Tag: media madness

Patrick Lawrence: Disinformation, Absolutely – scheerpost.com

1. Everything you will read in this commentary is disinformation.

2. To say that this commentary contains disinformation is disinformation.

3. To say statements calling this commentary disinformation are disinformation is disinformation.

Th­is is what our public discourse has come to. This is what we have done to it. We Americans have made a nonsense of ourselves. You want to talk about America’s late-imperial decline? This is the warp and weft of it as we shred our social fabric. This is what our troubled republic sounds like, an indecipherable cacophony amid which anything we say can be turned to mean other than what we mean.


Source: Patrick Lawrence: Disinformation, Absolutely – scheerpost.com

Mainstream news organizations repeat Trump’s evidence-free claim about Iran and U.S. embassy | Media Matters for America


mainstream news organizations are now taking the president’s evidence-free claim that the Iranians were planning to “blow up” an American embassy at face value on social media.

via Mainstream news organizations repeat Trump’s evidence-free claim about Iran and U.S. embassy | Media Matters for America

Flinders Street attack: Media and Twits pull the terrorism trigger

The past 24 hours have been quite something. Bigots, fascists, righ wing commentators, some in the media, first reporting it as terrorism, then demanding we all call it terrorism even though it isn’t. They want blood, they want mayhem, they’re aching for it.

via Flinders Street attack: Media and Twits pull the terrorism trigger

Day to Day Politics: ‘Will Murdoch tell you how to vote?’ – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Thursday 7 September 2017 I haven’t been well for a few days so I thought I would take a short break. However, here is something I wrote in 2016. Where Did All His Readers Go? Recently I found myself without access to the internet. It only lasted a day and a bit, thankfully, but it…

Source: Day to Day Politics: ‘Will Murdoch tell you how to vote?’ – » The Australian Independent Media Network

The Daily Mail’s Xenophobic Pseudo-Journalism Is Fueling The “Alt-Right”

The U.K. tabloid the Daily Mail is mounting a crusade against refugees and immigrants in Europe. The tabloid’s fearmongering, xenophobic claims of immigrant criminality — which are often completely false and unsourced — have positioned the outlet as a favorite among American conspiracy theorists and white nationalists.The Daily Mai

Source: The Daily Mail’s Xenophobic Pseudo-Journalism Is Fueling The “Alt-Right”

Fox News Caught Lying: Sweden Reinstated Draft Because Of Russia, Not Refugees

Fox News’ Fox & Friends falsely claimed that Sweden’s reintroduction of the draft was due to violence in the country precipitated by refugees, when in fact the draft is being reintroduced to counter Russian aggression in the region.Despite Fox’s assertion, Sweden’s government is reintroducing the draft for men and women in the count

Source: Fox News Caught Lying: Sweden Reinstated Draft Because Of Russia, Not Refugees