Tag: Cancel Culture

Muzzling Milligan: free speech for some, but not for others – Pearls and Irritations

Louise Milligan

Witness, written long before the Lehrmann trial. It was the issue about which she was invited to speak to the Women Lawyers Association of the ACT at their gala dinner on 21 October this year. It is a matter of obvious public interest. But Milligan has now found herself under attack, not only in The Australian and on Sky News, but in the Commonwealth parliament, for things she did not say and does not believe.

This is News Corporation’s version of “cancel culture” – a phenomenon it has so often condemned.

Its army of culture warriors see themselves as defenders of free speech – especially against the Twitter guerrillas and student censors who ‘cancel’ people of whose views they disapprove. For The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen it has been a favourite topic.

Source: Muzzling Milligan: free speech for some, but not for others – Pearls and Irritations

Why do Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the Republican party sound so alike? | Robert Reich | The Guardian

‘Putin, Trump and Carlson have been promoting much the same narrative – for much the same reason.’


It was the third time in recent months Putin has blasted the so-called “cancel culture”. Which is exactly what Trump, Tucker Carlson, and the Republican party have blasted for several years.

Source: Why do Putin, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the Republican party sound so alike? | Robert Reich | The Guardian

Republicans Are Passing Laws to Keep Teachers From Talking About Race – Mother Jones

The absurdity of the Republican Party’s culture wars has reached new heights. A slew of GOP-led state legislatures are enacting new laws that ban teaching “critical race theory” an academic framework that has become the latest conservative boogeyman. Do you want to learn about racism, discrimination and privilege? Well, Republicans are trying to make it really hard to do so with a slew of bills designed to muzzle educators. In Texas, House Bill 3979 would limit how teachers talk about current events and historic racism in their classrooms. It also bans schools from teaching the 1619 Project, a New York Times endeavor which investigates US history starting with the year the first slaves were brought to what would become the United States. After some political maneuvering, the controversial bill appears to be headed to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk.

Source: Republicans Are Passing Laws to Keep Teachers From Talking About Race – Mother Jones

Canceling the anti-insurrectionists in the GOP proves Republicans never cared about “free speech” | Salon.com

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Despite all the preening about “free speech” on the right, the truth is complaints about “cancel culture” have always been code for “conservatives can say whatever terrible things they want, and liberals can shut up about it.” And while play-acting as the victims of censorship because liberals mock or criticize them, Republicans have been busy actually silencing free speech: from demanding that athletes be fired for kneeling during the national anthem to, memorably, Donald Trump ordering the tear-gassing of peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park. While conservatives whine about oppression because people call them “racist” on Twitter, they are actually using complaints about “wokeness” as an excuse for the literal government censorship of discourse that acknowledges the reality of racism, as Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times chronicled. That’s conservatism, of course: Always projecting their own sins onto their liberal opponents.

Source: Canceling the anti-insurrectionists in the GOP proves Republicans never cared about “free speech” | Salon.com

Conservatives claim to hate “cancel culture” — but it’s the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

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You know who’s not canceled? The endless parade of conservative pundits and politicians complaining about “cancel culture.” You know who is canceled? George Floyd is canceled. Breonna Taylor is canceled. Ma’Khia Bryant is canceled. Andrew Brown Jr. is canceled. They are the true victims in America’s longest-running culture war. Anyone who tells you different is just gaslighting. You want “cancel culture”? America is plagued with cancel culture. And no one is more American than conservatives, as they never cease reminding you.

Source: Conservatives claim to hate “cancel culture” — but it’s the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming ‘Cancel Culture’ | The Nation

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming ‘Cancel Culture’ | The Nation
Colin Kaepernick kneeling

“This is not America,” a woman said to a small group, her voice shaking. She was crying, hysterical. “They’re shooting at us. They’re supposed to shoot BLM, but they’re shooting the patriots.” ( Riots on Capitol Hill)

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming ‘Cancel Culture’ | The Nation

The contradictions of “cancel culture”: Where elite liberalism goes to die | Salon.com

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The substructure and foundation of evil

But Campbell was also, despite a slew of death threats he received from white segregationists, an unofficial chaplain to the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. He denounced and publicly fought the Klan’s racism, acts of terror and violence and marched with Black civil rights protesters in his native Mississippi, but he steadfastly refused to “cancel” white racists out of his life. He refused to demonize them as less than human. He insisted that this form of racism, while evil, was not as insidious as a capitalist system that perpetuated the economic misery and instability that pushed whites into the ranks of violent, racist organizations.

The contradictions of “cancel culture”: Where elite liberalism goes to die | Salon.com