Labor is parroting One Nation immigration policy now – The Shot

Migrants are not people to this government or, sadly, this population. They’re a tool. A gold mine. A GDP boost. Pauline Hanson was never smart enough to add that level of “nuance” to her politics, but it is what she always meant. Hanson has always been pro-migration if it’s white people from wealthy countries. In other words, Labor has adopted One Nation rhetoric and is building policy that, while One Nation will inevitably claim isn’t enough, is in the direction that they want to see it.

Migrants are not the problem in this country. They’re not the cause of our economic challenges, the cost of living, or the housing crisis. In fact, they’re quite often all that stands between us and things becoming so much worse.

So fuck Anthony Albanese and Clare O’Neil for seeing their fading poll numbers and actually going with “Fuck off, we’re full.” What utterly gutless, dishonest, cruel and worthless politicians they’ve turned out to be.

Source: Labor is parroting One Nation immigration policy now – The Shot