Tag: Climate Action

Why stronger environmental safeguards are a necessary part of climate action – » The Australian Independent Media Network

We must ask ourselves, do we want a planet teeming with life or do we want lifeless industrial wastelands interspersed with monocultures grown for food & timber, in desperate states due to climate change and loss of insect pollinators, with global famines and other aspects of a ghastly future (82) just around the corner, and remnant wildlife populations of selected species incarcerated as breeding populations in zoos, being bred for release into habitat which no longer exists. The billionaires and their proxies in media and governments and environmental and climate NGOs clearly want the latter.

Source: Why stronger environmental safeguards are a necessary part of climate action – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Beetaloo Madness: protestors, farmers, First Nations unite to fight US gas frackers – Michael West

“A carbon bomb” which can blow out Australia’s emissions by 20%, is how plans to fracking the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin are described by climate activists. As Federal subsidies for Darwin’s petro-port mount, Dominic Geiger tours the north to check out the damage so far and protest at a court case involving American-backed gas fracker Tamboran Resources.

Source: Beetaloo Madness: protestors, farmers, First Nations unite to fight US gas frackers – Michael West

Old Dog Thought- Iraq was about the oil. Gaza Gas everyone wants it.

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 27/11/23, Climate Action, Norman F,Tax Payers being Scammed, CEO Performance Hoax,Disinformation, Israel attacks UN Peacekeepers, Gaza Gas,American Taxpayers,

Climate change crisis reality is hugely expensive

climate change Kohler

If The ALP Government is already dragging its feet on Climate Change why is Sky News After Dark complaining? Any wonder there’s been a seemingly corporate shift in attitude. I say seemingly because the ALP isn’t threatening their reality.

This year’s federal budget contained a bunch of new spending measures, but they mostly start with ‘m’ for millions not ‘b’ for billions. The total is well short of $37 billion, let alone $116 billion.

Source: Climate change crisis reality is hugely expensive

To Stop Global Heating, Cut Military Spending

Economic plunder of the planet by the Industrial-Military Complex

ALP just did a $1B manufacturing deal with Germany and are proud of it. WTF, isn’t arms dealing the equivalent of fossil fuel export just like gas and coal?

Most of us understand the need to cut carbon emissions. But a huge share of our tax dollars are funding the most carbon-intensive institution on the planet.

Source: To Stop Global Heating, Cut Military Spending

Net Zero by 2045: “California is leading most significant economic transformation since Industrial Revolution”

California’s Air Resources Board has announced a wide-ranging set of plans aimed at taking the state to net carbon zero by 2045. This step will involve radically reducing the use of fossil fuels, to the point where any carbon dioxide they emit is less than or equal to the carbon absorbed, e.g., by the state’s forests and other carbon sinks. The unprecedented push for a rapid transition away from carbon emissions is likely the most ambitious in the world. If California were a country, it would have the fourth-highest nominal GDP in the world ahead of Germany, so it is a potential model for other industrialized communities.

Source: Net Zero by 2045: “California is leading most significant economic transformation since Industrial Revolution”

Australia still trails most developed countries in climate performance ranking | Cop27 | The Guardian

Australia’s lack of policy to phase out coal and gas mining contributed to its low ranking in the climate change performance index.

So much for back patting we are still laggards

Australia continues to trail other developed countries in addressing the climate crisis, in part due to the Albanese government’s support for new fossil fuel developments, according to an analysis released at the Cop27 UN conference in Egypt.

Source: Australia still trails most developed countries in climate performance ranking | Cop27 | The Guardian

Rich told to cough up for climate change – Michael West

The rich get told , They Pledge in Public. Then do Sweet FA.

Leaders from poor countries criticised wealthy governments and oil companies for driving global warming, using their speeches at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt to demand that they pay up for damages being inflicting on their economies.

Source: Rich told to cough up for climate change – Michael West

‘Why Aussies are misinformed on Climate Change?’ – Top 10 answers for Sky News’ question | The Chaser

As much as it pains me and no doubt Andrew Bolt he’s only runner up to the worst of the worst at Sky. He never seems to get a gong for anything. The 80-year-old from Sydney beat him by lengths and Rown Dean was also near to making him an also-ran.

Sky News has just spent the Day 2 of News Corp’s climate action campaign showing worrying statistics that suggest an alarming number of Australians are misinformed on climate change and the facts regarding the importance of climate action, leading to the network asking how the so many Aussies could be so misinformed on such a serious issue?We know it could be hard for Sky News to find these since they have scrubbed the pushback against climate action from the transcripts of their coverage, here are our picks of some of the best possible culprits to blame for this situation.

Source: ‘Why Aussies are misinformed on Climate Change?’ – Top 10 answers for Sky News’ question | The Chaser

Neoliberalism Poisoned Climate Action And Renewables Are The Antidote – New Matilda

The dominance of ‘econobabble’ and market approaches have hurt climate action. That’s why renewable energy is vital to the future of the climate and the economy, write Dan Cass and Andrew Bray. The world seems particularly chaotic this winter. The climate news is diabolical, with fears about melting of the Arctic permafrost and the ancient ice stores of theMore

Source: Neoliberalism Poisoned Climate Action And Renewables Are The Antidote – New Matilda