Tag: LNP Attack Peoples Media

Royal outrage as conservative chorus rounds on ABC | The Weekly Beast | Media | The Guardian


Royal wedding merchandise on sale in Windsor. The ABC has come under fire from News Corp and Coalition MPs for sending a TV crew to London to cover the nuptials.

Wedding coverage and executive bonuses spark new round of Aunty bashing. Plus Daily Telegraph gets it monumentally wrong

News Corp columnists, including the Australian’s Gerard Henderson, the Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt and the Courier Mail’s Des Houghton, have all lined up to denounce the ABC in the past few days.

Here is a taste from the Australian’s Chris Kenny: “Since last week’s budget the ABC has taken a bit of a break from demonising Australians as deplorable xenophobes, Islamophobes, homophobes, misogynists and racists to focus on its own funding problems.”

via Royal outrage as conservative chorus rounds on ABC | The Weekly Beast | Media | The Guardian