Tag: Corporate control

Fossil Fuel Industry Wants Free Speech for Corporations but Not Citizens

Demonstrators walks past the U.S. Capitol during a protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Friday, March 10, 2017. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous grassroots leaders arranged for the march to protect native sovereignty, keep fossil fuels in the ground and stop construction of the DAPL project. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

As oil companies push to criminalize dissent, they’re also making the case that climate denialism is protected speech, not fraudulent advertising.

Source: Fossil Fuel Industry Wants Free Speech for Corporations but Not Citizens

Australia’s Private Energy Market Is Rigged to Guarantee Corporate Profits

Across Australia, power prices are rising exponentially while corporations rake in billions. It’s not the product of shortages or instability but of a market designed to let for-profit companies hold the public ransom.

Australia’s Private Energy Market Is Rigged to Guarantee Corporate Profits

Boeing’s ousted chief executive Dennis Muilenburg departs with $90 million, despite two crashes – Business – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Dennis Muilenburg.jpg

Witness to Corporate Crime committed in plain sight. America is a Fascist State when a Corporation can and does fly in the face of peoples elected governments no matter what their persuasion. Sending the message that the State is whatever the Corporations declare it to be. Justice and Equality are under Corporate control. (ODT)

via Boeing’s ousted chief executive Dennis Muilenburg departs with $90 million, despite two crashes – Business – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Labor senator Sam Dastyari claims 10 companies have taken control of Australian politics

Labor senator Sam Dastyari has warned there is something “fundamentally wrong and rotten” with Australia’s entire political system, claiming there are 10 huge companies with so much power and influence they have killed proper democratic process at the federal level in this country.

Source: Labor senator Sam Dastyari claims 10 companies have taken control of Australian politics