Tag: LNP Tactic

Scott Morrison’s week went from text revelations, to a failed bill, to a ukulele solo. These are the dying days of the 46th Parliament – ABC News

Scott Morrison stands with his eyes closed.

Morrison’s “Action-Man Plan” is  calling in Jen and the kids and playing the ukelele while getting his advisors to poll and prepare new list of “Gunna Do” promises to announce like he did before the last election. Ones that never got done like ICAC and waiting for Clive to “donate” millions and preference him.

The PM may be hoping that playing the ukulele on 60 Minutes on Sunday, and unleashing his “secret weapon” — his wife Jenny — will offer one last desperate chance for a reset.

Source: Scott Morrison’s week went from text revelations, to a failed bill, to a ukulele solo. These are the dying days of the 46th Parliament – ABC News