Category: Malcolm Turnbull

National Times – ‘Antithesis of what Menzies stood for’: Turnbull… | Facebook

The former prime minister pointed to climate policy as one area that had been a “catastrophe” for the Liberal Party – singling out Tony Abbott and the “right wing press” for blame.
“When they decided to take energy policy or climate policy and turn it into a culture war issue, that was a catastrophe for us; a catastrophe for our party. And it did a lot of damage to Australia,” he said.
Within the 43-minute podcast, Mr Turnbull – the co-chair of activist group ‘Australians for a Murdoch Royal Media Commission’ – a position he took over from former-Labor PM Kevin Rudd – also used some of his time to complain about News Corp.
The former journalist, barrister and investment banker said that politics operates in an ecosystem made up of the media.
“Now, that doesn’t mean the opinion pages of a few newspapers, that’s the whole thing: Social media, mainstream media, the works,” he said.
“And we’re operating in that environment, which has increasingly become untethered from truth.
“It’s increasingly focused on what I call anger-tainment, and it’s making political parties generally, but the Liberal Party in particular, very hard to manage.”

Source: National Times – ‘Antithesis of what Menzies stood for’: Turnbull… | Facebook

Change in voting system might save us all

For my part, that 2016 legislative change will likely make the difference between a snake oil peddler like ex-Liberal-turned-UAP-leader Craig Kelly being a footnote to Australian political history instead of switching to the Senate and enjoying six years spruiking imaginary medical advice through the most powerful megaphone in the country. And that’s reason enough to give Turnbull a grateful tip of the cap.

Source: Change in voting system might save us all

Malcolm Turnbull blasts key part of government’s net zero plan

net zero

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says his long-awaited net-zero plan will lower power bills, create 100,000 jobs, and leave Australians thousands of dollars better off by increasing the gross national income by 1.6 per cent.

But his predecessor Malcolm Turnbull has been scathing of a key pillar of the plan, calling carbon capture and storage – which the government is relying on to cut emissions in manufacturing and mining – as a “con” and “distraction” by the coal industry. Scott Morrison announces the net zero plan. “It is a proven failure and it keeps getting run up the flagpole by the fossil fuel sector as a way to defer action,” Mr Turnbull told The New Daily. Mr Morrison will take the net-zero plan, and a projection that Australia will comfortably beat its Paris agreement goals, to Glasgow’s COP26 climate summit this week.

Source: Malcolm Turnbull blasts key part of government’s net zero plan

‘A market for crazy’: Turnbull serves cold fury for the Murdochs

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull appears via videolink at a Senate committee.

Malcolm Turnbull, possibly making a subliminal point about revenge and how it is best served cold, sat himself in front of a cool blue curtain in calming botanical print… and set the room on fire.

As if screwing up a collection of Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers and wielding a flaming Zippo, Turnbull put Murdoch’s News Corp to the flame.

Source: ‘A market for crazy’: Turnbull serves cold fury for the Murdochs

How Malcolm Turnbull’s Easter tweets help Bill Shorten’s cause and Labor’s campaign – Australia Votes – Federal Election 2019 – Politics – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull holds out his hand while speaking at a press conference outside Parliament House.

This isn’t FAKE NEWS.

Voters think it was the wrong call

The vast majority of respondents — 78 per cent — think that the decision to remove Malcolm Turnbull in August last year was the wrong call. That conclusion is drawn from 153,354 responses to Vote Compass between April 10 and April 16.

The former prime minister tweeted:

“In fact the NEG had the support of the entire Cabinet, including and especially the current PM and Treasurer. It was approved by the Party Room on several occasions.”

He continued:

“It had the support of the business community and energy sector in a way that no previous energy policy had. However a right wing minority in the Party Room refused to accept the majority position and threatened to cross the floor and defeat their own government”.

“That is the only reason it has been abandoned by the Government. The consequence is no integration of energy and climate policy, uncertainty continues to discourage investment with the consequence, as I have often warned, of both higher emissions and higher electricity prices.”

via How Malcolm Turnbull’s Easter tweets help Bill Shorten’s cause and Labor’s campaign – Australia Votes – Federal Election 2019 – Politics – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Malcolm Turnbull lodged complaint with Rupert Murdoch over coverage in last days of his prime ministership

Let’s face it Murdoch was caught out with the fake photo shoot at the Alfalfa Club in Atlanta in an effort to boost Tony Abbott’s stocks in his Daily Telegraph and they were both cought out in that lie too.(ODT)

Mr Turnbull challenged Mr Murdoch over the coverage of his government in News Corp newspapers and its Sky News television channel, arguing the media company was intensifying the leadership turmoil.

