Tag: Strategies

The state of Israel: A critical Swedish assessment – Pearls and Irritations

Israel Claim “we are only defending ourselves” has never rung true historically

After warning the flotilla to end its attempt to proceed to Gaza, the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) sent an elite commando unit to board the Mavi Marmara and other vessels in order to stop their progress, impound the vessels and detain all the protestors (with the assistance of Israeli Navy vessels). The activists were not armed with guns but some used bars (and the IDF said knives) to fight back against the IDF personnel boarding from helicopters and ships. The IDF commandos came armed with guns, tear gas and stun grenades. Nine protestors were shot dead (peppered with bullets according to the Guardian) and around 30 were injured. Several IDF soldiers were injured, some seriously. Mankell was not injured, but along with hundreds of other, he was detained in Israel and then deported to Sweden. Mankell died of cancer in 2015, aged 67.

Source: The state of Israel: A critical Swedish assessment – Pearls and Irritations

Atlas Network strategies: how fossil fuel is using “think” tanks to delay action – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Crossed out headline reporting the SMR nuclear project cancelled due to rising costs.

Australians should be wondering why the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS), one of the country’s proudest think tanks, has just established a body promoting nuclear energy that appears to have little to justify it. If the CIS truly believes in the project, surely it would have sought a leader with a stellar resumé?

Source: Atlas Network strategies: how fossil fuel is using “think” tanks to delay action – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Pathos and Panic: Russians Are Mobilized for an Undeclared War – Mother Jones

Russia is not at war, despite what you may have heard. Despite the mobilization of reservists, the stories and images of destruction and death, despite the refugees fleeing. Russia is not at war, as Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Kremlin stressed in a recent interview. Instead, it is conducting a special military operation “to fulfill certain goals in Ukraine.” Reservists have had to be mobilized for this special military operation, half a year since it began, because “we have been de facto confronted…with the NATO block and all its logistics capabilities.”

Source: Pathos and Panic: Russians Are Mobilized for an Undeclared War – Mother Jones

Democrats should win big in the Senate thanks to a great map and terrible opponents anointed by Trump – Raw Story – Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Why Murdoch looks to be swinging against Trump pre November is he’s a threat to the GOP controlled Senate

The prospect for Democrats holding a filibuster-proof Senate after the 2022 midterm elections keeps getting better. That’s not conventional wisdom, nor a mainstream media narrative.

Democrats should win big in the Senate thanks to a great map and terrible opponents anointed by Trump – Raw Story – Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

Let evidence not fear drive policies on trans athletes

University of Pennsylvania transgender athlete Lia Thomas competes in the 500-yard freestyle finals at the NCAA Championships.

Morrison says “screw the evidence” take the bigot’s side on transgender children in sport  “its commonsense”. No. it’s his faith! Research on children shows his claim to be “bullshit”  and that saying his kids are “blessed” is little more than religious orthodoxy. There is nothing common about it and evidence proves it makes no sense.

The Police, and the AFP have found no evidence that his “Captain’s Pick” Katherine Deve’s family have been physically threatened. Morrison’s insincere apology about disabled kids not being “blessed” mirrors Deve’s equally insincere “I’m sorry I’ll just tone it down”. Neither are sorry. Morrison hasn’t reversed his NDIS cuts and Deves hasn’t stopped advocating transgirls are a massive to girls sports. They need to be judged on their beliefs not just their style of argument. They have been and loudly by a bipartisan majority that have declared them wrong, that children should be allowed to be children.

Morrison’s history in politics has known him to be as devious as a Golum and as cunning as a sewer rat when it comes to dividing and fragmenting communities for a handful of votes. It’s how he won preselection in the first place. Others have sworn stat decs which Morrison calls lies but won’t sue for defamation. He claimed he’d sign a dec countering their claims but then backed down for fear he might be prosecuted fo a false claim.

 All of us have implicit stereotypes that guide the way we view the world. Many people will look at a transgender woman’s face or height and think “it’s unfair” if she wants to play in a women’s sport. That is an assumption.

Source: Let evidence not fear drive policies on trans athletes

Lockheed Martin and Friends Don’t Want You to Know What They’re Up To

Australia’s PM Morrison wants our manufacturing to become a much more active participant in the global Industrial Military Complex about which questions can’t be asked. Just as he created an “On the Water Matters” to brush off embarrassing information about the treatment of asylum seekers. Making  government supported manufacturing a ” National Security Area” a zone of privileged information exclusive to the LNP and its friends.

The boards of defense companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing are encouraging their shareholders to vote against transparency measures. Maybe the US government shouldn’t fund companies whose profits would be harmed by the collection of human rights data?

Source: Lockheed Martin and Friends Don’t Want You to Know What They’re Up To

Former Federal Prosecutor Explains How the Walls Are Closing in on a Flustered Trump | The Smirking Chimp

Vance began with the questionable timing of Trump’s lawsuit. Citing his legal history, she said noted that many of Trump’s lawsuits have had ulterior motives. “Trump usually files lawsuits as an aggressive mechanism,” Vance noted. “This is his history so he might file a lawsuit to distract from other things that are going on around him.” Since Trump would likely be subjected to the process of discovery, which would require some element of exposure that he typically steers clear of, Vance believes the case could simply be a “stunt, perhaps a fundraising strategy than it is a legitimate effort.” Vance went on to explain why the case appears to be “a bad legal strategy” for the former president. Citing the new Slapp statute in the state of New York, which protects First Amendment rights, Vance noted that Mary Trump could be allowed to have the dismissal of the charges fast-tracked. That could also lead to Trump being left to foot the bill for court and attorney fees.

Source: Former Federal Prosecutor Explains How the Walls Are Closing in on a Flustered Trump | The Smirking Chimp

What are hazard reduction burns, are we doing enough of them, and could they have stopped Australia’s catastrophic bushfires? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A man in a green fire suit and white helmet sets dry grass alight in the bush.

via What are hazard reduction burns, are we doing enough of them, and could they have stopped Australia’s catastrophic bushfires? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)