Tag: G7

Falling cost of renewables creates coal test for federal government

As the price of renewable generation continues to fall, Scott Morrison is facing a test on energy policy as Barnaby Joyce backs new coal-fired power.

The regulator’s latest figures, to be released on Friday, reveal the flood of renewables and accelerating clean energy revolution have contributed to wholesale power price falls of up to 58 per cent, with the average prices falling below $70 a megawatt-hour for the first time since 2015. These price falls will add to the financial pain facing coal generators, which are more expensive to run than new wind and solar plants, and raise the risk of more coal-fired generators bringing forward their closure dates due to falling profitability.

Source: Falling cost of renewables creates coal test for federal government

This G7 reflects our G-zero world, ruled by self-interest instead of global ambition | Tom Kibasi | The Guardian

An Extinction Rebellion banner reads ‘G7 Act Now’ on a beach at St Ives, on Sunday.

Over the past 18 months, the pandemic has reaffirmed the centrality of nation states in human affairs, with little international coordination and the sidelining of multilateral institutions. Nations with the capacity to act globally seem to lack the ambition beyond the pursuit of their narrowly defined national interest. Those with the ambition lack the means or commitment. And so the G7 meeting reflects the reality that we now live in a G-zero world.

Source: This G7 reflects our G-zero world, ruled by self-interest instead of global ambition | Tom Kibasi | The Guardian

Old Dog Thoughts- The White House and a Media Ceasefire, Nepotism G7 and Doral, Kim and the Pong Su Podcast

The Last Voyage of the Pong Su

Fighting Fake News with REAL 18/10/19; The cease fire thet isn’t a truce. The President Businessman and My Oath; His friend Kim and the Pong Su;

US-China trade war escalates with new tariffs on goods, including fuel and smart speakers – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A close up composite photo of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping

Trump’s G7statements proved to be bullshit yet again (ODT)

“The United States should learn how to behave like a responsible global power and stop acting as a ‘school bully’,” the official Xinhua news agency said.”

A new round of tariffs took effect from 2:01pm on Sunday, with Beijing’s levy of five per cent on US crude marking the first time the fuel has been targeted since the world’s two largest economies started their trade war more than a year ago.

The Trump administration will begin collecting 15 per cent tariffs on more than $US125 billion ($185 billion) in Chinese imports, including smart speakers, Bluetooth headphones and many types of footwear.

via US-China trade war escalates with new tariffs on goods, including fuel and smart speakers – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

G7 summit: Donald Trump demands end to ‘unfair’ trade after meeting – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Mr Trump left the summit earlier than planned on Saturday to fly to Singapore to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which he described as a “mission of peace”.

His early departure means he will miss a working session among the leaders on climate change and clean energy, as well as talks among the G7 and poorer countries focused on the health of oceans.

The early exit also means he will be gone before allies begin closing news conferences likely to be laden with criticism of the US stance on trade and Mr Trump’s abrupt suggestion on Friday that Russia be re-admitted to the elite grouping.

via G7 summit: Donald Trump demands end to ‘unfair’ trade after meeting – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)