Category: American War

Tin Pot Dictators and Tin Foil Hats – » The Australian Independent Media Network

But is that all Biden is banking on?

Dan Patrick was right about one thing, though. The majority of Americans, ruling class or not, do want Trump to disappear. Forever, and that’s a long, long time.

Source: Tin Pot Dictators and Tin Foil Hats – » The Australian Independent Media Network

US post-9/11 wars caused 4.5 million deaths, displaced 38-60 million people, study shows – Pearls and Irritations

USA flag and US Army patch on solder's uniform.

Wars the US waged in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan following September 11, 2001 caused at least 4.5 million deaths and displaced 38 to 60 million people, with 7.6 million children starving today, according to studies by Brown University.

Source: US post-9/11 wars caused 4.5 million deaths, displaced 38-60 million people, study shows – Pearls and Irritations

Colombian Mercenaries and the Assassination of Haiti’s Jovenel Moïse

Two men, accused of being involved in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, are being transported to the Petionville station in a police car in Port au Prince on July 8, 2021. - Police in Haiti have surrounded a group of possible suspects in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, the UN envoy to Haiti said. Helen La Lime said from the Haitian capital that four members of a group that attacked the presidential palace Wednesday and shot the president have been killed by police and six others are in custody. (Photo by Valerie Baeriswyl / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE BAERISWYL/AFP via Getty Images)

“We’re pumping all this money into Plan Colombia, and meanwhile, we’re hemorrhaging soldiers who go and turn mercenary so they make lots more money in Iraq.”

Source: Colombian Mercenaries and the Assassination of Haiti’s Jovenel Moïse

COVID-19 cases rise as states ease restrictions; CDC director warns of “impending doom” |

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At the same time, Republican governors in states from Texas and Mississippi to Alabama and West Virginia have been loosening or eliminating COVID-19 restrictions in response to declining COVID-19 numbers. Earlier this month Walensky urged policymakers to be mindful that Americans would not be truly safe until as many people are vaccinated as possible, adding that the rise of variants could “complete lose” the gains made so far in defeating the pandemic.

COVID-19 cases rise as states ease restrictions; CDC director warns of “impending doom” |

America now has its own Green Zone, as Trumpian Fascism erects Racist Red Zone

America now has its own Green Zone in downtown Washington, D.C., where the Mall is closed, the city is locked down, and protective fencing has gone up around the Capitol. You only need a Green Zone, a safe small space completely under the control of the government, if the rest of the country is a Red Zone.

America now has its own Green Zone, as Trumpian Fascism erects Racist Red Zone

America’s Commandos Deployed to 141 Countries | Coronavirus in 144

And all of this followed a string of black eyes for elite troops in recent years, including allegations of massacres, unjustified killings, murder, prisoner abuse, child rape, child sexual abuse, mutilations, and other crimes, as well as drug trafficking and the theft of government property by Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets, Air Force special operators, and Marine Raiders.

Despite this startling record of malfeasance, SOCOM’s Comprehensive Review came to an unstartling conclusion. The review team (whose members were almost exclusively connected to the Special Operations community) largely absolved the command and its commandos of responsibility for much of anything. The team claimed that special operators had only been involved in “several” incidents of misconduct and unethical behavior instead of a laundry list of criminality.

America’s Commandos Deployed to 141 Countries | The Smirking Chimp

U.S. Military Is Undercounting Civilian Casualties in Somalia

Relatives gather to look at the dead bodies of ten people including children after a raid on their farms in Bariire, some 50 km west of Mogadishu, on August 25, 2017.Somali officials said Friday they had killed eight jihadist fighters during an overnight operation, denying claims from local elders that they had shot civilians dead, two of them children. Somali community leaders accused the troops, accompanied by US military advisors, of having killed the nine civilians in the overnight operations. An initial government statement said its troops had come under fire from jihadists while on patrol, insisting that no civilians had been killed. A later statement acknowledged that there had been civilian casualties, in what the government seemed to suggest was a separate incident. They did not say who was responsible. / AFP PHOTO / Mohamed ABDIWAHAB (Photo credit should read MOHAMED ABDIWAHAB/AFP via Getty Images)

During the first six months of 2019 alone, U.S. Africa Command tracked seven reports of American and allied attacks in Somalia that allegedly killed or wounded at least 18 civilians, according to internal AFRICOM documents obtained by The Intercept. But the U.S. does not acknowledge killing or wounding a single civilian in Somalia last year, according to AFRICOM spokesperson John Manley.

via U.S. Military Is Undercounting Civilian Casualties in Somalia

US releases video it says shows Iranian military recovering mine from oil tanker in Gulf of Oman – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A US Central Command photo shows alleged damage and an unexploded limpet mine on the ship's hull.

The US have a history of false flags and have used them to start conflicts more so than any modern day nation we know. (ODT)

The statement did not specify how the video and images were obtained, but said a US military aircraft and the USS Bainbridge were in the area following the attacks, with the US warship rescuing sailors from one of the tankers after responding to a distress call.

Such imagery is often difficult to declassify and its release appeared to show US efforts to convince the international community of Iran’s culpability in Thursday’s attacks.
Japanese ship’s owners say reports of mine attack ‘false’

via US releases video it says shows Iranian military recovering mine from oil tanker in Gulf of Oman – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

US official opposes ditching support for Saudi-led coalition in Yemen – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A soldier stands on the back of a ute.

The United States strongly opposes discontinuing support to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s war and will remain engaged in efforts to combat Iranian influence and Islamist militancy in the Arab state, a State Department official said.
Key points:

The US last month halted refuelling of aircraft from the coalition, blamed for air strikes that have killed thousands of civilians in Yemen
Peace talks are underway to address what is largely seen in the region as a proxy war between Riyadh and Tehran
The country is near one of the most important trade routes in the world for oil tankers

via US official opposes ditching support for Saudi-led coalition in Yemen – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Inside the US war in Yemen | Informed Comment

Inside the US war in Yemen


The United States is now at war in six countries in the broader Middle East: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia. There will come a day when the American people understand the massive cost in lives and treasure. The day of reckoning will come sooner than the Trump administration thinks.

via Inside the US war in Yemen | Informed Comment

The Unmitigated Failure of the Iraq War

It has been 15 years since OIF, and there – in Iraq and Syria – US servicemen remain, wedged between Saudi-backed Sunni Islamists, and Iranian-backed Shia militiamen. Some 4500 American soldiers have already died, with upwards of 30,000 more wounded. And, like a bad sitcom, the US military still spends most of its time fighting spin-off wars (Syria, Iraq 2.0, ISIS, Yemen) of the original Iraq disaster. That ill-fated farce of an invasion either created the conditions, or exacerbated the existing tensions, which inform today’s regional wars.

via The Unmitigated Failure of the Iraq War

‘Outrageous’: With $700 Billion for Pentagon, Nearly Half of $1.3 Trillion Budget Headed for More War-Making



With that kind of money, say progressives, “we could be ending homelessness, making universal preschool and higher ed available to all, and repairing roads and bridges.”
Jessica Corbett, staff writer

via ‘Outrageous’: With $700 Billion for Pentagon, Nearly Half of $1.3 Trillion Budget Headed for More War-Making

San Bernardino shooting: FBI investigating ‘act of terrorism’; reports shooter Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to Islamic State – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The FBI says it is investigating this week’s California shooting as an act of terrorism.

Source: San Bernardino shooting: FBI investigating ‘act of terrorism’; reports shooter Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to Islamic State – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)