Fairfax Media has been told Mr Murdoch played down his part in fuelling the leadership speculation, saying it was primarily a matter for his son Lachlan, who is his co-chairman and a stronger presence in the company’s Australian operations.

Malcolm Turnbull lodged complaint with Rupert Murdoch over coverage in last days of his prime ministership

Turnbull will do anything to keep his job including sacrificing our democracy – » The Australian Independent Media Network

In a report by Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project released in May last year, former Fraser-era immigration minister Ian Macphee said he was “disgusted by the power accorded to current ministers regarding the lives of people fleeing persecution”.

“Ministers now exercise power that is mostly beyond the review of judges,” he said. “Such power should be exercised humanely and in accordance with morality, not absolute law.

“The law and its practice is now unjust. It is un-Australian.”

Turnbull, in choosing Dutton in the first place and then expanding his power, shows no judgement of ability and no regard for the best interests of the country, the rights of individuals, or the separation of powers.

He will gladly sacrifice our democracy in order to maintain his position.

He is a self-serving coward.

via Turnbull will do anything to keep his job including sacrificing our democracy – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Time is running out, Malcolm – » The Australian Independent Media Network

By any measure, most Australian workers have gone backwards. It has been a gradual deterioration since 2013 and a far cry from the promises the “adults” made when they rubbished Labor’s handling of the economy between 2007-13.

The very fact that the 700,000+ unemployed people today is the same as it was when the coalition won government in 2013 should send warning signals to every coalition member in Canberra. It simply doesn’t add up, unless one concludes that the job’s bonanza has nothing to do with government initiatives and everything to do with population increase.

In much the the same way Turnbull wasn’t elected to office $1.7mill dollars bought it and Turnbull like Abbott has turned to bull.

via Time is running out, Malcolm – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Australians in financial strife on the rise with bankruptcies up 6pc in 2017 – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A sea of roofs in the outer suburb of Craigieburn

The number of Australians “going under” financially accelerated last year, with personal bankruptcies up 6.1 per cent over the year.
Key points:

Bankruptcies rose for the 3rd consecutive year in 2017
Queensland had the highest number of bankruptcies last year
Men are more likely than women to declare bankruptcy

The increase follows an almost 5 per cent rise in 2016.

That folks is 12% over 2 years and Turnbull is meant to be a financial whiz. 1% profits have boomed 90% wages are at best flat  but yes we don’t talk about that, (old dog)

Australians in financial strife on the rise with bankruptcies up 6pc in 2017 – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


‘Wage theft at its worst’: Study finds most food delivery riders earn less than minimum wage

Boxing Day with The PM

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and crowd

This is our PM showing up at the Wayside Chapel to pretend to feed the homeless. The shirt he is wearing cost $850 and he and his government are responsible for homelessness increasing by nearly 500 percent. I liken him to a firebug that lights the fires then shows up to help put the fire out, or a serial killer who helps search for the body. Shamejob.

Cory to give PM the kiss-off | The Monthly

Last week was a tough one for Malcolm Trumble, President of Australia. But this week will be even worse, with the PM now facing three critical problems. On the right, Senator Cory Bernardi is about to quit the Liberal Party. On the left, moderate MPs are pushing for a parliamentary vote on same-sex marriage, forcing the PM to block a change that he himself supports. And hanging over his head are the government’s awful polling numbers from this morning’s first Newspoll of the year.

Source: Cory to give PM the kiss-off | The Monthly

Super tax reforms will give Malcolm Turnbull boasting rights

Everyone wants to know what achievements Malcolm Turnbull can point to after his first year as Prime Minister. Well, I can think of something: his reform of the tax breaks on superannuation – provided he gets it through without major watering down.

Source: Super tax reforms will give Malcolm Turnbull boasting rights

Malcolm’s Sensible Centre: Corporatisation, Concentration Camps And Climate Catastrophe – New Matilda

Say what you like about the Prime Minister, but at least when torturing refugees, cooking the planet, and accelerating the corporate takeover of our democracy, he’s sensible about it. Liam McLoughlin explains. Recently, Malcolm Turnbull called on parliamentarians to “meet us in the sensible centre. To act otherwise would badly misread the mood of theMore

Source: Malcolm’s Sensible Centre: Corporatisation, Concentration Camps And Climate Catastrophe – New Matilda

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Turnbull did the right thing today | The Monthly

It is possible, right now, to allow frustration with the Turnbull government to become overwhelming. Your particular political allegiance isn’t particularly important – it’s the consistency of disingenuous arguments, the tendency towards pratfall, the refusal to answer questions in a straightforward way, and the general lack of either wide-ranging agenda or eye-catching specific policies. For some of us, despair over the government’s attitude towards Nauru has added to the mix.

