Tag: Jan 6th

In Wake of Jan. 6 Hearings: What was Trump’s Relationship to the Militias who invaded the Capitol?

Now, many people have taken a step back even from these groups altogether. But the folks that have stuck around continue to be quite radical, and probably even more radical than they were before. Especially thinking about what is going to happen with the midterm elections, we are going to see a lot of invigoration.The Conversation

In Wake of Jan. 6 Hearings: What was Trump’s Relationship to the Militias who invaded the Capitol?

Trump Continues To Build the Jan. 6 Committee’s Case Against Him | The Smirking Chimp

Trump is still crying out for War, “stand back” and “stand by”. If nothing untoward occurred why did so many of his activist supporters beg for pardons well before the Committee even came to being?

Carpenter, in a listicle published by the conservative website The Bulwark on June 21, lays out three ways in which Trump continues to prove that the committee’s arguments against him are spot on: (1) “Trump is still targeting Pence,” (2) “Trump is still defending the rioters,” and (3) “Trump is still using inciteful rhetoric.”

Source: Trump Continues To Build the Jan. 6 Committee’s Case Against Him | The Smirking Chimp

Fox News host left shocked by Jan. 6 hearing: “Stunning” lack of evidence for Trump’s fraud claims | Salon.com

Don’t be surprised! Rupert Murdoch also publicly said that Newscorp wasn’t an organisation focused on Climate Change denial. He once claimed to be be Fair and Balanced. But then scammers are like broken clocks aren’t they? Right at least twice a day. They have to be, otherwise they wouldn’t be the persuaders they are. Look at Trump, how often have you seen him apologise? He simply says “I never said that” and moves on. Their existense is “ratings”. Their product “the audience numbers” which they then sell on the market as influencers to those who have the money to pay to protect and or increase their interests. Political parties and their funders their target market and in Murdoch;s case the powerful and wealthy of America. Cash for comment is their business model not “news”, and ethics well they have none.

Fox News host Martha MacCallum claimed after Tuesday’s hearing of the House select committee on Jan. 6 that there was a “stunning” lack of evidence to back up Donald Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud – a far cry from the channel’s election-denying rhetoric leading up to the Capitol riot.

Fox News host left shocked by Jan. 6 hearing: “Stunning” lack of evidence for Trump’s fraud claims | Salon.com

Two New Memos Show How Trump Was Involved In Coup | Crooks and Liars

Two New Memos Show How Trump Was Involved In Coup

Donald Trump was way more involved in the plot to overthrow the government in the days and weeks leading up to January 6th. Not only did he stoke the insurrection ON January 6th, but he appears to have been deeply involved in the Fake Elector scheme pushed by Eastman, Guiliani and others. Two memos and an unsigned executive order have been discovered – so far – and the goal was always the same: to somehow find a way to overturn the 2020 election. Fake electors, securing voting machines, fake NSA data and even a military coup! All were ideas tossed around

Source: Two New Memos Show How Trump Was Involved In Coup | Crooks and Liars

Trump Declares Support for January 6 Insurrectionists – Mother Jones

Hucksters and showmen throughout history sold black as white and white as black and that’s all they had for sale. America was the land of hucksters whose slogan was “Buyer Beware. “Pea Knuckle” and “Three Card Monty” players set up their tables on the street and Ponzi officiandos in the boiler rooms of Wall St. All had one thing in common. However they’d run if on the street and saw cops coming or hire the best lawyers in the country if they had  blue ribbon seats. Donald Trump was never self-made he was trained from birth to be a blue-ribbon con man never delivering what he promised. The promise today that he’s what the American Constitution intended a real President to be. Somebody who would dare try and and auction his wife’s hat for $250,000 and call it an investment.

