Tag: Mossad

Rupert Murdoch continued his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell after Epstein’s jailing for being a paedophileKangaroo Court of Australia

Israel had close ties with all of them and still has with Rupert. Even ex-Israeli Prime Ministers and meny other highly respected Jews like Alan Dershowitz regarded these as Menschen

Is Rupert Murdoch one of the people with an application before the US courts trying to conceal his name?

Rupert Murdoch and Prince Andrew both continued their relationship’s with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell after Epstein’s jailing for being a paedophile in 2008.

Source: Rupert Murdoch continued his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell after Epstein’s jailing for being a paedophileKangaroo Court of Australia

Israel accuses Hamas of plot to attack embassy in Sweden

The Mossad agency has alleged an attack was planned against the Israeli embassy in Sweden.

 Mossad is Israel’s historically and Internationally renowned spy agency known for: 1) spying on its allies. 2) interfering in their friend’s domestic and foreign politics along with media narratives.3) Known as a global undercover assassination agency. They have assassinated more people in third countries using the documents of friendly nations as a cover than any other agency on the planet. They’ve killed hundreds of targets along with civilians during times of declared truce with Hamas. 4) They even kidnap their own citizens from other allied nations and not tell anyone. Yes, Mossad is a law unto its own. That famous Israeli institution has come out to play in the open on social media. Their credibility is (zip). Their effort today is meant to have the world in fear of Hamas who are on a secret mission in Sweden. If any embassy is blown up it’s more than likely to be a Mossad false flag rather than any action by Hamas.

Strange how all this publicity is coming out now at this particular point in time.

In a statement following up on the arrests announced by Danish, German and Swedish authorities, Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency named an alleged Hamas network member in Sweden, without specifying whether he was also in custody.

There was no immediate response from Hamas, which in the past has said its policy was to limit attacks to Israel, the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip – all territories where it seeks a Palestinian state.

Source: Israel accuses Hamas of plot to attack embassy in Sweden

Israel Is Terrified the World Court Will Decide It’s Committing Genocide | The Smirking Chimp

The LOBBY is in full action along with its donees and donors does anyone imagine Palestinians can generate that kind of organized power and influence? Israel pretends to be merely the tip of the iceberg when it’s the full-blown bottom.

Israel is mounting a full-court press to prevent an ICJ finding that it’s committing genocide in Gaza. On January 4, the Israeli Foreign Ministry instructed its embassies to pressure politicians and diplomats in their host countries to make statements opposing South Africa’s case at the ICJ.

Source: Israel Is Terrified the World Court Will Decide It’s Committing Genocide | The Smirking Chimp

Epstein Worked for Israel’s Mossad? New Client List to be Released Soon – Global Village Space

Epstein Worked for Israel's Mossad? New Client List to be Released Soon

Israel denies everybody if caught

Mossad Connection Former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe claims in his upcoming book, “Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” that Epstein and Maxwell were Israeli spies. Ben-Menashe alleges they ran a “honey-trap” operation, providing young girls to politicians for sex and then using the incidents to blackmail them for Israeli intelligence.

Source: Epstein Worked for Israel’s Mossad? New Client List to be Released Soon – Global Village Space

Mossad False Flag Attacks on Jews, by Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review

Weaponizing one point of view inevitably limits the ability of contrary views to be heard. The downside is, of course, that the frenzy that has resulted in the criminalization of free expression relating in any but a positive way to the activity of Jewish groups. It has also included the acceptance of the dishonest definition that any criticism of Israel is ipso facto anti-Semitism, giving that nation a carte blanche in terms of its brutal treatment of its neighbors and even of its non-Jewish citizens.

Mossad False Flag Attacks on Jews, by Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review


News Ltd issues apology to former Labor MP Melissa Parke

Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad makes War on Boycott-of-Israel Movement (BDS)


Despite clearly having a free pass to act with impunity, Israel — the occupying, nuclear-armed, apartheid state — still wants to eliminate the right to free speech and expression, as well as the right of justice-loving people to reject its military occupation and oppose it by all means. Western and European governments and institutions are weak and hypocritical and have basically surrendered their sovereignty under pressure from the pro-Israel Lobby funded by the extreme right-wing government in Israel. The Palestinians and their supporters, meanwhile, continue to exercise their legitimate right to oppose occupation and racism, and resist the Israeli oppressors.

Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad makes War on Boycott-of-Israel Movement (BDS)

Hunt continues for suspected Mossad agents after killing of Hamas engineer in Malaysia – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Hamas soldiers stand guard outside mourning tent for Fadi al-Batsh

But if, as many suspect, the alleged killers are agents with Israel’s Mossad intelligence service, they may never be found.

Hamas, the Islamist group that runs Gaza, say the engineer was assassinated.

via Hunt continues for suspected Mossad agents after killing of Hamas engineer in Malaysia – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Labour Israel lobbyist deletes anti-Semitic “conspiracy” claims | The Electronic Intifada


The former Israel lobbyist and high-profile Labour lawmaker Ruth Smeeth has deleted a statement from her website which alleged anti-Semitism in Labour.

In one of the most high profile instances of the supposed “anti-Semitism crisis” in the UK’s main opposition party, Smeeth in June 2016 claimed she had been “attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional anti-Semitic slurs to attack me for being part of a ‘media conspiracy.’”

Activist Marc Wadsworth had in fact neither said nor implied anything about Jews. Neither did he use the word “conspiracy.”

Smeeth did not reply to a request for comment. You can read the deleted statement in full below.

via Labour Israel lobbyist deletes anti-Semitic “conspiracy” claims | The Electronic Intifada

Israel uses online blackmail to recruit collaborators | The Electronic Intifada

After nine months, Suha told Ibrahim that she would introduce him to her brother who would help him leave Gaza. The three – Ibrahim, Suha and her brother, who was introduced as Abu Zeidan – connected on an online group call to discuss this.

It was after that call that Suha vanished. Ibrahim texted and messaged, but to no avail. In desperation, he texted her brother’s number. Within minutes he got a call from someone who said he was an Israeli officer and that he had sexually explicit videos of him taken during video calls with Suha. He threatened to use them if Ibrahim did not comply with instructions.

via Israel uses online blackmail to recruit collaborators | The Electronic Intifada