Tag: Pilger

Old Dog Thought- John Pilger delivers his contempt to the media barons the likes of Murdoch who stopped delivering news years ago

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, published in 1776. Paine wasn’t just contemptuous of one particular British ruler but of monarchs in general.

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 12/9/22; Twitter Censorship; Canada; The Monarchy; Thomas Paine, ICAC; John Pliger; Murdoch;

JOHN PILGER: Julian Assange’s Stalinist trial mocks democracy

Having reported the long, epic ordeal of Julian Assange, John Pilger gave this address outside the Central Criminal Court in London on September 7 as the WikiLeaks editor’s extradition hearing entered its final stage.

JOHN PILGER: Julian Assange’s Stalinist trial mocks democracy

Corporate Media


John Pilger – Episode 12

the role of the corporate media in manufacturing narratives, its relationship to capitalism and commodification, and the importance of independent media to pierce through the propaganda. Pilger provides his blistering critique of the especially insidious liberal media whose misinformation and disinformation is so critical to the ruling class. Eric and John touch on an array of other topics including Greece, Ukraine, and debt as a neocolonial weapon. All this and much more on a slightly abbreviated Episode 12 of CounterPunch Radio, featuring as always intro and outtro music from the Dr. of the Blues, the man with a PhD in Boogie Woogie,

From Pol Pot to ISIS: Saving Iraq by bombing everything that moves is Bolt’s advice. What only 2 bombs in a week he asks.



This article by John Pilger is too long and doesn’t deserve paraphrasing. So I’m just putting foward the link
