematic logic that conflates a call for businesses to stop operating in West Bank settlements, which are unlawful under the 1949 Geneva Conventions that prohibit transferring civilians into occupied territory, with a boycott of Israel.

Companies should fulfill their human rights responsibilities by ending operations in the settlements – yet the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720) would impose criminal penalties on businesses and nonprofits who stop doing business with Israel or Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory, erasing the distinction between Israel and the West Bank that the US has long recognized.

via Congress must reject Israel Anti-Boycott Act

Chefs take Israeli propaganda off the menu | The Electronic Intifada

“[As] professionals committed to food sovereignty and food access for all, we know that none of us can lend our names or our cooking skills to an Israeli government-sponsored culinary event such as this one. Our values around good food must include everyone, including the Palestinian people,” the appeal states. Slamming Israel’s theft of Palestinian food and culture, including its declaration of falafel as an “Israeli” dish, Israeli activists from the group Boycott from Within also urged participating chefs to drop out of the initiative. “Israel is a settler-colonial state, perpetrating the erasure of the indigenous Palestinian people, both physically and by means of appropriation of their culture, including indigenous food,” the activists wrote.

Source: Chefs take Israeli propaganda off the menu | The Electronic Intifada

Israel Imprisoning Canary-Blackballed American Student at Airport support despite Valid Visa

You can be imprisoned if you disagree with the Israeli State and Australian (ODT)

Alqasem is a graduate of the University of Florida and a US citizen whose grandparents are Palestinian She tried to enter Israel to study on a Master’s degree programme at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, having been granted a student visa by the Israeli Consulate General in Miami.

Upon her arrival at the airport, Israeli officials denied the student entry. Her “crime”, according to the Strategic Affairs Ministry, is that while studying for her bachelor’s degree in Florida, she was president of an organisation that supported the BDS campaign against Israel.

via Israel Imprisoning Canary-Blackballed American Student at Airport support despite Valid Visa

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Irish senate backs bill banning trade with Israeli settlements | News | Al Jazeera

Irish senate backs bill banning trade with Israeli settlements

Ireland leading the world (ODT)

The Irish Senate gave its support on Wednesday to a legislation prohibiting the import or sale of goods and services produced in occupied territories around the world, including Israeli settlements considered illegal under international law.

via Irish senate backs bill banning trade with Israeli settlements | News | Al Jazeera

What were the top BDS victories of 2017? | The Electronic Intifada

Nora Barrows-Friedman Activism and BDS Beat 28 December 2017

The movement for Palestinian rights continues to grow across the world. (Alisdare Hickson/Flickr)

It took just four days for a world famous singer to cancel her Tel Aviv show in response to her fans’ urging her to respect the international picket line.

Lorde’s decision on Christmas Eve to pull the Tel Aviv show from her world tour – remarking that booking the gig in the first place “wasn’t the right call” – completed a successful year for the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

2017 saw artists, performers, athletes, politicians, cultural workers, faith-based organizations, students, academics, unions and activists grow the movement for Palestinian rights.

Israel has been taking notice, of course.

via What were the top BDS victories of 2017? | The Electronic Intifada

The war on Israeli BDS supporters | +972 Magazine

Israel’s minister of strategic affairs is gathering intelligence and compiling blacklists on Israeli citizens who support the boycott movement. By Amnon Portugaly These days Gilad Erdan, Israel’s minister of public security and strategic affairs, is promoting a new law that would exclude his ministry from governmental oversight. This is a step meant to help fight the BDS movement, while also granting legitimacy to gathering intelligence on Israeli citizens who are involved in the movement to boycott Israel. [tmwinpost] In June, Haaretz reported that the Strategic Affairs Ministry, which Erdan heads, would essentially be shielded from certain provisions in the Freedom of Information…

Source: The war on Israeli BDS supporters | +972 Magazine

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‘Enough is enough’: Norway’s trade unions vote to boycott Israel over Palestine — RT News

Norway’s largest trade union body has voted in favor of economic, cultural, and academic boycott of Israel over its treatment of Palestinians. In response, Tel Aviv said that the union “placed itself shoulder to shoulder with the worst enemies of Israel.”

Source: ‘Enough is enough’: Norway’s trade unions vote to boycott Israel over Palestine — RT News

Blacklists and travel bans aren’t new in Israel — the targets are | +972 Magazine

Palestinian activists and others have long faced actual travel bans, blacklists, and political persecution. Nevertheless, that some of the same methods are now being used against Israeli and American Jews is a worrying sign. One of the Israel government’s senior-most ministers said last year that Israeli BDS advocates must be made to pay a price for their political activism. A series of developments over the past month or so seem to demonstrate that he was completely serious, and that government efforts to target nonviolent political dissidents are escalating to worrying levels. [tmwinpost] First came the law banning entry into Israel…

Source: Blacklists and travel bans aren’t new in Israel — the targets are | +972 Magazine

Meet the radical Israeli looking to lead Britain’s Jewish students | +972 Magazine

A radical, left-wing British-Israeli has shaken up the race for the next president of the U.K.’s Union of Jewish students, and drawn international media attention. Eran Cohen talks BDS, diasporism, and being wounded by unfriendly IDF fire. By Matan Kaminer The election campaign for president of the U.K.’s Union of Jewish Students is not the kind of story you’d expect to be picked up by the international media. But Eran Cohen, a British-Israeli and a radical leftist, is not your usual kind of candidate, and his campaign has generated headlines in Jewish outlets in the U.S. and Israel. [tmwinpost] With political…

Source: Meet the radical Israeli looking to lead Britain’s Jewish students | +972 Magazine

Nearly half of Americans support sanctions on Israel, poll finds | +972 Magazine

As the Democratic party regroups ahead of the next election cycle, it would be wise for its leadership to examine areas where the Clinton campaign diverged from the party’s base. Israel-Palestine is one of those issues. The number of Americans who support imposing sanctions on Israel over its defiant settlement policies has shot up to 46 percent, the same percentage of Americans who voted for Donald Trump in the presidential election. [tmwinpost] That number has shot up nearly 10 percentage points over the past year, according to a national poll published by the Brookings Institute on Friday, on the sidelines…

Source: Nearly half of Americans support sanctions on Israel, poll finds | +972 Magazine

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