Tag: 30

Shocker! Serial Liar Caught Telling Another Big Fat Lie | Crooks and Liars

Shocker! Serial Liar Caught Telling Another Big Fat Lie

America’s Terrible discombobulated Child wants the keys to the car again having wrecked every other one he’s driven

Former President Donald Trump made over 30,000 false or misleading statements during his four years in office, so it’s the least surprising news of the day that he’s been caught in yet another lie. This time, it’s a lie that involves his rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis, in a story he told on his flailing Truth Social platform.

Source: Shocker! Serial Liar Caught Telling Another Big Fat Lie | Crooks and Liars

ISIS is “extremely adaptive” and “growing rapidly” People, Towns,Kids and Bombs

Isis: Australian defence minister David Johnston says Iraqi army ‘run down’

Johnston confident international forces can ‘degrade and delegitimise’ Isis, but warns of ‘quite a long campaign’ ahead.

Defence minister David Johnston has acknowledged weakness in the Iraqi army while Islamic State (Isis) forces are “extremely adaptive” and growing rapidly – making “quite a long campaign” likely for Australian forces.

A western guess is 5,000 fighters in January, but that number had grown to 8,000 in June, 15,000 a month ago and was now 30,000 and growing. If that’s the case aren’t we trying to prevent a reveloution. What numbers does it take to declare the Sunni uprising to have a legitimate cause? The Viet Cong were equally demonized and de-humanized when we went to war with them and they were in our region. However were off to support a half- hearted Iraqi army when the paper work has been cleared after the holiday which might end tonight. Let’s not surprise ISIS mid party. Does anybody get the sense that Abbott has been running a Pythonesque charade here for 3 weeks for his own benefit? If anybody leaks the truth it’s 10 years 20 if you inadvertantly name someone.

In discussions with the prime minister in Iraq, I’ve (Johnston) told him this is a fight the Iraqis must fight.”The defence minister described Australian defence forces as “one of the most restrictive” when it came to avoiding civilian casualties.“This aspect of our operations is at the forefront of our mind,” he said. However according to Obama the leader of this coalition that’s no longer the case. So has Johnston been told yet or is he just blagging us the Abbott way?  Truth”let’s not have any civilian casualties, let’s stay focused on the task” sounds total hogwash. Does he really believe ISIS will be in the open desert waving their flags at us or head to towns and commingle.

Tony Abbott reiterated that his government’s national security measures were directed towards terrorism, not a religion. Sorry their focus will be directed at people. People of the security agencies choosing as they did during the Vietnam War. That is anybody that disagrees with them and that will remain on file and impact on their lives.

Abbott’s Churchillian  message to Iraq

“In these uncertain times, I have three messages for the Iraqi people”, “First, our government will do everything possible to kill ISIS  so get out of our way fuckers don’t commingle. Second, our intelligence measures at home and abroad are directed guessing who they are don’t wear black, a burqa or live in a town. And third, live normally and wave while we try to scare the terrorists with bombs so they will act abnormally and give themselves up”