Tag: The Guardian

Guardian’s ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Story Doesn’t Add Up

Western Corp Media is increasingly becoming what seems like an Israeli weapon rather than a News Agency. Social Media is much the same  and being flooded with videos and slick graphics making it seem professionals have taken on the Gobbellian role previously given to lesser professionals

The biggest problem with these stories isn’t just the continuing absence of any meaningful evidence for “systematic” rape; or Israel’s long track record of lying to justify state terrorism; or Israel’s refusal to cooperate with independent investigators; or the racist, anti-Arab tropes that pass for sophisticated analysis in western circles.

It is simply the outrageous improbability of so many of the evidence-poor rape stories being advanced.

Source: Guardian’s ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Story Doesn’t Add Up

Bruce Lehrmann trial: ACT’s top prosecutor complained about Linda Reynolds’ ‘disturbing’ conduct | Australian Capital Territory (ACT) | The Guardian

Linda Reynolds

Reynolds, Robert, Molan and Hastie all ex-military personnel. It says a lot about the militaristic character they brought with them to Australia’s parliament.

The Australian Capital Territory’s top prosecutor privately complained of the “disturbing” conduct of former cabinet minister Linda Reynolds during the trial of Bruce Lehrmann, including her alleged coaching of his defence team, her attempt to solicit transcripts and the presence of her partner in court.

Guardian Australia revealed last week that the director of public prosecutions, Shane Drumgold SC, had sent a letter of complaint to the chief of police, Neil Gaughan, on 1 November, just after the trial against Lehrmann collapsed.

Lehrmann, who has consistently maintained his innocence, pleaded not guilty to one charge of sexual intercourse without consent. The collapse of his trial leaves him with the presumption of innocence.

Source: Bruce Lehrmann trial: ACT’s top prosecutor complained about Linda Reynolds’ ‘disturbing’ conduct | Australian Capital Territory (ACT) | The Guardian

Why Australia cannot simply move on from Scott Morrison’s many ministries | Malcolm Farr | The Guardian

Despite the former PM’s burden-of-office plea for victimhood, his violation of Westminster conventions raises larger issues to be addressed

Why Australia cannot simply move on from Scott Morrison’s many ministries | Malcolm Farr | The Guardian

Headlines go hardline on Albanese while Morrison looks to the Sky | Amanda Meade | The Guardian

Newspaper headlines about Anthony Albanese and his ‘blunder’ on the NDIS

One might even be lead to believe Newscorp is actually doing Albo a favor by amplifying the money, the bullies, and pork-barrelling he’s up against.

While the prime minister was given free rein, the Labor leader faced the heat on Q+A.

  Newspaper headlines about Anthony Albanese and his ‘blunder’ on the NDIS Patricia Karvelas asked: ‘Should leaders have an encyclopedic memory of every policy?

“It’s 16 days to save the country from the mad left,” was the war cry from Paul Murray leading in to his cosy pre-recorded chat with the prime minister on Sky News on Thursday night.

Source: Headlines go hardline on Albanese while Morrison looks to the Sky | Amanda Meade | The Guardian

Guardian defence story forgets to disclose weapons links – Michael West Media

PR people like to crow they write most of the newspapers. Problem is, they’re correct, but now it’s think tanks too.

Guardian Australia’s analysis today by Katharine Murphy: “Rising US isolationism means Australia must become more resilient and autonomous, think-tank warns” was based on a research paper by the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre (USSC).

The story by did not reveal that while also being funded by the United States Department of State and the Australian government, the think tank also receives funding from weapon makers Northrop Grumman Australia and Thales.

Duncan Lewis, the former director-general of ASIO, has also been appointed as a non-resident fellow. On the board is Dr Brendan Nelson, president of Boeing Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific. Mick Mulvaney, the former chief of staff in the Trump administration, is also a non-resident fellow.

As reported by the uni’s student newspaper Honi Soit the University of Sydney’s Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson also acts as the chairman of Thales Australia, the local arm of French global weapons manufacturer Thales Group.


Source: Guardian defence story forgets to disclose weapons links – Michael West Media

Scott Morrison has a lot to say about democratic values. Here’s how he could actually enact them | Katharine Murphy | The Guardian

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison

Sounding more like Putin than a leader of a party elected to be servants  of the people  Morrison stood in front of the press to say

“My government will never be backward when it comes to standing up for Australia’s national interests and standing up for liberal democracy in today’s world, which is demarcating between autocrats and authoritarian regimes, invading and seeking to coerce liberal democratic regimes,” Morrison told reporters in his courtyard.

Source: Scott Morrison has a lot to say about democratic values. Here’s how he could actually enact them | Katharine Murphy | The Guardian

Don’t get too excited by Australia’s rebounding economy – it’s a distorted snapshot of the true picture | Greg Jericho | The Guardian

People shop and dine at cafes inside the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney in October 2021.

Josh Frydenberg doesn’t tell it all. The Great Bungee Plunge downwards was always going to  rebound back but in a much smaller space than when it came down and no rise as far when all is considered. Frydenberg is simply using bullshit stats as truth by eliminating the history and the changed context in which events have occurred. Besides what did Josh Frydenberg do to make his “good news event” even happen?

The Australian economy at the end of 2021 rebounded for one reason alone – people coming out of lockdowns in the late winter and spring period spent their money. But ironically this massive surge of growth from households comes at a time when workers are receiving a smaller share of the economy than ever before.

Source: Don’t get too excited by Australia’s rebounding economy – it’s a distorted snapshot of the true picture | Greg Jericho | The Guardian

The Guardian view on a bad prime minister: how to get rid of Boris Johnson | Editorial | The Guardian

Last week Boris Johnson ‘brazenly refused to accept that the political principle should apply to him’.

An appropriate description of The Tories, The Republicans, and the LNP

A fish rots, it is said, from the head down. With claims of blackmail, bullying and racism, it seems so too does a political party

Source: The Guardian view on a bad prime minister: how to get rid of Boris Johnson | Editorial | The Guardian