Tag: Sanctions Yes or No

Israel and Australian law on sanctions. Will we act? – Pearls and Irritations

The imposition of sanctions on Israel by the Australian government is a logical step now that Foreign Minister Penny Wong has finally bowed to the inevitable in calling Israel’s West Bank settlements ‘illegal’. As Wong told the federal party caucus yesterday, it was time to “strengthen the government’s objection to settlements by affirming that they are illegal under international law and a significant obstacle to peace”.

Given all this there cannot be a clearer case for the Albanese government to back up its commitment to finally recognising the illegality of the West Bank settlements by using its sanctions legislation against Israel. It cannot stand tall in remembering that this nation’s history in sanctioning one apartheid regime, South Africa, while sitting on its hands in relation to the latest manifestation of that odious practice in Israel.

If Senator Wong and her colleagues really do want to “strengthen the government’s objection to settlements”, to use her phrase, then sanctions are a must.

Source: Israel and Australian law on sanctions. Will we act? – Pearls and Irritations