Tag: Trumpsters

Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza to ‘Finish the Job’

Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former president and presumptive 2024 Republican nominee Donald Trump, said in a recent interview that if he were in charge of Israeli policy, he would push Gaza civilians into Egypt or Israel’s Negev desert—a proposal that critics denounced as ethnic cleansing.

Source: Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza to ‘Finish the Job’

Trump Conspirators Beware: Rudy Giuliani’s Loss Is a Reminder That the Courtroom Is MAGA Kryptonite | The Smirking Chimp

Has this rooster finally become a Feather Duster?

The arrogance that Trump and his acolytes bring to lying to the public is not the superpower they think it is. Trump fanboys like “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams may call him a “Master Persuader,” but in reality, a majority of Americans have always disliked Trump and his overall popularity has declined over time. And that’s in the world of politics, where lies have more power and “debate” is an unstructured mess that often privileges disinformation. In court, the rules of evidence and argument restrain Trump and other Big Liars more. So much so that Giuliani’s lies about Moss and Freeman, which were so popular among the MAGA right, were too stupid to even bother arguing about it at trial. The only question left is how much money the two will get from the sale of that Manhattan apartment.

Source: Trump Conspirators Beware: Rudy Giuliani’s Loss Is a Reminder That the Courtroom Is MAGA Kryptonite | The Smirking Chimp

GOP’s Civil War in Nevada Erupts into ‘Ugly Scene’ as Far-right Extremists Try ‘To Bully Their Way into a Takeover’ | The Smirking Chimp

There is a civil war brewing within the Republican Party in Nevada. According to The Las Vegas Sun, tensions began to rise when members of the Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) expressed concern about the state party’s director Michael McDonald who is accused of recruiting members of the far-right group The Proud Boys to run for public office. The move was reportedly an effort to increase the extremist presence in the state’s political party. On July 20, CCRP members held a meeting to select officers. However, that meeting was interrupted when individuals affiliated with The Proud Boys crashed it. The publication offered a clear depiction of how the scene erupted.

Source: GOP’s Civil War in Nevada Erupts into ‘Ugly Scene’ as Far-right Extremists Try ‘To Bully Their Way into a Takeover’ | The Smirking Chimp

Dying Trump Supporter’s Last Words: ‘Please Go Get Vaccinated…This Is Nothing Nice’ | Crooks and Liars

Dying Trump Supporter's Last Words: 'Please Go Get Vaccinated...This Is Nothing Nice'

Morrison’s advice “It’s up to you”

Except that was never going to happen. A brief perusal of Brad ‘Bradster’ Vinnard’s Facebook page shows a deep antipathy towards COVID vaccines, a love of Trump and other right-wing causes, and his love of Harleys. His Facebook comments were the usual hodgepodge of extremism and conspiracy theory, that the vaccines were unsafe, unproven, no worse than the flu, a means for government control, etc. Just the usual paranoid delusion so often seen by followers of Donald Trump.

Source: Dying Trump Supporter’s Last Words: ‘Please Go Get Vaccinated…This Is Nothing Nice’ | Crooks and Liars

Trump supporters think they’re players — but they’re still just pawns | Salon.com

Donald Trump at CPAC | Anti-vaccine rally protesters hold signs outside of Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, on June 26, 2021 (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)On Sunday night, we got strong evidence that, for the most part, Republican voters understand that the Big Lie is indeed a lie. They just repeat it because they view themselves as co-conspirators in perpetuating it. In his speech at the second “annual” Conservative Political Action Conference of the year, Trump bragged about how he lies about polls and elections when he doesn’t win them. “You know, they do that straw poll, right?” Trump asked, referring to the 2024 GOP nominee straw poll CPAC conducted of attendees. “If it’s bad, I say it’s fake. If it’s good, I say, that’s the most accurate poll perhaps ever.” The “humor” of this not-actually-a-joke is due to being a sly reference to the Big Lie — an admission on Trump’s part that he didn’t win in 2020 and is merely saying otherwise for political gain. And it’s no surprise that Trump went there. He loves to brag about how much corruption and crime he gets away with. What is perhaps more important is the audience’s reaction to this not-a-joke.