During a speech at a rally in Texas on Saturday, Donald Trump further escalated his efforts to whitewash the horrific assault on the US Capitol that took place just over a year ago. As he floated another run for president in 2024, Trump suggested to a crowd of supporters that the more than 700 people charged so far in connection with the siege of Congress on January 6, 2021, are being wrongly penalized and could be pardoned by him for their crimes. “If I run and if I win, we will treat those people from January 6 fairly,” Trump said. “We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly.”

Source: Trump Declares Support for January 6 Insurrectionists – Mother Jones

Donald Trump should be very afraid: This anniversary was not good news for him | Salon.com

President Donald Trump speaks at the "Stop The Steal" Rally on January 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. | US Vice President Mike Pence presides over a joint session of Congress to count the electoral votes for President at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, January 6, 2021.  (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

Will Bannon result in Trump being ultimately charged with multiple felonies?

Trump is going to end up charged with a felony, or multiple felonies. He made clear that he thinks the House Jan. 6 committee is being thorough, almost to a fault, in the way they’re going about their investigation of the events before, during and after the day itself. Woodward is a Washington Whisperer par excellence. He’s been at it for almost 50 years. He is one of the least excitable guys I’ve ever met. But on Thursday, as he was being interviewed by Lawrence O’Donnell, he looked like he was about to levitate out of his chair.

That’s why for Donald Trump, Jan. 6 this year was even worse than Jan. 6 last year. As Richard Nixon discovered, when Bob Woodward says you’re in trouble, you’ve really got something to worry about.

Source: Donald Trump should be very afraid: This anniversary was not good news for him | Salon.com

Trump’s former spokesperson reveals that he was “gleefully” rewinding Capitol riot footage on Jan. 6 | Salon.com

Former President Donald Trump and Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

​Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Thursday that Donald Trump watched the Capitol riot unfold “gleefully” on January 6, proudly rewinding footage of the insurrection on his television. “All I know about that day was that he was in the dining room, gleefully watching on his TV as he often did, ‘look at all of the people fighting for me,’ hitting rewind, watching it again — that’s what I know,” Grisham told CNN’s “New Day.” Her remarks, made on the anniversary of the riot, align with past reports about Trump apparently glued to the TV screen as the riot played out. Last year, Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig said in a CNN interview that the president was in the dining room of the Oval Office” during the insurrection, “watching it and almost giddy.”

Source: Trump’s former spokesperson reveals that he was “gleefully” rewinding Capitol riot footage on Jan. 6 | Salon.com

Trump uses January 6 to double down on his coup while Fox News pretends it never happened | Media Matters for America

Fox democracy

Let’s be clear from the jump: The pretext for the January 6 attacks were the incessant lies that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. That talk came from not just former President Donald Trump but also his allies, including Fox News.

Source: Trump uses January 6 to double down on his coup while Fox News pretends it never happened | Media Matters for America

Capitol Rioter Admits False Statements to FBI

Far-right extremists leave Portland, Ore., after clashing with antifascists on Aug. 7, 2021.

No question that different treatment is being handed out by investigators had the rioters been Black ,Muslim or LGBTQis

“There is no question that the FBI and federal prosecutors have treated white supremacist and far-right violence far more leniently than Muslims they accuse of supporting terrorism.”

Source: Capitol Rioter Admits False Statements to FBI

Is Rep. Jim Jordan a Traitor to the United States?

Julian Assange a Wakley Award winning journalist not even living in the US published the truth that has never killed anyone and has been declared a traitor by the United States. Jim Jordan incited and conspired Jan 6th with a cabal, a ring of others to overthrow the duly elected government and continues to do so. America is truley an example of a broken Democracy.

The message from Schmitz that Jordan forwarded was false and misleading, and he sent it with the purpose of obstructing the Congress from certifying the election. So maybe Kirschner has a point. We know that Jordan talked with Trump on January 6. If we ever find out what he said, it could be a basis for a charge of conspiracy sedition.

Source: Is Rep. Jim Jordan a Traitor to the United States?

