Tag: Journalists Rebel

Journalists Rebel Over Gaza Coverage in Australia

A rash of Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) staff departures and the suppression of journalists critical of their organisations’ reporting on Gaza has been called a betrayal of the role of journalism in democracy.

Former Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) presenter Mary Kostakidis says the state-funded broadcaster and other news groups in Australia have refused to hold power to account by challenging official narratives by Israel and Western states supporting its attack on Gaza since Oct. 7.

Instead, the professional integrity of news staff battling to tell the truth is being challenged by their employers.

There is open and escalating conflict over reporting on what has been described by South Africa’s legal team at The Hague as genocidal acts by Israel, with one high-profile ABC employee fired in late December.

Strike action at the ABC over the sacking is now a possibility.

Source: Journalists Rebel Over Gaza Coverage in Australia