Source: Trump supporters think they’re players — but they’re still just pawns | Salon.com

How Sidney Powell ‘Clowned’ Right-wing Media and Led Them down a Dark Rabbit Hole — Ending in Legal Peril | The Smirking Chimp

Ted Boutrous, a constitutional law expert, told CNN, “The 1st Amendment provides strong protections for statements of opinion, but what Dominion is pointing to is the fact that Ms. Powell was declaring that she had evidence of this fraud and this election malfeasance and she was declaring that as a matter of fact. The 1st Amendment doesn’t protect knowingly false statements of fact.”

How Sidney Powell ‘Clowned’ Right-wing Media and Led Them down a Dark Rabbit Hole — Ending in Legal Peril | The Smirking Chimp

Surprise! Proud Boys And Oath Keepers At Heart Of 1/6 Insurrection | Crooks and Liars

Surprise! Proud Boys And Oath Keepers At Heart Of 1/6 Insurrection

Totally NOT shocking: the universe of domestic right-wing extremists who came together on Jan. 6 has grown massive, is constantly expanding, and now poses a greater threat to American society than overseas jihadists.

Surprise! Proud Boys And Oath Keepers At Heart Of 1/6 Insurrection | Crooks and Liars

All The President’s Men | HuffPost Australia

Mugshots of the 13 men belonging to paramilitary groups who were arrested last week related to a plot...

This past week, 13 men belonging to paramilitary groups were arrested in a horrifying plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Based on what can be gleaned from the men’s social media pages, they fit a familiar profile of far-right vigilantism in America.

All The President’s Men | HuffPost Australia

“Obamagate” And “Lock Her Up”: Pointing the Way Toward “Heil Trump” | The Smirking Chimp

Sloganeering is a slog on hearing the worst of what America has been reduced to (ODT)

Trump’s campaign people are already talking about holding rallies as Trump blackmails the states by pushing his “open up” madness. “Lock her up” chant doubles down on hatred for Hillary Clinton, or these days for Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, for those in love with Trump, by loudly calling for his political opponents to be imprisoned without trial for unspecified crimes. If you don’t believe me, listen to the chant the next time he holds a rally. Trump’s followers are both swearing allegiance and saluting him. “Lock her up” is Trump’s “Heil Hitler.”

via “Obamagate” And “Lock Her Up”: Pointing the Way Toward “Heil Trump” | The Smirking Chimp

She inflated her resume, peddled a fake Time cover. And Trump hired her

Unreal: Mina Chang and her fake Time magazine cover.

Trump does this himself so therefore it must be alright(ODT)

The fabricated Time cover is just one in a string of Chang’s listed accomplishments and resume line items that has come into question after an NBC News investigation found the 35-year-old Trump appointee embellished her work history and made misleading claims about her professional background. It has been a persistent problem for President Donald Trump’s administration: an apparent failure to recognise red flags when vetting potential hires and appointees.

The President himself has overstated – often to an absurd degree – everything from his personal wealth to his charitable giving and his own IQ.

And in June 2017, half a year after Chang debuted her cover story, The Post found that Trump had his own fake copies of Time magazine – on display in at least five of his golf clubs.

She inflated her resume, peddled a fake Time cover. And Trump hired her

Old Dog Thoughts – Lady Liberty is being dismantled. When elected women can’t have a voice American Independence and values have gone.

Fighting Fake News with Real,21/7/19; Lady Liberty, The War of Independance and their values denied; Politics is has simply become the Roger Ailes show for ratings forget the values;

Trump Can’t escape having called Nazis “Very Fine People” by SOTU Spectacle

Trump made Bannon his chief strategist in the White House.

Bannon praises Benito Mussolini, who is not as widely vilified in today’s America as he should be. His armies slaughtered 330,000 Allied troops during World War II, including large numbers of Americans. Of 45,000 Italian Jews, 8,000 were delivered to Nazi death camps and a similar number were forced to flee abroad. Some $1 billion was stolen from them as a community.