Text-gate fallout: Hannity, Ingraham and Don Jr. unveiled as whiny MAGA wimps! | Salon.com

Donald Trump Jr, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

In a Democracy there is a common day to day reality with which we all accept and work,agree and disagree in order to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone. Good bad or ugly one might disagree with the result at any one time but not the process. One can try to push that interpretation hard and to the edge but the fundamental agreement remains in place and that’s Democracy. In a Democracy both sides accept the possibility of compramise and a negotiated loss while moving forward. However today that no longer holds as far as the Republicans are concerned and we saw that on the 6th of Jan yet the Democrats keep going as if nothing has changed and that the political system isn’t broken beacuse to do otherwise is to accept war. However the Democracy is broken because the chaos has spilt beyond politics and has polluted all accepted institutions behaviors and cultural beliefs, reality shattered. Power is in the hands of the rule breakers and until arrested chaos will reign. There can’t be a one party Democracy.

There was a catalyst and when Murdoch arrived and and tipped over America’s world with alternative facts he polluted the Fourth Estate and turned it against the nation along with the wealth of 0,01% that wanted to control it. If the British had Murdoch there’d have been no independance or brave experiment.

As for the grifters and weasels and toadies of Fox News, and as for his own first-begotten son, Trump now knows what he has always suspected: They sucked up to him for all the usual reasons — money, power, fame and another personal advantage — but were never true believers. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth! Fundamentally, those whiny MAGA hangers-on and wannabes were still tethered to the world of Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper, where there were still norms and standards and a shared sense of bottom-line reality, where it was still possible to go “too far” and where the horrified reactions of polite and normal people in the coastal cities still mattered. They can never possibly eat enough crow — or enough of something else, also a word of four letters — to fully make up for this betrayal.

Source: Text-gate fallout: Hannity, Ingraham and Don Jr. unveiled as whiny MAGA wimps! | Salon.com

Appeals Court Rules Trump Must Turn Over Documents to Jan. 6 Committee – Mother Jones

Trump just works to delay. Delay is the only tactic he knows and Democracy gives him the space that he doesn’t give to those who work for him. They are simply get declared persona non grata by Trump who acts as police judge and jury whenever their useby date is up. Has anybody really ever profited from working for Trump? Many have despite o him if they weren’t essential or didn’t hang around too long but more often than not none did.

On Thursday, a federal appeals court ruled against former President Donald Trump, demanding he turn over White House records to the congressional committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot.

Source: Appeals Court Rules Trump Must Turn Over Documents to Jan. 6 Committee – Mother Jones

Trump Continues to Glorify the January 6 Insurrection – Mother Jones

Trump repeats what he said about Charlottesville “good and bad on both sides” and Americans have a right to protest.

“It was a massive rally, with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people,” Trump claimed in response to Farage’s question. “I think it was the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken before. And the real—I reverse it—the insurrection took place on November 3rd, that was Election Day, and before and after. That was to me, the insurrection. And January 6th was a protest.” Trump then reiterated his claims about crowd size along with another familiar tactic meant to deceive the public about the horrific events at the Capitol: “And then, unfortunately, some bad things happened,” he told Farage, “but also, the other side had some very bad things happen.”

Source: Trump Continues to Glorify the January 6 Insurrection – Mother Jones

Leaked text messages: Right-wing group coordinated with Trump for Jan 6 rally | Salon.com

President Donald Trump speaks at the "Stop The Steal" Rally on January 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. Trump supporters gathered in the nation's capital today to protest the ratification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory over President Trump in the 2020 election. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

Rolling Stone obtained text messages that show the coordination between Jan. 6 attackers of the U.S. Capitol and to former President Donald Trump’s White House.

