Canberra public servant’s sacking over asylum seeker policy tweets found to be ‘unlawful’ – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Canberra public servant Michaela Banerji

A Canberra public servant sacked for expressing her views on asylum seeker policy, has won her case for compensation after the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia found she was unlawfully dismissed.

In September 2013, Michaela Banerji was fired from the Federal Department of Immigration after it was revealed she had been using the anonymous Twitter name @LaLegale to criticise the then-government, the minister and department policies — particularly over the handling of refugees.

In one tweet Ms Banerji wrote:

“Think of the deaths we are responsible for in Iraq! Think of the refugees we have created by our invasion of Iraq!”

via Canberra public servant’s sacking over asylum seeker policy tweets found to be ‘unlawful’ – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)