Could truth in political advertising laws have saved the Voice debate from lies?

Could truth in political advertising laws have saved the Voice debate from lies?

We once had an ABC that monitored things just like that. Abbott banned his Ministers for being on any ABC program. Immediately he began cutting the public broadcasters’ budget, appointing his choices to the board, and making sure the ABC was biased rather than critical by questioning the government in order that the public was aware of what was happening as opposed to what they were told was happening. No ALP government has ever done that to the degree Abbott did. Abbott has now been appointed to the board of News Corp almost suggesting that the leader of the opposition isn’t really Peter Dutton.

“Misleading political advertising marred the Voice referendum and led to confusion, fear and mistaken beliefs about what the Voice to Parliament represented and what its powers would be. Without truth in political advertising laws, there is a risk the next federal election will be a fake news free-for-all.”

Source: “Amid the… – The Fiberal Party of Australia – Lies & Misdemeanours | Facebook