Source: Leaked text messages: Right-wing group coordinated with Trump for Jan 6 rally | Salon.com

Black cop shoots white woman: The saga of Michael Byrd and Ashli Babbitt | Salon.com

Police stand as supporters of US President Donald Trump protest outside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

When Lt. Michael Byrd and the other Black and brown police officers battled Trump’s attack force on Jan. 6, they committed an unpardonable sin against white racial authoritarianism and its believers and followers. Revenge and retaliation are inevitable. Lt. Michael Byrd’s peril will continue into the foreseeable future. He is now more than a man. He is a symbol for the white right and other American fascists, who are likely to perceive him as an ultimate trophy, as well as a way of avenging the killing of Ashli Babbitt. The threats of violence will not be limited to him. For the white right and the American neofascist movement, all Black people are now, to varying degrees, Michael Byrd.

Source: Black cop shoots white woman: The saga of Michael Byrd and Ashli Babbitt | Salon.com

GOP brawls over Trump on eve of first Jan. 6 hearing | TheHill

Liz Cheney speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday

Trump’s critics in both parties are ignoring the distractions, saying the Jan. 6 attack was a threat to the nation’s underlying democratic traditions — and one that deserves a thorough examination. “It’s going to be … a really important opportunity to remind everybody about the necessity of accountability for what happened, [and] for making sure that it never happens again,” Cheney said.

Source: GOP brawls over Trump on eve of first Jan. 6 hearing | TheHill

New Body Cam Footage From Jan 6 Shows A Lack Of ‘Tourists’ | Crooks and Liars

New Body Cam Footage From Jan 6 Shows A Lack Of 'Tourists'

Anyone who argues the Trump Republican rioters were mere tourists, were sekrit FBI agents, or Antifa in disguise, are lying. It’s clear what the Republican Party is defending in this video: rabid white nationalists using violence in an attempt to overthrow democracy.

Source: New Body Cam Footage From Jan 6 Shows A Lack Of ‘Tourists’ | Crooks and Liars

“Planned in plain sight”: Why Donald Trump makes no attempt to hide his insurrectionist plots | Salon.com

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An Insult to Democracy trying to be delicate when Trump certainly wasn’t.

On Tuesday morning, a new Senate report revealed even more of what is increasingly obvious: The January 6 Capitol insurrection was both surprisingly predictable and yet widely ignored by the people who had the power to stop it. “The U.S. Capitol Police had specific intelligence that supporters of President Donald Trump planned to mount an armed invasion of the Capitol at least two weeks before the Jan. 6 riot,” the Washington Post reports, “but a series of omissions and miscommunications kept that information from reaching front-line officers targeted by the violence.” The report itself is incredibly bureaucratic and, being bipartisan, overly delicate with the fragile feelings of Republicans who continue to support Trump despite his overt incitement of the insurrection. But the most important and remarkable aspect of the report is how it lays out that Capitol intelligence officials downplayed the threat of violence, even though, to quote the report author Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., “The attack was, quite frankly, planned in plain sight.”

Source: “Planned in plain sight”: Why Donald Trump makes no attempt to hide his insurrectionist plots | Salon.com

57 GOP State And Local Officials Were At The Capitol Insurrection | HuffPost Australia

57 GOP State And Local Officials Were At The Capitol

At least 57 state and local Republican officials attended the Jan. 6 rally in Washington that turned into a deadly insurrection, according to an updated HuffPost tally. Almost all of them are resisting calls to resign.

57 GOP State And Local Officials Were At The Capitol Insurrection | HuffPost Australia

Six degrees of sedition: Was master trickster Roger Stone behind the Capitol riot? | Salon.com

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On the night before the rally, Stone surrounded himself with symbols of potential violence in the form of his Oath Keeper security detail, who also chauffeured him around in a golf cart. When he spoke, he made clear that he knew exactly what would drive the masses over the police barricades the following afternoon, casting the futile fight in the common language of the QAnon fantasy movement, of a struggle between “dark and light, between the godly and godless, between good and evil.” Reached for comment for this article, Stone told Salon to “have a nice day.”

Six degrees of sedition: Was master trickster Roger Stone behind the Capitol riot? | Salon.com