The War on Protest – ScheerPost

They are looking for a repeat Kent State to distract from Gaza. Waving the false flag of antisemitism. Antisemitism was specifically German, and this isn’t WW2 Zionists joined the Nazi government in WW2, and they wanted autocratic repression from the top down in America too.

The legal landscape has shifted considerably since Trump last occupied the White House: states have many more tools to go after protesters, and, as the Cop City arrests indicate, Republican officials are increasingly willing to deploy existing laws in new ways to conduct sweeping arrests of activists.

The day after I spoke to Tema Okun, who has been an activist with progressive Jewish organizations for 20 years, she emailed to say she felt she had understated the threat posed in this moment. She wanted to try again.

As more and more laws are proposed and passed to ​“criminaliz[e] dissent, and as we face a possible presidency by a man who admires Putin and expresses his penchant for dictatorship,” Okun writes, ​“we are skating closer and closer to authoritarianism.” Basic freedoms, once enshrined in the Constitution, are now at risk of being eliminated. ​“Congress shaves off more and more rights piecemeal until we find we are unable to speak aloud our criticisms of government policies and practices. We slowly become a police state.”

Political repression is on the rise as the state finds new ways to criminalize dissent and collective action.

Source: The War on Protest – ScheerPost

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