Tag: Poll

Only 15% of Israelis Want Netanyahu to Remain in Power After Gaza War – ScheerPost

Only 15% of Israelis think Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu should remain in office once the Israeli campaign in Gaza is over, according to a new poll published Tuesday by the Israel Democracy Institute.

Source: Only 15% of Israelis Want Netanyahu to Remain in Power After Gaza War – ScheerPost

Albanese and Labor slump to worst position in Newspoll since 2022 election

When two conservative parties go head to head and one pretends their progressive

A national Newspoll, conducted October 30 to November 3 from a sample of 1,220 people, gave Labor a 52–48% lead over the Coalition, a two-point gain for the Coalition since the final Newspoll before the October 14 Voice referendum.

This is Labor’s narrowest lead in Newspoll since the 2022 federal election. Primary votes were 37% Coalition (up two percentage points), 35% Labor (down one), 12% Greens (steady), 6% One Nation (steady) and 10% for all others (down one).

Source: Albanese and Labor slump to worst position in Newspoll since 2022 election

CNN Poll: 73% Say House Republicans Don’t Have The Right Priorities | Crooks and Liars

CNN Poll: 73% Say House Republicans Don't Have The Right Priorities


In a new CNN poll released today, 73% of all Americans say that House Republicans do not have the right priorities for Americans.

Source: CNN Poll: 73% Say House Republicans Don’t Have The Right Priorities | Crooks and Liars

Old Dog Thought- Morrison the magician pulling dead moggies out of his hat. The latest, building a “we must have” Nuclear sub base on the East coast so we can rent and pay for American nuclear hardware.

Fighting Fake News with REAL 8/3/22; Poll Bludger’s 7.8% Swing; Friendlyjordies; Dump Dutton;

With Sydney and Melbourne in COVID lockdown, Berejiklian, Andrews and Morrison have something in common – ABC News

Graph showing approval of state governments going up, while federal went down

Which level of Gov is doing the best?

The Australia Institute has been regularly polling the question “which level of government do you think is doing a better job of handling the COVID-19 crisis?”. Respondents were asked to choose between their state or territory, the federal government, both equally, or say they didn’t know.

Source: With Sydney and Melbourne in COVID lockdown, Berejiklian, Andrews and Morrison have something in common – ABC News

Poll Shows Nearly Half of GOP Voters—Lied to by Right-Wing Media—Approve of US Capitol Ransacking | Common Dreams News

A worker cleans broken glass from one of the entrances to the U.S. Capitol the day after a pro-Trump mob broke into the building on January 6, 2021. (Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

Invade Canada and simply call it the Americas the politics are much the same. The Republican Cartel is determined to take over (ODT)

“Among Republican voters, 45% approve of the storming of Capitol, 30% think the perpetrators are ‘patriots’, 52% think Biden is at least partly to blame for it, and 85% think it would be inappropriate to remove Trump from office after this.”

Poll Shows Nearly Half of GOP Voters—Lied to by Right-Wing Media—Approve of US Capitol Ransacking | Common Dreams News

Three-quarters of Australians back target of net zero by 2030, Guardian Essential poll shows | Essential poll | The Guardian

Australia bushfire

Latest survey finds 75% support for setting net zero by 2030 target for emissions, and 81% support for net zero by 2050

Three-quarters of Australians back target of net zero by 2030, Guardian Essential poll shows | Essential poll | The Guardian

Essential poll: Victorians overwhelmingly support harsh restrictions to curb Covid second wave | Australia news | The Guardian

police patrol empty streets in melbourne

New research shows 72% of the sample backs the decision of the Andrews government to impose a curfew between 8pm and 5am, 71% supports curbs on leaving the house, while 70% endorse restrictions on business and the requirement that people travel no further than 5km from their house. Voters aged over 34 are more likely to support the current lockdown measures than younger people.

However, Morrison benefits from it too while denying and hiding everything and doing nothing (ODT)

via Essential poll: Victorians overwhelmingly support harsh restrictions to curb Covid second wave | Australia news | The Guardian

‘Such an Appalling Human Being’: Ex-trump Voters Reveal Why They Finally Soured on the President | The Smirking Chimp

An article published on Pew’s website this week explains: “Roughly seven in ten white evangelical Protestants, 72%, say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 16-22. That is a 6 percentage point drop from 78% recorded in April, in line with the 5-point drop during that period among U.S. adults overall. The share of white evangelicals who say they ‘very strongly’ approve of Trump’s performance is now at 59%, down 8 points from 67% in April.”

via ‘Such an Appalling Human Being’: Ex-trump Voters Reveal Why They Finally Soured on the President | The Smirking Chimp

Old Dog Thoughts- We need to save the News. We need the ABC. Restore the Cuts & revive Aunty so she can breathe


Fighting Fake News with REAL 21/4/20; What over half Australia thinks; People vs the “Economy”; You can have both an Economy for people; COVID & The News; Miriam’s Trump;

Half of all Americans support Trump impeachment proceedings: poll

President Donald Trump’s disapproval rating has hit a high point of 60 per cent, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll that also finds that clear majorities of Americans support the special counsel’s Russia investigation and say the President should not fire Attorney-General Jeff Sessions.

via Half of all Americans support Trump impeachment proceedings: poll

Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Malcolm Turnbull’s stunning ascendancy to fuel early election talk

If Coalition strategists had any doubt about the case for Malcolm Turnbull considering an early election, the first Fairfax-Ipsos national poll since his ascension will comprehensively erase it.

Source: Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Malcolm Turnbull’s stunning ascendancy to fuel early election talk

Fairfax-Ipsos poll shows dark days for Labor as Coalition surges under Malcolm Turnbull

Support for the ALP has tanked, with voters flocking back to a rejuvenated Coalition government under Malcolm Turnbull’s new leadership just one month after he replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister.

Source: Fairfax-Ipsos poll shows dark days for Labor as Coalition surges under Malcolm Turnbull