Tag: Bowing to the Israeli Lobby

Australia’s Anti-ICC Lobby – » The Australian Independent Media Network

LNP-For Sale

Throwing caution to the wind, grasping the nettle, and every little smidgen of opportunity, Australia’s opposition leader, Peter Dutton, was thrilled to make a point in the gurgling tumult of the Israel-Hamas war. Israel’s leaders, he surmised, had been hard done by the International Criminal Court’s meddlesome ways. Best for Australia, he suggested, to cut ties to the body to show its solidarity for Israel.

Source: Australia’s Anti-ICC Lobby – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Student protests echo Vietnam as pro-war lobby cracks down on peaceful protests – Michael West

Kent State massacre

Australian university students channelled their peers around the world with encampments protesting the Gaza genocide. Will university leaders cow to pressure from the Zionist lobby and shut down free speech? Michael Sainsbury reports.

Source: Student protests echo Vietnam as pro-war lobby cracks down on peaceful protests – Michael West

ABC bows to Israeli lobbyists’ demands

Israel Lobby has tentacles stretched across the planet AIPAC their role model on who and how to influence

A campaign by Israeli lobbyists pressured Australia’s national broadcaster into dismissing one of its presenters over comments the lobbyists deemed offensive. Dr Jennifer Wilson reports.

Source: ABC bows to Israeli lobbyists’ demands