Violating Intimacies: Israeli Soldiers Flaunt Photos with Lingerie of Palestinian Women They’ve Killed or Displaced – ScheerPost

We only hear what Hamas did from Israelis but here we see what Israelis do not just hear the wild stories of propagandists

It was the tongue that stopped me cold. The tongue and the savage, shit-eating grin on the soldier’s face as he and his buddy mug for the camera. Look at us! Look what we found. It’s a bra, a woman’s bra, a Palestinian woman’s bra left in a home she was forced to flee. And now it’s ours, and we’re going to play with it because we can, and we’re going to take it on the street and pose with it and show the world who we are, frat boys pumped for genocide. 

There is another picture circulating. It shows an IDF soldier with a box of new white jeweled dress high heels, which he’s looted from a Palestinian woman. He’s going to bring them home and give them as a present to his woman instead. A souvenir from a genocide.

Source: Violating Intimacies: Israeli Soldiers Flaunt Photos with Lingerie of Palestinian Women They’ve Killed or Displaced – ScheerPost