Tag: Bolivia

ABC and SBS fail in their reporting on Bolivia coup

The notion that Australia’s SBS and ABC are politically “Left” is wildly incorrect.

A far-Right military coup in Bolivia forced a sitting socialist President, Evo Morales, to resign and escape the country, yet they hardly reported on this fact. Instead, they devoted much favourable coverage to Right-wing demonstrators and security forces.

Need I mention the anti-coup mostly indigenous and poor demonstrators were not covered, and more than this were blamed for the violence?

via ABC and SBS fail in their reporting on Bolivia coup

CIA Installed Dictatorship Replaced Democracy in Bolivia – Stephen Lendman

Bolivian ex-President Evo Morales waves upon arrival at the Historic City Hall, where Mexico City's Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum will honor him as Distinguished Guest, on November 13, 2019 in Mexico City. - Morales arrived on the eve in Mexico -which granted him political asylum- after resigning amid growing unrest triggered by his controversial re-election to a fourth term. (Photo by PEDRO PARDO / AFP) (Photo by PEDRO PARDO/AFP via Getty Images)

In cahoots with Bolivian fascists, military and police, along with US imperial tool Organization of American states (OAS), CIA dark forces toppled Morales for not subordinating the country’s sovereign rights to US interests.

via CIA Installed Dictatorship Replaced Democracy in Bolivia – Stephen Lendman