Tag: Context

Albanese and Dutton set aside differences to back Israel

What is “abhorrent” is that the Australian Government never applied that term to the constant and incessant provocations by the Israeli government. They closed their eyes to the Israeli Government’s sponsored, almost daily, attacks on Palestinians in Gaza the West Bank, and in Jerusalem itself. Nothing was said only silence when Israelis invaded Palestinian places of worship whether Muslim or Christian it didn’t seem to matter. It’s shamed the LNP but that was no surprise. But it now shames an ALP government and that’s a major disappointment to those that voted Labor.

Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton have joined to condemn Hamas’ assault on Israel, with the Prime Minister condemning the attacks as “abhorrent”.

Source: Albanese and Dutton set aside differences to back Israel

What’s happening in Australia will happen in the US if we, too, lose the plot on COVID | Washington Examiner

To watch what is happening in Australia right now is to watch a once-liberally democratic nation devolve into outright tyranny. Citizens in New South Wales and Victoria are being locked inside their homes and monitored by police, and anyone who dares protest the states’ strict coronavirus lockdown measures faces imprisonment, hefty fines, and even brutal physical attacks by law enforcement — all in response to a relatively minor outbreak of new cases among a population that is largely vaccinated.

What’s happening in Australia will happen in the US if we, too, lose the plot on COVID | Washington Examiner

The Keating and Blair consensus has failed

The neoliberal trickle-down story is a myth. It never shows up. It fails because the wealthy put much of their wealth into unproductive asset speculation and luxuries for themselves, not into productive investment. This keeps the financial markets and housing prices high, but our economy has been hollowed out. We are left with being China’s quarry.

The right-wing neoliberal parties of Margaret Thatcher and John Howard set upon the industrial unions with a vengeance, so it is almost comical now to see the Morrison Government’s continuing obsession with the last feeble vestiges of union power. But Labor and Labour also undermined and defanged the unions, and allowed industries to wither and collapse with little help for displaced workers.

In place of real jobs, people are offered the gig economy, with no security and a likelihood their wages will be stolen as well. Yes, the nature of the economy has changed, but the employed still have a common interest against the owners of capital, as Adam Smith himself well understood in his day.

via The Keating and Blair consensus has failed

What’s behind the protests in the Gaza Strip? | Gaza | Al Jazeera


The demonstrators were marking Land Day, which stems from March 30, 1976, when 2,000 hectares of land was confiscated from Palestinian citizens of Israel. Back then, six people died in subsequent protests.

via What’s behind the protests in the Gaza Strip? | Gaza | Al Jazeera

Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)










“Cannabis has hit the headlines recently due to legalisation in many States across the US, however, prior to the legalisation, it was only illegal for a few short decades and was prescribed in many western countries up until the 1970s.”  That triggered a huge Global Criminal Industry bigger than Prohibition. ( OD )

Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

Next time you read your increased power bill, blame Tony Abbott | Matt Grudnoff | Opinion | The Guardian

For the last four years we’ve had a fact free zone of bad politics and no interest in understanding energy policy. The biggest losers are electricity consumers

Source: Next time you read your increased power bill, blame Tony Abbott | Matt Grudnoff | Opinion | The Guardian