But guess what. In an opinion poll, 72% of Jewish respondents said they hold that Trump is at least somewhat responsible for the synagogue massacre.

His SOTU spectacle cannot cover up that he helped galvanize those Nazis who invaded Charlottesville.

via Trump Can’t escape having called Nazis “Very Fine People” by SOTU Spectacle

A Week Of American Hate: Bombs Mailed, Black People Executed, Jews Slaughtered | HuffPost

A man executed two black people at a grocery store, but didn’t engage a white man outside because “whites don’t shoot whites.” A Donald Trump supporter and apparent anti-Semite who looked up to white supremacists sent bombs in the mail to the president’s opposition. An avowed anti-Semite walked into a synagogue and killed 11 people after screaming, “All Jews must die!”

it was given tacit endorsement through violent rhetoric coming from our pundits and our president; and it had a strong community in which to fester and grow. His act capped off a week in which hate showed what it is truly capable of in America.

This was one week in American hate.

via A Week Of American Hate: Bombs Mailed, Black People Executed, Jews Slaughtered | HuffPost

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting leaves several dead, official says

When the President of the United States Donald Trump is the greatest danger to National Security.  A proud Nationalist, Pro guns, anti- refugees, enabler of violence whose rallies are broadcast by Murdoch media across America a resounding call to Trumpsters to arm hate and show themselves. (ODT)

A social media post by Bowers said a Jewish refugee organisation, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, “likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

Trump told reporters later that the killings might have been prevented if there had been an armed guard in the building.

“If they had some kind of a protection inside the temple maybe it could have been a much more different situation, they didn’t,” he said when asked about a possible link to US gun laws.

In the United States that year, a white supremacist murdered nine African Americans during a prayer service in Charleston, South Carolina.

In 2012, a neo-Nazi gunman with white supremacist ties walked into a Sikh gurdwara – or house of worship – in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and murdered six Sikh Americans.

 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting leaves several dead, official says


What we know about suspect in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting


CNN head slams Trump media attacks as the network, Clinton and Obama targeted by ‘possible explosives’ – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Trump is enabling Voter Suppression, Terrorism while blaming Immigration for everything (ODT)

Key points:

  • The packages sent to Mrs Clinton and Mr Obama were intercepted during mail screening
  • A live explosive device and white powder was sent to CNN’s bureau in New York
  • New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says the incidents were “clearly an act of terrorism”

The head of CNN has slammed US President Donald Trump for his media attacks after police intercepted suspected pipe bombs sent to the network, former US president Barack Obama, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and other public figures.

via CNN head slams Trump media attacks as the network, Clinton and Obama targeted by ‘possible explosives’ – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Cambridge Analytica’s CEO Was Filmed Secretly Bragging About Entrapping Politicians With Sex Workers

Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix

Working and stealing  for Trump

 Cambridge Analytica’s CEO Was Filmed Secretly Bragging About Entrapping Politicians With Sex Workers


Right-wing media downplay Cambridge Analytica stealing personal data to help the Trump campaign

‘The Trump red meat’: Laura Ingraham prepares to take centre stage on Fox

Next week, Ingraham, 53, will take over one of the most coveted slots on cable television: 10 pm on Rupert Murdoch’s conservative Fox News. At the event for Ward, she served up some of her high-dudgeon populism to a Hilton hotel ballroom filled with several hundred fans, denouncing the “Democrat-media complex” before launching into an acidic attack on Flake, a critic of Trump.

Source: ‘The Trump red meat’: Laura Ingraham prepares to take centre stage on Fox

Donald Trump Jr called ‘a disgrace’ for tweet goading London mayor Sadiq Khan | UK news | The Guardian

President’s son quoted Sadiq Khan out of context after Westminster attack but mayor actually said: ‘Londoners will never be cowed by terrorism’

Source: Donald Trump Jr called ‘a disgrace’ for tweet goading London mayor Sadiq Khan | UK news | The Guardian