Australia must recognise Palestine to promote peace – Pearls and Irritations

22nd October 2023, Melbourne, Victoria, Australian. The Palestinian Flag and the blurred faces of Supporters of the Pro Palestine Rally, Credit: Contributor: P.j.Hickox / Alamy Stock Photo

If we don’t recognize Palestine we don’t recognize that Israel has killed and wounded over 120,000 people and has continued to illegally occupy seize and settle land disposed of the people living there. Basically, we are washing our hands of the matter like Pontius Pilate. Pilate washed his hands in front of the crowd before announcing, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” The Jewish people shouted in response, “His blood be on us and our children.” It’s a passage that would be used for millennia to persecute the Jewish people.

In opposition, our prime minister and the Labor Party were fierce champions of Palestine and passionate voices for justice. I ask that we summon that spirit of old and do the same in power. Let historians write of us that we were on the right side of history, that we boldly reinforced international law, and that we were a shining beacon and voice for freedom.

It is time to recognise Palestine.

Source: Australia must recognise Palestine to promote peace – Pearls and Irritations

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