Tag: treasurer

Who is it that can’t manage money? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

If only we had of voted Morrison in we’d have never known

“The economy was weaker in the March quarter than was forecast at election time.

“Growth at 0.8 per cent was…much weaker than what was expected for the corresponding period in the pre-election fiscal outlook”.

He added: “Consumption, dwelling investment, new business investment export and the nominal GDP were all weaker in the March quarter than was anticipated by our predecessors in the Budget and by the departments at PFO.”

“Although the national accounts are notoriously backward looking, if you think about what has happened in the economy since the end of March: inflation is higher, we have had an interest rate hike, petrol prices are up 12 per cent since the end of April, wholesale electricity prices are up 237 per cent since the end of March, and gas more than 300 per cent higher than the average of the last few years.”

Robust in parts, resilient in parts, but with rising inflation, chickens coming home to roost, and a perfect storm of energy rate spikes.

Who is it that can’t manage money?



Source: Who is it that can’t manage money? – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Fact checking Frydenberg’s flood of furphies and fabrications

The LNP are outright liars so why doesn’t the MSM challenge them? If you sit down with a liar and accept their lies you are a liar even if you just want their business and profit. 3AW, 2GB, are LNP boosters that’s why the LNP are only too happy to sit and answer their softball questions. However should anyone want truth and to test what’s being said they’re boycotted and accused of bias.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is ramping up the falsehoods as an election looms, writes Alan Austin. VETERAN MELBOURNE RADIO presenter Neil Mitchell asked Treasurer Josh Frydenberg point blank last Thursday if he had ever told a lie. Frydenberg immediately said “no” and Mitchell accepted this without challenge. Perhaps Mitchell hasn’t read any of the articles chronicling the multiple falsehoods. Or perhaps he has, but believes dishonesty and deception are essential for the Coalition to be re-elected.

Source: Fact checking Frydenberg’s flood of furphies and fabrications

Zombie Cash-Splash: Treasurer ramps up orgy of corporate hand-outs – Michael West

Josh Frydenberg money tree, QE, Reserve Bank of Australia

“Australians know there is no money tree,” said Treasurer Josh Frydenberg at the apogee of the coronavirus in May. But there is. The Reserve Bank is creating money out of thin air. It’s called QE. Michael West reports on the latest fruits to fall from Josh’s fertile money tree, particularly free cash from a hitherto hidden measure in the Budget.

Zombie Cash-Splash: Treasurer ramps up orgy of corporate hand-outs – Michael West