Futile and Dangerous: Bombing Yemen in the Name of Shipping – » The Australian Independent Media Network

American Media claims Australia was there to assist. Was that Murdoch?

Striking the Houthis would seem, on virtually all counts, to be a signal failure. Benjamin H. Friedman of Defense Priorities sees error piled upon error: “The strikes on the Houthis will not work. They are very unlikely to stop Houthi attacks on shipping. The strikes’ probable failure will invite escalation to more violent means that may also fail.” The result: policymakers will be left “looking feckless and thus tempted to up the ante to more pointless war to solve a problem better left to diplomatic means.” Best forget any assuring notions of taking the sting out of the expanding hostilities. All roads to a widening war continue to lead to Israel.

Source: Futile and Dangerous: Bombing Yemen in the Name of Shipping – » The Australian Independent Media Network