Tag: Israeli Allie’s Support of Israel

An International Law of Double Standards? – CounterPunch.org

Now, let us conclude with those five Western leaders mentioned above. They are all leaders of democracies, and all of those democracies have histories ladened with the dead. France has Algeria; Italy has Libya and Ethiopia; the United Kingdom has most of the world; Germany has all of Europe; and the United States has all of Central and South America plus a good chunk of Asia. In all of these places, these standard holders of Western civilization have waged wars big and small, and killed so many people that it is a wonder there is such a thing as overpopulation. Thus, when we hear that all of them have pledged to stand firmly by Israel (a proven apartheid state), let us not be surprised—they are only being consistent.

Source: An International Law of Double Standards? – CounterPunch.org