Tag: Political Corporate Coalition Interference

ABC Integrity or Political Interference – » The Australian Independent Media Network

When asked the question, Malcolm Turnbull opposed a federal corruption watchdog. Out of the same mouth came opposition to the banking royal commission. The results speak for themselves and you would have to be a moron not to see what’s going on with the Liberal Party Corporate Coalition.

When you look at the Liberal party cutting $84 million dollars from the ABC’s budget, because they didn’t like balanced editorials, you start to become a bit suspicious about the ABC board of directors sacking managing director Michelle Guthrie. In particular, in the lead up to federal elections.

On the other side of the coin, Guthrie came under intense scrutiny, during her time as managing director, for not defending the ABC against attacks from the Coalition government and from News Corp. While the ABC has been used as a punching bag by the government, staff wanted someone who could stand up and defend the ABC’s reputation as Australia’s most trusted media source.

So, we have two conflicting arguments going on here, to keep us in a state of confusion. That’s generally a tactic used by the Liberal Party and their corporate and media cohorts.

via ABC Integrity or Political Interference – » The Australian Independent Media Network