Category: In Australia’s Interest

26 January echoes with ‘torment’ of First Nation peoples’ ‘powerlessness’ – Pearls and Irritations

It was a wonderful night in Melbourne’s Town Hall!

An Indigenous Nation is a Multicultural Inclusive Nation. Anti- Multiculturalism is anti-Australian and merely a White Colony intruding on Indigenous lands. Be and reflect what you are Australia your not a White Nation and never have been.

The wisdom of the saints for us as individuals also pertains to us as a nation. Wisdom is that, every day, we should ask ourselves this question: “Am I becoming a more loving person?”. Changing the date of Australia Day and embracing the referendum are opportunities to be a more loving nation. The heart has its own wisdom.

Source: 26 January echoes with ‘torment’ of First Nation peoples’ ‘powerlessness’ – Pearls and Irritations

Talkin’ bout a Treaty Republic – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Constitutional recognition was first touted by John Howard prior to losing the 2007 election, then copied by Rudd, Gillard, Abbott (who swore to sweat blood for it) sponsored by Miners, the AFL and NRL under the banner of “Recognise” and now the new Labor Government is still pushing it, whilst keeping the republic as a separate issue, as if unrelated.

Whose land is this republic supposed to operate on? The King of Britain’s land, or Aboriginal Land?

Source: Talkin’ bout a Treaty Republic – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Lessons for Australia from the Capitol attacks

With the growth of the far-Right and illiberal forces that do not respect democracy across the Western world, it is now risky to leave our current constitutional arrangements as they stand. Only a directly elected head of state would keep a rogue prime minister in check and secure our democracy. The old maxim – if it ain’t broke don’t fix it – will never protect us from those who believe rules are meant to be broken.

Source: Lessons for Australia from the Capitol attacks

Australian economy languishes while Ireland, Singapore, NZ soar

What Frydenberg, the Harvard whiz, doesn’t mention is why he’s been nominated for the prize for Australia’s worst-ever Treasurer

The Independent Australia Ranking on Economic Management (IAREM) for 2021 reveals Ireland leading the world and Australia still languishing outside the top twenty, reports Alan Austin.

Source: Australian economy languishes while Ireland, Singapore, NZ soar

Our political culture is rotting at its core

The general model of improvement and reform revolves around the piecemeal tinkering mode. That mindset has to change significantly. Major system change is needed not just with the electoral system, but also the Federation, the Constitution, industrial relations and, finally, of course, the Republic. To think that we can just continue to argue whether or not an Australian president should be directly or indirectly elected is to miss the point about Australia’s democracy crisis completely. Sure, COVID-19 is still the main issue discussed by the media, but well before the next election, Australians need to insist on fixing their democracy and, also, insist on competence in government. That can only come primarily via the ALP and the Greens, in unison and in coalition with other progressive parties and independents. Australia needs a new political culture. This won’t come from piecemeal tinkering.

Our political culture is rotting at its core

Telco, NBN failures during bushfire crisis reveals cracks in regional, rural crisis coverage – ABC Rural – ABC News

Five fire trucks parked on the side of a road, with smoke all around.

Mr Budde said there was a case for regional and rural Australia to have fibre-optic cables.

“While that might be cost costly … I think on the other side, the social, economic benefits are as important, if not more important in situations like this,” he said.

via Telco, NBN failures during bushfire crisis reveals cracks in regional, rural crisis coverage – ABC Rural – ABC News

Climate change: Just 2 per cent of Britain’s power now comes from coal. In Australia, it’s more like 75 per cent


Coal-fired power plants are being phased out across the United Kingdom.

London: Renewable energy has overtaken fossil fuels to become Britain’s largest source of electricity in a historic shift that could signal the “beginning of the end” for coal across Europe.

National Grid data released on New Year’s Day revealed coal represented just 2.1 per cent of Britain’s overall electricity output in 2019.

By comparison, black and brown coal fuelled 74 per cent of Australia’s energy mix in 2018.

