Protecting our citizens from complicity in Israel’s war crimes – Pearls and Irritations

Military man posing in front of Israel flag

Israel’s claims to being a “civilised democracy” and having “the most moral army in the world” have come under severe scrutiny by the international community since its disproportionate and dysregulated reaction to the horrific events of 7 October 2023. Whilst the flaming flags of “civilisation versus barbarism” are still being waved in Israel’s favour by some corners of the Albanese government, opposition parties and the media, such advocacy cannot be allowed to undermine Australia’s rule of law responsibility to protect its citizens from complicity in war crimes by foreign military forces, but also to show that the law applies to all, and that it is not antisemitic to state that to be the case.

Source: Protecting our citizens from complicity in Israel’s war crimes – Pearls and Irritations

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