Israel-Hamas conflict: Opposition wants Anthony Albanese to speak with Benjamin Netanyahu

Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson.

James Paterson’s claims “that Israel should conduct its military response in the manner expected of liberal democracies” as it prepares for a likely ground invasion that will only contribute to a Gazan death toll that Hamas claims now tops 5000.

“.. we also absolutely understand why they need to do what they’re doing right now against Hamas,” Paterson said.

A major fact of today’s reality it seems beyond James Patterson LNP’s grasp. Israel isn’t a Democracy. It’s an acknowledged Apartheid State. One that for the past 17 years has held 2.2M people mainly children, women, and elderly illegally and inhumanely in an open-air prison, a ghetto called Gaza. At the same time, they have been killing and stealing their land in the West Bank. But then should we be surprised James Patterson was and is a “no” campaigner who hasn’t lifted his finger for this nation’s Indigenous people on whose land he built his career.

Paterson hasn’t anything in common with Democracy if he believes Israel is one. In Australia, Patterson has freedoms that Israeli citizens don’t. In Australia citizen James Patterson can parrot and support the LNP Nope Nope Nopers just as the LNP has been doing for the majority of this century. If citizen Paterson acted like that in Israel today he’d find himself arrested. If his friends in the IPA or at Sky News acted as they do today in Israel railing against the Netanyahu Government they just might be imprisoned under the new laws Netanyahu is about to pass along with the removal of Israel’s Supreme Court’s current Separation of Powers which holds the judiciary above the government of the day.

Source: Israel-Hamas conflict: Opposition wants Anthony Albanese to speak with Benjamin Netanyahu