NSO Founder Shalev Hulio Gathers Old Team at Dream Security

Israel's NSO Group lifts veils on a system that commandeers and force-lands intruding drones, in Tel Aviv, Israel

Gaza isn’t just defense IT’S BUSINESS Just as Colonialism and Slavery were just business for the British

Spyware, Arms, and methods of control are investments on offer and all being tested, advertised, and available for sale at in REAL TIME EXHIBITION in Gaza

“We are here on the Gaza border,” said Hulio, the Israeli entrepreneur, on a little-noted YouTube video released by his new start-up, Dream Security. Hulio, a reservist who had been called up for duty, appeared in the video with a gun slung over his shoulder.

Source: NSO Founder Shalev Hulio Gathers Old Team at Dream Security