Source: Turnbull did the right thing today | The Monthly

Malcolm’s report card – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Many people claim that, because Malcolm Turnbull is personally wealthy, he is more qualified to oversee our economy. But if the ABS figures are anything to go by, Malcolm is taking us backwards at a rate of knots. Over the past 12 months, trend employment increased by 217,000 – a far cry from the 300,000…

Source: Malcolm’s report card – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Malcolm Turnbull defends ‘excellent’ relationship with Treasurer despite late notice on budget date change – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Malcolm Turnbull confirms Treasurer Scott Morrison only learned the budget would be brought forward to May 3 on Monday morning.

Source: Malcolm Turnbull defends ‘excellent’ relationship with Treasurer despite late notice on budget date change – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The rise and fall of Malcolm Turnbull – » The Australian Independent Media Network

On my first day of high school, I was looking around at all the new people with whom I would be spending the next six years of my life.  One of the toughest looking girls wandered over to me, shoved me, and said “Wadda ya think you’re looking at?”  I immediately responded “Dunno.  I didn’t…

Source: The rise and fall of Malcolm Turnbull – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Malcolm Turnbull warns Tony Abbott: I’ll correct record if necessary

Malcolm Turnbull has publicly warned Tony Abbott that he will not hesitate to correct the record if false statements are made regarding government policy, in a sign that the frosty relationship between victor and vanquished is deteriorating.

Source: Malcolm Turnbull warns Tony Abbott: I’ll correct record if necessary

Could The Tax Debate Bring Teflon Turnbull Unstuck? – New Matilda

After months of phony war the government has gone back to square one. It’s starting to become a serious problem for the PM, writes Ben Eltham. Just weeks into the adventure, the Turnbullian crusade for tax reform seems to have run into trouble. Malcolm Turnbull’s new-look government returned from the summer break full of vimMore

Source: Could The Tax Debate Bring Teflon Turnbull Unstuck? – New Matilda

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Archibald winner Lewis Miller destroyed Malcolm Turnbull portrait after future PM said he looked ‘big, fat and greedy’

Stung by future Liberal leader’s criticism that he was ‘no good’, prize-winning painter took to his canvas with a craft knife.

Source: Archibald winner Lewis Miller destroyed Malcolm Turnbull portrait after future PM said he looked ‘big, fat and greedy’

Progressive Australia’s infatuation with Malcolm Turnbull will only end in heartbreak | Kristina Keneally | Comment is free | The Guardian

It looked like it might be a wonderful honeymoon, but we have to face the fact: Malcolm Turnbull is never going to leave his conservative partners for us

Source: Progressive Australia’s infatuation with Malcolm Turnbull will only end in heartbreak | Kristina Keneally | Comment is free | The Guardian

The post-traumatic moment in Australian politics – The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Malcolm Turnbull is riding the tidal wave of relief that is washing across the country, and at this stage the polls are showing nothing more than the fact that he isn’t Tony Abbott.

Source: The post-traumatic moment in Australian politics – The Drum (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Malcolm Turnbull’s stunning ascendancy to fuel early election talk

If Coalition strategists had any doubt about the case for Malcolm Turnbull considering an early election, the first Fairfax-Ipsos national poll since his ascension will comprehensively erase it.

Source: Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Malcolm Turnbull’s stunning ascendancy to fuel early election talk

Fairfax-Ipsos poll shows dark days for Labor as Coalition surges under Malcolm Turnbull

Support for the ALP has tanked, with voters flocking back to a rejuvenated Coalition government under Malcolm Turnbull’s new leadership just one month after he replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister.

Source: Fairfax-Ipsos poll shows dark days for Labor as Coalition surges under Malcolm Turnbull

Nauru rape allegations ‘very alarming’, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says: Andrew Bolt calls this Weak

Malcolm Turnbull says reports two refugees were raped on Nauru are alarming.

Source: Nauru rape allegations ‘very alarming’, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)