Tag: cannabis

Cannabis: We can shut up, toe the line, be vilified, or not be reported at all – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Cannabis is a relatively harmless therapeutic and recreational drug. It has been studied more exhaustively than any other therapeutic substance on earth. In recorded history there is not a single documented case of a person dying from cannabis toxicity. Last year, in Australia, there were no deaths attributed primarily to the use of cannabis. In 2014, the year that Obama publicly observed that cannabis is likely less dangerous than alcohol, there had been no deaths solely attributable to cannabis use in the US, or Australia, or the known universe.

Source: Cannabis: We can shut up, toe the line, be vilified, or not be reported at all – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Mastercard Move at Cannabis Shops Intensifies Call for US Decriminalization

 A legal cannabis dispensary

Systemic and Institutional- The private policing of America.

The company announced this week that it has instructed U.S. financial institutions to stop allowing customers to use its debit cards to purchase marijuana products at cannabis stores, which now operate legally in 38 states for medicinal use and 23 states for recreational use, as well as in the District of Columbia.

Source: Mastercard Move at Cannabis Shops Intensifies Call for US Decriminalization

Could cannabis prevent COVID? To the authors of a new study, it sure looks like it | Salon.com

Cannabis plant (Getty Images)

A groundbreaking new study published this week identified what could be an unexpected tool in the world’s fight against COVID-19: cannabis. Yes, you read that right. According to a peer-reviewed paper published this week in the Journal of Natural Products, titled “Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants,” at least three compounds naturally occurring in the cannabis plant were shown in lab tests to be effective at stopping coronavirus molecules from entering human cells. The mechanism effectively mimics the activity of antibodies, with the cannabis compounds attaching themselves to the virus’ spike protein, one of the authors told Salon. The study concludes:

Source: Could cannabis prevent COVID? To the authors of a new study, it sure looks like it | Salon.com

Aphria, Tilray merger creates the world’s biggest cannabis company

Tilray shares are up more than 24 per cent after the deal.

As cannabis growth accelerates in North America, so has consolidation. While Canadian firms had an initial advantage given pot’s legal status there, their US peers have recently gotten a boost as states move steadily toward legalising recreational use. The incoming administration of President-Elect Joe Biden is also seen as improving the likelihood that the US will legalise on the federal level and give US companies that already operate in multiple states a larger market

Aphria, Tilray merger creates the world’s biggest cannabis company

If reducing harm to society is the goal, a cost-benefit analysis shows cannabis prohibition has failed

But that is not the question being asked on October 17. What voters have to answer is this: does regulation offer a better pathway than prohibition when it comes to reducing harm in our society? Five decades of failure would suggest one of those options offers more hope than the other.

If reducing harm to society is the goal, a cost-benefit analysis shows cannabis prohibition has failed