Climate change: Just 2 per cent of Britain’s power now comes from coal. In Australia, it’s more like 75 per cent

MUNGO MACCALLUM: AFP raids are the road to totalitarianism

We voted for DENIAL rather than TRUTH and pay the higest price in the OECD for the privilige to hear it. Raids and outlawing any unions is fine as long as they are left-wing. Associations of White Sumpremecists, Assimilationists, Nationalists etc are fine.(ODT)

Our Prime Minister assures us that the AFP raids of last week had absolutely nothing to do with him. Well, of course not — he and his Government are never responsible for anything.

via MUNGO MACCALLUM: AFP raids are the road to totalitarianism

There’s no excuse for justifying the racist attitudes that plague Australia | Luke Pearson | Opinion | The Guardian

Protesters block a bus carrying Q society supporters from leaving a pick up stop in Melbourne, 10 February 2017.

Just that in itself was significant in many ways. Australia doesn’t really like to acknowledge our white supremacy outside of Nazis, skinheads or the KKK, and even then there’s still plenty of media people who will call them “far-right activists” or even just “concerned citizens”. So to acknowledge that our governing party voted in favour of a white supremacist slogan was a pretty big deal for those of us who watch how Australian media all too readily ignore overtones of white supremacy.

So, in 2019 there are even less excuses for justifying the dehumanising and racist attitudes that plague Australia. There is no reason not to name white supremacist beliefs as such, whether they are coming from the fringes or from the Senate.

via There’s no excuse for justifying the racist attitudes that plague Australia | Luke Pearson | Opinion | The Guardian

Great South Coast Economic Migration Project – Home

Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, outdoor

Great South Coast Economic Migration Project
Yesterday at 11:37 AM ·

The GSCEMP Welcome Weekend was a huge success with the visitors all showing great enthusiasm to relocate to the region. Eleven people, visiting from Melbourne and Sydney, were welcomed by the communities of Casterton and Hamilton over the two days. In the words from Gabriel from Melbourne:

‘I finally feel like I’m in Australia and it already feels like home.’

The weekend involved a guided bus tour of the towns, including visits to a hospital, school, dairy farm, aged care facility and homestays with local families in Casterton.

At the end of the weekend, it was clear that the visitors loved our region and plan to move as soon as they can. The project team will now assist the families to find jobs and suitable housing in order to move to the Great South Coast region in the coming months.

A huge thank-you to the Glenelg Shire Council, Southern Grampians Shire Council, the Leadership Great South Coast project team and many local community members that assisted to make the weekend a success.
via Great South Coast Economic Migration Project – Home

The Wentworth byelection isn’t just a loss for the Liberals. It’s a disaster | Katharine Murphy | Australia news | The Guardian

Scott Morrison (centre), with Josh Frydenberg (left) and Liberal candidate Dave Sharma at the Liberal party Wentworth byelection function, in Double Bay on Saturday night.

Let’s not sugar coat this, the outcome in the Wentworth byelection is a disaster for the Liberals. Counting isn’t over yet, but the anti-government swing in this contest will be north of 20%, which is the biggest swing ever recorded against a government at a byelection.

It is a repudiation. A repudiation of a chaotic period in government characterised by self-obsession and self-harm. A repudiation of the party’s lurch to the right, and the hollowing out of the sensible centre.

via The Wentworth byelection isn’t just a loss for the Liberals. It’s a disaster | Katharine Murphy | Australia news | The Guardian

Day to Day Politics: Bloody Hell, just get it done. – » The Australian Independent Media Network


The Whitlam Governments Achievements

“In his brief three years the Prime Minister produced profound and lasting changes – reforms which could not have been so broadly conceived and so firmly implemented by a lesser man. The Whitlam Government without doubt was the most creative and innovatory in the nations history. Under Whitlam, Australia’s foreign policy came of age. His Government made education its top priority and poured money into schools and colleges throughout the country. It created Medibank, set up community health centers, gave a new deal to pensioners, took an active role in urban improvement and development, provided funds directly to local government, and gave a healthy boost to sexual equality and aboriginal advancement. It promoted greater Australian ownership and control of resources, legislated against restrictive trade practices, introduced the most civilised and sensible divorce laws in the world, gave encouragement to the arts, and in its final budget implemented some fundamental reforms which made the income tax system considerably more equitable. Whitlam himself dominated both his party and the Parliament, and he commanded respect when he traveled overseas in a way no previous Australian Prime Minister had done.”

via Day to Day Politics: Bloody Hell, just get it done. – » The Australian Independent Media Network